The cruel beauty of the attacking giant

Assassination by mistake (part 2)

You can search for "The Cruel Good Search Novels of Attacking Giants (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!I don't remember how I returned to the Investigation Corps afterwards, and I was still wounded. Petra said that when Lewell hugged me, who was already bloody, they thought I was dead.

"Wings." Adelina said, "It is the wings that tear your skin apart, and the wound will open more and more with the swing of your wings."

"Well, I know." Back to her with a pale smile, I stood on the balcony and stared at the lazily floating clouds. The wound on my back had healed, and there were no scars left, just like before, even the heart I was pierced and it was only bleeding, but it wouldn't hurt even if it hurts. This is forcing me to forget the pain, so I can only look forward...

"Adelina..." I turned my head and looked at the increasingly delicate profile next to me, "Am I already... Can't go back?"

Adelina was stunned for a moment, and then smiled. The smile was beautiful, but it made me shudder, "You can't go back since you learned how to fight."

"Haha... Hmm." I nodded, but I couldn't go back...It should be earlier, I can't go back from the moment I penetrated Scar's neck through the gap of the broken wine bottle and pierced his artery.The Ye Lingyin that used to be so innocent and even silly was already gone at the moment of the crash. What remained in this world was Ye Lingyin, the lord of all demons, a Ye Lingyin that could kill people casually.

"Don't think about it, fool." Adelina patted me on the head. "The 104th recruits will come to investigate the Corps next week. You are the chief instructor, but you have to be prepared."

"Yeah." I nodded and gave a slight smile, "Don't worry." The corners of my mouth raised slightly, and I suddenly thought of that pure and flawless face, "Sistria..." You too. come yet...My silly girl...

"Button button..."

"Please come in." I turned around, and the door was opened. It was a member of the Special Operations Squad, as well as Lewell.

"Yo!" Adelina smiled, and she gave me a little push, "It's fun, I have to leave beforehand."

"Eh wait..." Adelina rushed out before I could hold her...To be precise, it was teleported to the outside of the room.

"The injury is good!" Petra ran to me and gave me a big hug, "Scared me to death, ring tone, I won't be allowed to do that in the future, have you heard?!"

"Fine..." I smiled, and reached out to hug the thin body in front of my chest, I suddenly found a thick bandage behind her.

"Are you injured?" I was taken aback, the bandage was very thick, it was definitely not a minor injury."what happened?"


"When Petra was hit by you, his back hit the wall, and it hit very hard." Lewell replied, interrupting Petra's attempt to cover up.I was stunned, how come...Did I hurt the people around me again....126 Chinese Network

"Ah! That! It's okay, look!" Seeing my face sinking, Petra jumped nervously on the spot a few times, "I'm fine, it's fine already! Look!"

"It's okay..." I stared at her warm golden eyes faintly, then looked away as if afraid of something, "That... just fine." I don't know how to describe my mood now. , Self-blame, worry, regret...But more is the inexplicable fear.I can’t face this beautiful and pure face in front of me. Her bright, kind, and innocent face contrasts sharply with my gloom, viciousness, and the city’s journey. I am afraid that in the entire investigation corps, she is the only person who has not changed her nature in the blood baptism. .As for me, this whole body was soaked in blood that I knocked her down with the wings of sin, almost destroying the only angel here.

"You go out first, Petra." Lewell's words dragged me back to the real world. Petra smiled and patted me on the shoulder, and then walked out, leaving only me and Lewell in the huge office. , I lowered my head, "What's the matter?"

"What do you mean?" Lewell suddenly pushed me down. I exclaimed and fell on my back. The back of my head was knocked heavily on the desk. The sudden pain made my head buzz, and it went blank in an instant.

"Does it hurt?" Lewell's voice remembered in his ears, so cold without a trace of emotion, I gritted my teeth and pushed him away, "What are you doing!"

"Why hurt Petra?" Lewell's sharp gaze almost passed through me. His question hit my sore spot. I took a deep breath and stabilized my emotions. I couldn't even think of it, so cold. Tone replied: "I can't control myself."

"Heh." Lewell sneered and pressed me to the table with one hand, completely dissatisfied with the answer I gave him.

"There is another soul in my body." I continued, "All the power is controlled by him, so when my mind is strong enough, he will resonate with my mind, forcing the power of God to release, but I If my belief is too strong, or if I encounter something that can stimulate my heart, the power of God will be unrestrictedly magnified, and magnified beyond my control, it will produce the same effect as before.”

"Can't resolve it in the body?"

"Yeah." I nodded and looked at Levi's squinted eyes. His face was getting closer, and the exhaled heat sprayed into my face, making my heart palpitations, and the warmth from my lips, I knew him Kissing me.With the tip of my tongue gently prying open my tight teeth, I felt a round object being sent into my mouth.

"Woo!" I was startled, and even swallowed in a panic. I pushed Lewell away, "What is it?"

"It can be a deterrent to your strength." Lewell looked at me calmly, "Orange gave it to me."

"..." I was taken aback, and Adelina still has this kind of thing?But the smell of blood that followed caused my pupils to shrink suddenly, this...It's made of blood!

"That kid's blood, yes. She said what kind of god she is, the opposite attribute to you, so her blood can contain you." Lewell saw my consternation, and his forehead touched my forehead. , "Don't be afraid."

"Why am I afraid..." I smiled, and my lips were bright red, "I like the way I am now. I don't need to be protected by you anymore, right?"

"Heh..." Lewell's mouth curled up slightly, revealing an expression that looked like a smile, and his side face under the moonlight was so beautiful that one wanted to cry...

"Stupid kid, let me say something..."

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