The Crownless King

Chapter 3 - New home and Life

Fuck I am a dumb-ass! What bullshit was I smoking when I carried out my plans, " the journey of Perseus D Dracarys had just begun.."..My ȧss!.

It's been two days since I burned down my home and began my so called new life and as of now I am homeless and currently residing junkyard which was near my home. *Sigh* I really didn't think anything through...I think I am going insane I mean I am talking to myself right now....right?

Damn! What a way to start a journey?


Our MC soon got out of his internal stupor and realized that whilst he was strong compared to most ȧduŀts thanks to his magic he was still weak compared to any normal wizard, let alone those at the apex of magic like Dumbledore and good old Voldy. So because of this he realized that he needed to learn to control his own magic abilities first and then learn properly about those taught at Hogwarts later, though one thing he was certain was that if he mastered at least one of his elements, even before he completely gain his complete Magical power he would be at the top of the magical world and with all the elements and his complete magical power, there was most likely none that could hope to hold even a candle to him.

Sadly that was still to far away for him and right now he was homeless, so because of this Percy began to search for Orphanages within and around London that didn't abuse children as not only would he have shelter, but it also wouldn't be weird when one of the professors from Hogwarts came to visit him.


And so Percy began secretly spying on all the orphanages in London, and finally after about a month he found an Orphanage managed by a sister near Yorkshire. He managed to convince the sister that he was abandoned and thanks to some emotional manipulation and the fact there was literally nothing about him available, as the police called in by the sister were unable to trace anyone related to Percy and so could do nothing other than allowing him to be taken into the Orphanage.


*MC P.O.V*

It's been a week since I've begun living in the orphanage and I gotta say, life's pretty good! Well anything compared to my past was heaven. The police and sister at the chruch did try to make me open up after they found out about my scars and the fact that there was nothing on me, but after playing the traumatized kid card they left me alone, and decided to allow me to stay here. But I gotta say, they old sister is truly a sweet heart, as because of my " Tormented " past she is really kind to me and has allowed me to have my own room to avoid confrontations and she also hides my past from the other kids to avoid any questions being asked.

Thankfully the kid's whilst curious at first soon began to leave me alone after I avoided them and so life's good. Though on a side note, I've also begun to wear a scarf that I bought with my money and I am planning on making it my thing, you know like Luffy and his hat. It's just a black scarf, its plain and simple, pretty nice.

And you know, after being properly washed up and finally being able to wear proper cloth's, I must say that I am a pretty cute kid who will definitely be a looker in the future, I mean I look dope, with my Dark green eyes that seem to gaze onto your soul and suck you in. And my hair long shoulder length, with it's un-natural dark almost blood red color will stand out anywhere, and I also soon realized that this will cause some trouble in my future espionage missions so i think i didn't think'd this through, hahahahaha *awkward silence*. I've also found out that my birthday is in July 05, 1980 same year as lil ol Harry.

Also since I have begun living in the orphanage I begun to train my magical reserves because if any wizard sees me and checks on me they are going to freak the f£$k out and probably preform experiments on me. Not a future I want *shudder*, I mean I am a god damn kid with the magical reserves of an ȧduŀt, this is essentially like a kid junjuriki in naruto.

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It's roughly been over 8 months and right now I am crying, I mean I just stubbed my small pinkie toe near the door frame and that hurts like a motherf&%ker, super-body or not. I think i chipped the door frame, the little shit deserved it though.

Anyway, right now I am able to completely hide most, if not all my magical power and making me seem to have a little more than the average wizard child. I can also hide my physical presence by seemingly merging my aura with the environment, essentially making people ignore me. I tested it out on a kid a few month's ago, I went near a kid and stood in front of him and he didn't even know I was there until I poked him with a pencil, he freaked the f£$k out, but it was funny.

It essentially work's like a not-notice me charm and I am pretty sure that even wizards would have a hard time noticing me. I call it...*drum roll* " THE SHROUD" . I am thinking of developing it further to make it a passive like ability as right now it does quite a bit of concentration and a large toll on my magical energy whenever I try to " Merge " with the environment.

I have also tried to preform some basic spell's that I remember seeing in the movies like "Wingardium Leviosa" on a piece of paper and other small objects, and it took me over 2 weeks to do that which is still impressive considering as it was wand less. I felt so powerful that I tried it on a large cupboard and it was pretty depressing to see it levitate a couple inches (2-3) before falling. Feeling pissed I tried to levitate it using just my magic, just pure magic to make it float. It really was amazing as it sounds, the cupboard did reach till the ceiling (give or take 3.7 m) and after a Minuit or so I lost consciousness.

When I woke up a day later, the orphanage matron was freaking out and boy was it funny. She saw the new kid unconscious along with a broken cupboard, think that scared the hell out of her. After making sure I was fine she got me a new cupboard, nice lady. It seems that I lost consciousness because of my reserves running out so I have also begun to try to use my magic more efficiently.

I have also tried the "Ascendio"(like a jumping spell: harry used it to jump out of the water in the 4th movie) and "Arresto Momentum" ( slowing momentum) in a lake near the orphanage to, and the reason I did it there was...

1) Hide the fact that I am doing magic and 2) to make sure I don't go splat.

The first time I did it, I flew up straight four meters and fell splat on the water. Needless to say that I didn't do jack shit the rest of the day, super strength did prevent any injuries but not the pain. It also made me remember to begin physical training so after borrowing some weights for some of the older kids I began to train, running and jogging. I swam just for fun, it took me about 6 months to master the spells and it sure is fun, felt like the hulk jumping.

I have also become a genius (not that I wasn't one, I mean I was a spelling bee champ) at the orphanage breezing through the grades and skipping till 6 th, (I so didn't want to learn circles and alphabets again). The teachers and the Sister thought I was a genius, I was even in the newspaper *suck it : }* and even got a scholarship to some high speck schools, but after skipping the grades I took along deserved break and stopped my education and had some lava chocolate cake and boy was it good, made me think of life and shit. I Think'll I'll just skip through the grades go to college and wait until the Hogwarts letter comes. I also found out that I heal faster and I have a stronger body than most children my age.

At the orphanage other than being a genius I am a polite, lonely but polite kid. I often spend time alone either practicing magic or jumping up and down using spells *what, don't judge me it's fun*. The orphanage matron allows me to do whatever I want due to my intelligence so it's all good. The police did visit a month or so to make sure I was sane and alright.

I have however come across a problem and tis is the greatest drug of all, tis the most important resource in society and tis is money. And i am broke as f$%k, I used up all the shit my so called parent's had, and now I need more. I am going to need it for my future endeavors and also to have a status in the magical community as something make's me think that they don't like muggle born wizards much *hint... hint*.

And right now the easiest way I can think of getting money is by stealing. I think I might steal from the local gangs after I master my elemental magic as other than making tiny tennis ball sized fire ball (the max I can make is 10 so...) I can't do anything else, though the flames produced are pretty hot, at well over a 120 degree's, but I need to train more.

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...its tiring to reach overpowered .*YAWN*, I think I'll go to sleep and think on what to do later.



Hope you like it....judge after first 5 chps..patience!


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