You can search for "The Cruel Good Search Novels of Attacking Giants (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Boy, what is your belief?"

"Believe, why ask this."

"Tsk, just answer."

"Is it my belief? It's a person's name."

"first name?"

"Well, his name is all my life."

So do you think I will hurt you, Levi?The belt of the three-dimensional maneuvering has worn my legs, and I discarded the bladed knife. I pulled out the shotgun bullet and loaded it, and pulled the trigger forcefully with my fingers. The two men in black fell in response. I took a deep breath and Mikasa looked back. At me, I threw the shotgun to her, "Take it, there are eight last bullets in it, you can only use it in critical moments."

"What about you?" Mikasa was holding a gun, with a rare bewilderment in her eyes.

"I'm going to Levell." I turned my head. "You go to other people and protect Herista."

"Yes, be careful yourself!"

Watching Mikasa leave, I changed the blade, the feeling of depression spread in my heart, and the vines were all over my body making it hard to breathe.I knocked on the gas pipe, and there was still 80% gas, which was enough.I tied my loose hair and kicked off the ground. I didn't worry about wasting gas and opened the valve to the maximum. I remember Levi's direction and I knew where he would go.Everything in front of me trembled suddenly. Although it was only a momentary blur, my nerves were suddenly tense. What a joke, I bit my lip and stimulated myself with pain. It couldn't be wrong, this feeling...

The brain seemed to be kicked and torn by something, although it was not painful, but that throbbing made me almost crazy.

"Uli--" I screamed hysterically, "Are you crazy!"

This feeling is that he is breaking free from Adelin's restraints, I can feel it...Ai Wei Novel

"Bang!" My pupils shrank, and the sound of gunshots and misty echoes awakened my consciousness like soul-stimulating songs. I drew out the blade and fired the rope. Everything in front of me no longer shook violently. I silently speeded up. Ye Lingyin persisted...

Lewell hold on!

With the perception of sound just now, I chased all the way to a small tavern.The location of the tavern is really not a coincidence. Before I could withdraw the wire rope, I was spotted by the man in black at the door. He raised his gun and shot me again and again. The bullet inevitably scratched my cheek and shoulder. I gritted my teeth and turned somersault. Avoiding other bullets, launching a steel cable to pull the distance to the maximum. Exhausting all the strength and throwing out the blade of his right hand, the blade was inserted into his chest, blood poured out, the gunshot stopped abruptly, I glanced at the black clothes The human body and the broken glass behind him, I can't forcibly break in. The ghost knows what's going on inside, and any small mistake in front of Kenny is death.

I fired a steel cable and nailed it to the corpse. I slammed the corpse. The corpse was thrown into the bar. I quickly rushed in. Before Kenny’s gun had time to change the bullet, I flew the gun in his left hand with a knife. Put the knife in front of his neck as quickly as possible, "Kenny."

"Very good." Keni didn't smile for the first time. I didn't dare to look away from the back of the bar and the frightened Liushen Wuzhu boss standing still. My tremor couldn't be more obvious at this moment. Keni's eyes fell on me. On her face, I clearly felt a drop of cold sweat falling down her cheek.

Between the sparks and the flint, I haven't seen the movement of the person in front of me clearly. My left wrist has been pinched and twisted severely. The severe pain broke through my reason. I screamed and Keni covered my mouth and opened it to the floor. One shot.

Old and cunning...

Keni restrained me very hard, but unexpectedly he didn’t grab my dislocated left hand. Was he afraid that I would shout? I couldn’t scream anymore. There was no sound behind the bar. Keni threw me away a little angrily. Will, are you not afraid of her being killed by me?"

"Why should you be afraid." The voice was expected to be flat.Kenny raised his gun and walked towards Lewell step by step, "I think you are a coward, you coward, come out, come out!"

I slowly stood up, squeezed my left wrist and pushed back. The severe pain did not make my expression waver. I stepped backwards step by step, retreating to the door of the bar. I can only see Li from my perspective. Will turned the bottle and slowly raised the gun.The muzzle suddenly appeared above the bar. Two bullets hit Kenny accurately. He stepped back a few steps and cursed fiercely. It seemed that he didn't hurt him. Lewell jumped out from behind the bar like lightning. I ran away from the window. I didn’t hesitate. I slammed the door and fired the cable to the tree. The gas drove to the maximum and caught up with Liwell. Liwell turned my head and looked at me. I shook my head: "He won’t Chasing."

"You're hurt." The knuckled fingers crossed my cheek, and I smiled lightly. "You too, go back and bandage it. Don't do it."


I turned my head and looked at the front intently. I don't know how Mikasa and the others are doing. I really want to end this dispute soon but I dare not end it. The end means the death of one party, and I don't want anyone to die.

However, I must let the other person die, no matter what.

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