The cruel beauty of the attacking giant

The last tenderness•eternal loss

You can search for "The Cruel Good Search Novels of Attacking Giants (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Ring tone, ring tone..."

Uli's tone to me was like a gladiator to the loser at his feet, full of contempt, because I was crying in tears before him, like a stray dog.

"Don't cry in front of me like a madman, I don't know Ye Lingyin who can cry."

I gritted my teeth and stared fiercely at Uli, who was holding his arm on the ground, until Uli looked uncomfortable. He pulled me up from the ground and said, "Okay, it's OK to bully me. Isn’t it a girl? You cry again, and if you cry again, I’ll explode. Believe it or not, I, I, I are very powerful, and I’ll ignite..."

"Puff..." The stupid comfort and intimidation of a certain mentally retarded success made me laugh.What about the elders of the royal family who were so cold that I was scared before?

"Don't blame yourself for some things. It's not your fault." Uli patted my head. "Always remember, you are not a god, you can't save everything, don't always put yourself so much pressure."

"But, but Adelina..." I can't deny that I killed Adelina."I don't want someone to be killed by me all the time in the future, but it's so important..."

Uli’s brows tightened. I lowered my head and did not dare to look at him. I don’t know why. After Adelina eliminated my god’s power, all of my abilities became weaker. I became much weaker, even myself. I can't believe that such a fragile scum is the one who used to dominate the situation.

"I'm not used to it." Uli was still able to read my heart as always. The power of God was fully utilized in him, and the faint coercion and aura haunted the entire consciousness space, making me obey him. will.

"Don’t always blame yourself for some things. Many unknown factors are calculated into our lives and deaths, but I think you who have always attached great importance to planning seem to have not considered them. Think about it yourself, the appearance of that monkey Did you think about it? I don’t think mortals would think about it because there is no such thing at all at your cognitive level, and Adelina’s death is not within your scope of thinking, so..."

"You are too logical." I shook my head, "This world needs logic, but it needs a feeling, a feeling without logic."

"What is it?"

"Love." I gave a small smile, "I'm going back."

"When did the silly girl learn to say love?" Uli smiled. "When you grow up or pretend to be mature?"

"Of course I grew up!" I replied: "I'm not young and 22 years old!"

"I've lived for hundreds of years, this girl..."

In reality, I slowly opened my eyes and found that my arms had been wrapped up so that I couldn't move them, and all the scars on my body were covered by gauze.I tried to lift my chin, and saw Levier resting on the bedside and dozing off.

"Fuck, can't reach..." Haoyi novel

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't lift my hand up. I had to swear and give up obediently. I was so useless that I didn't even have the ability to cover my boyfriend. I felt frustrated...

"Lewell? Lewell?" I shook Liwell's arm out of helplessness. He immediately woke up and grabbed my hand, feeling like grabbing a life-saving straw.

"I'm okay..." A smile seemed to be indifferent, even though I felt like I was stirring my lungs with a dagger every time I breathed.

"Sure enough, I'm a kid, I can really sleep." Leewell let go of me, his haggard face showed a touch of disdain, "Can you wake up and talk to me now?"


"Nah, kid..." Levere stopped talking. I looked at him and watched him speak after a little entanglement: "Thank you for saving Petra." His eyes were very hesitant, flashing that he didn't belong. The streamer of his temperament.

"But?" It means that even if I lose the power of God, I can still understand his eyes.Rather than knowing the expression in his eyes, it is better to say that his rare hesitation has exposed everything.

"Petra can't fight anymore. Her injuries have destroyed her most basic physical function." Leewell paused, and a wry smile suddenly appeared on his stiff face. "The special combat squad is still gone. ..."

I was silent, but there was a dull pain in my heart. I obviously rushed to save her regardless of life and death. In the end, it was equivalent to a less painful loss. Moreover, I suddenly discovered, and only now, I discovered that those partners who were born and died, Fa Ran, Isabel, Catherine, Byron, Hank, Alex, Adelina, Elder, Oluo, Genta, and Petra, all left one by one, none left Now, it's just me and Levi...

"Will I live to the end?" Looking at the ceiling, looking at my blood-stained shoulder, I unconsciously moved the corner of my mouth to draw the coldest smile, "Will I live to the end?"

"What stupid thing are you talking about, is your brain broken?!" Levi's tone fell sharply, "You can't die before I allow it."

"Hehe, Levi, I'm so tired..."

"Why do you want to treat me like this, let me rebirth in this world without knowing it, let me suddenly lose everything after getting everything, and then leave me alone, slowly looking back at the past but never going back?"

"I'm homesick, I'm so tired, what should I do if I want to go back..."

While talking nonsense, I closed my eyes, and my consciousness was like a whirlpool. I was a leaf in the whirlpool, spinning around, and finally sinking into the bottomless lake.So, will my life be like this?When I came here, I was 15 years old, and now I am 23 years old, and it will be my 24th birthday soon. I will stay here for nine years. For the sake of killing countless enemies, I will stay with Levi. Look at me, okay, I only have him, and there will be no others without others.

"Sleep well." Lewell stretched out his hand to cover my eyes and kissed my forehead lightly. "Stop thinking about it, I will always be there."

"Yeah." I took a deep breath, and I smiled lightly. Then, will the last warmth let me hold on tightly?

I really hope that the answer is "Yes"...

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