The cruel beauty of the attacking giant

You can forget everything when you are drunk

You can search for "The Cruel Good Search Novels of Attacking Giants (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!While the killing of Tong'en caused a lot of trouble in the Mainland, our investigation corps was busy again for one thing.The soldiers selected by the 104th recruits into the investigation corps formally entered the investigation corps. As the deputy instructor, Lewell cooperated with me in training them, and I needed to conduct corresponding cruel training under the guidance of Irwin and Han Ji.

"Is it only for two months..." I pursed my lips, and said, "The time is too short, I disagree."

Everyone looked at me with some surprise, and I raised my head and interrupted the meeting directly, "No, in this case, the time is too short, absolutely not."

"Oh?" Irvine put his hands on his chin, showing a smile but a smile, "Then how long do you think it will take?"

"At least half a year." I didn't hesitate, "I don't want their children to die, after all, they are still too young. Besides..." I faintly smiled, "Isn't it possible to come to us with a bad degree?" , Ten Blades all go to the gendarmerie, who will come to our poor place?I laughed mockingly and stopped talking.His eyes stayed on Levi's expressionless face, his narrow eyes raised lazily, gave me a casual look, and then lowered his head again.I sighed softly and turned my eyes to the silent Irwin, "Can you?"

"Yes." Irwin's eyes were a little deep, "but you must show me the results that half a year should have."

"...Yes." I was silent for a moment and nodded, as I accepted the task of licking blood.Who told me to be an instructor? The task of an instructor is to torture the recruits, besides torturing myself.Swearing fuck in my heart, I got up: "I have something to do, let's go first."

Kicked the door open and I went out and ran into Adelina head-on. "Yo!" I smiled and whistled, "You didn't go to the meeting either."

"Do you think I look like that kind of obedient person?" Adelina also smiled, and she patted me on the shoulder, "Go out for a drink? I haven't talked for a long time, have you?"

"Yeah!" I happily held her, "Go!" 400 Novels

We changed into plain clothes and we both sneaked out of the headquarters without knowing it. We took a shortcut and sneaked into the tavern on the underground street. I ordered two cocktails, Adelina took it, and the mouth of the cup faced me, "To you, my good friend."

"Well, thank you." The cups touched, and the crisp sound of the collision was particularly pleasant. I took a sip of this slightly bitter liquid. I haven't tasted the taste for a long time. Now I taste it, or it is tasteless. Soup, or thick blood, will bring me great pain every time.Suddenly the thought of drunk Fang Xiu occurred. I raised the glass and drank it. Adelina looked at me in surprise, "Ringtone..."

"Look, I almost forgot who I am." Putting down the cup without seriousness, I wiped the dampness from the corners of my eyes, "I almost forgot who I am, yes, Ye Lingyin is my name. , I almost forgot, do you think I'm stupid, Adelina?"

"You... Are you okay..." Adelina couldn't respond to my question for a while, and I deepened my smile. "If you get drunk, you can't leave, how about you?"

"You...Okay!" Seeing that I started to get drunk, who had never drunk, Adelina suddenly smiled, "Okay, we won't be drunk tonight or return!" Now I don't want to worry about the 104 recruits. I don't want to care about the chief instructor, the giants, the investigation outside the wall, and the heart for mankind, all go away!I only know that now, I am facing my best and best friend, facing my favorite alcoholic beverage, I only know that now I just want to indulge fiercely.This world will bring us endless pressure, but at the same time, it will also let us know that freedom is valuable.

"For freedom, cheers!" I raised the glass, and my cheeks started to burn with the faint drunkenness, and Adelina's face was already flushed.

"Okay! Cheers!"

"Dare to come again?"

"Speak as if I would be scared!"


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