The cruel beauty of the attacking giant

The fiasco of 57 extra-mural investigations

You can search for "The Cruel Good Search Novels of Attacking Giants (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!I don’t know how long it took. When I woke up, I found Petra and I lying side by side on the fast-moving wooden cart. Petra was still in a coma, and his white face was covered with blood and mud. It's scary.I moved my arm hard, and the piercing pain made me give up the idea of ​​getting up and joining the battle.

"Don't move." Lewell turned his head and looked at me. "Do you want more blood in your chest? You have two broken ribs." His eyes were worried about me. Still full of gloom and anger.

I opened my mouth and just wanted to say something, but the tears have already caught people's eyes, "I'm sorry, I killed Adelina, and I didn't protect everyone..." The choke drove the ups and downs of the chest cavity, but the pain compared with the bursts of tearing The pain in my heart is already just drizzle.Why, why, why have I been in this world for so long, I have strength, status, and even the power of a god, but I can’t do anything. The only thing I can do is to look at others for freedom, for the Corps, for humanity, Even to kill myself, however, I can only watch and can't do anything.So, what is the point of me coming into this world?Now, even Adelina died for herself, so, am I the one who kept letting others die for me and lived to the end like a stupid protagonist?

"Don't cry anymore." Lewell's voice came, his eyes glowing nervously, "A giant is coming behind, don't let me be distracted."

giant...I didn't look up, just listened to the sounds they made, that kind of shocking, weird, and even funny sounds."We can't run fast enough because there are strange species behind." I said softly, besides Petra, there are piles of corpses beside me, covered in bloody shrouds, although I can't see their faces But it is not difficult to imagine how shocking the Shroud is.

"So what." Lewell's voice was already covered with frost, he drew a knife, "Throw away the body!"


I stared in surprise and threw it away...Dead body...?The one who would snatch me out of the giant's mouth, the one who would tear off the wings of freedom from the chests of all the dead soldiers, and save them, this man of love and righteousness would throw away the dead soldiers' bodies in his class?Or is it that the current situation has forced him to do what he least wants to do?

"Captain! How can you..." the young soldier shouted in surprise, "Captain, you can't..."

"The giant is chasing closer and closer," Lewell's voice was calm, "this is an order, if I don't execute it, I will throw you down to feed the giant."

The soldier almost cried, but he still gritted his teeth and threw away some corpses. I turned my head and didn't want to see the corpses flying out, because what I didn't want to see was what I could once see, the kind of crying in the soul.

"Quick, run!" The soldier lashed the horses frantically. He didn't want to throw away any more corpses. However, the speed of Qixing was so fast that even if the corpses were thrown away, it would not help.With Lewell's order, the corpses kept being thrown out, until the last few corpses, the corpses of our Lewellbank, were also thrown down.At the moment it was thrown out, a shroud of a corpse spread out. It was Elder. Under the cover of the setting sun, his bloody face drew a sorrowful arc, and then fell to the ground, annihilated at the feet of the giant. .Tears filled my eyes, but I still saw the sorrow that seemed to flow out of Levi's eyes, that kind of heart-wrenching loneliness...

I once again experienced that kind of momentary, eternal loneliness...

Back in the wall after nine deaths, I lay on my back on the wooden cart, listening to people's condemnation.An old woman was crying with her son’s stump. I closed my eyes. I couldn't face people's condemnation. I couldn't face those angry faces. I couldn't face many, because we are losers...

"Ah, Captain Lewell!" Nine Tao Novels

I opened my eyes and saw a middle-aged man with a big smile holding a letter."I am Petra's father. This child writes to me every day and tells me that she is going to follow you forever. Look at this child, he wants to fall in love before he grows up. Should parents be... ."

I reached out and grabbed the cloth next to me, and put my hand on Petra. I didn't want his father to see her now.

"Petra, I want to see her."

"she was..."

"I told her to go back first." I interrupted Lewell. "She sprained her left hand."

"That's it... isn't it serious?" Petra's father was obviously worried, "What happens to my daughter..."

"Will not."

"This is this..." Petra's father smiled stiffly. "Let her write back to me."

"it is good."

"Black are Ye Lingyin instructor, right?" Petra's father said suddenly, and I opened my eyes, "Well, you know me?"

"Petra often mentions you in letters." Petra's father smiled kindly, "Recover well."

"Yeah." All the answers are expressed in the most indifferent way, I just want to let him go quickly, he can't see Petra's flesh and blood.

"Hahaha..." I smiled on my back, don't worry, I will let Petra be well.

I cannot lose any more...

I won't let myself lose any more...

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