You can search for "The Cruel Good Search Novels of Attacking Giants (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The forest at night is extraordinarily gloomy, and even a successful meeting did not make me, the hapless night watchman, much happy. Those strange ancients who were so stupid that I had forgotten their names on the ridicule of the language books, now, Under this situation, I can understand them.

"It's cold..." I rubbed my bare arms. I really felt that my head broke when I was escaping. Kenny clearly left a set of clothes but I didn't change it. Now I have a short skirt and short sleeves. I feel that the whole person is not very good, and I suddenly miss the past, the power of the giant burned, I will not be frozen to death.The black canopy trembles gently, the sleeping birds sometimes babble in dreams, and occasionally there is the sound of branches breaking and falling. These noises are enough to make my hair stand up all over—probably at this time I am just like those ancient people. , Very ridiculous, but also very sad.

"Ring tone!"

I lowered my head and saw Petra's flowing orange faintly. She climbed the tree lightly, not like a girl at all, "I'll be with you!"

"Why don't you go to sleep..." I arched towards Petra to get some warmth, "I'm fine."

"It's so cold," Petra took off his jacket and handed it to me. "Are you sure you are all right?"

"..." Silently put on my jacket, I bit my lip, "Well, I'm almost freezing to death."

"Don't be foolish." Petra drew a long knife and smiled at me. "Go and rest for a while. I'll be fine for the rest of the time."

I looked at Petra’s warm smiling face, and finally jumped out of the tree and ran to the bonfire to warm up my numb hands and feet. I really almost froze to death...The bonfire pierced and pierced, and the flying ashes reflected on my cheeks. Suddenly I saw a person sitting across the bonfire. I had already reflexively jumped up, but found that that person was myself.The messy long hair of the red dress and dirty cheeks, the flames of fire reflected in the big black pupils, like two pools of deep water.

"Tsk..." I shook my head, and it felt like this again, like something stabs me deep in my heart, bringing that kind of throbbing in my soul.The bonfire in front of me seemed to be burning in my brain, as the blood vessels flowed through my body, the ashes stomped inside, urging something to gush out of my body, and the soul hit the prison, trying to break the seal of my reason, I just closed Upper eyes, the fire burned my nerves and challenged my limit. I bit my lips tightly until the smell filled my mouth. When I opened my eyes again, the opposite side of the bonfire had already stood up, and the red pupils of unknown meaning locked. With a shuddering smile on my face, the tip of my tongue licked my bloody lips, and the rose-like blood stains made her look breathtakingly beautiful.

"Do you know that your blood is sweet?" She spoke softly, her voice in a ghostly misty voice, "Really, it's sweet..." The pale and colorless tongue licked her lips, the voice just fell. Suddenly, the phantom disappeared without a trace, and I was the only one standing on the spot, posing defensively against the extinguished campfire.

I will...Is it like that?..Good-looking novel

Rubbing my eyes vigorously, I closed my brows, and the human figure that was distorted in the underground street reappeared. I shook my head vigorously, rekindled the bonfire, curled up and lay down beside the bonfire, and the other friends lay next to each other. On the other side, the soft snoring sound made the forest more quiet. I closed my eyes, and even if it was about to dawn, I had to take time to rest for a while, otherwise the battle tomorrow might be distracted.

Yes, it's almost dawn.


I opened my eyes violently, and all of a sudden disappeared. Everyone was awakened. I immediately jumped up and looked at the place where the explosion was coming from. The steam was blasting into the sky, and my pupils slowly shrank...

Qi Xingzhong stood up slowly, his huge body was shocking against the setting sun, and the scream finally broke through his throat.

"Why are there giants!"

"Ready to fight!" Lewell cursed fiercely, and took the lead in launching a three-dimensional maneuver and rushed out. Alan and Mikasa followed closely. I hesitated and looked back at Sasha, Connie and Khrista. Khrista, don’t go, Conisasa, protect her."

"But sister, I..." Obviously Khrista didn't like my arrangement.

"This is not the time to be willful," I smiled helplessly, "You are too important, respectable, Your Majesty Queen." Without hesitation, I fired the wire rope, Petra just followed, and I gritted my teeth and rushed towards the strange species. , But the doubts in my heart are getting heavier and heavier, "How is it possible, where is the strange species..."

Kenny...Tension prompted me to hold the blade tightly--

——What did you do?!

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