You can search for "The Cruel Good Search Novels of Attacking Giants (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The strange species is surprisingly large, its huge body swaying wantonly, thin and short like the legs of a spider, I circled it in a large circle, its pupils diminished, and its movements were very coordinated and coordinated to an abnormality.I hesitated for a moment, then drew out the double knives and smashed them hard--

-- Ding!

The long and crisp metal crash broke the morning fog. The giant suddenly turned to shoot me, my eyes slammed the knife darkly, and the sharp blade stabbed the irregular Tongling big eyes. After turning over and pulling the distance away I flew to the highest point I could reach. The steaming steam made my whole body feel unbearable. I squinted my eyes and stared at the trajectory of other people's flight. Up and down, the giant screamed and jumped, but gave me a chance to strike.I saw the opportunity, the blade turned, but in the next second, my arm was cut by something hot, accompanied by a loud bang, the pain made my brain go blank for a short time, and when I recovered, one was enough The hand that squeezed me to death had already been waved to my eyes, reflexively raised the knives and crossed them in front of each other, but was pushed away.

"Are you stupid!"

"Ah!" The strong momentum made me fly out for a long distance and hit the tree. My vision was blurred. I lifted my head vigorously and saw Liwell in the giant's mouth, "Liwell!"

Lewell yelled fiercely, flipped his wrist, and the blade accurately cut the ligament at the corner of the giant's mouth. He managed to escape and staggered to my side, with long and narrow scars on his legs, "All right?"

I shook my head, pulled Livell under the tree, turned my head, and, as expected, saw Keni's smiling eyes and smoking shotgun.

"Asshole..." The previous life-saving grace disappeared, and the strong killing intent was surging in my heart. I raised the blade towards him, and the golden lightning surrounded the silver blade, as if time was still, and even myself was shocked. Jump, the lightning disappeared quickly, I was taken aback, Keni seemed to say something, he quickly retreated and disappeared under the horizon, I dropped my hand in a daze, the lightning just now...It's definitely not an illusion.

"Lingyin, help me up." Lewell woke me up behind him, and I turned my head, "No, you should sit down, the wound on your leg is too big."

"That's a lot of nonsense, I'm not dead yet, I can fight before I die!" Lewell's voice lowered, and I frowned, "Without discussing, you can't stand up and fight by yourself now? It's only a drag !"

Giants are human beings who have become big and powerful. I look at Liwillban who is still struggling, and my heart sinks. The lightning just now is the power of giants, and it can’t be wrong, but this power is not Has it been sealed by the life of the beloved Linna, why does it still appear?But now...

I took a deep breath, squeezed the blade again and pointed at the giant's head. My thoughts focused on the tip of the blade. The golden lightning burst from my fingertips, like a red soldering iron. I screamed out of control. The lightning disappeared. Will looked up, and I saw incredible words written in those sharp eyes.

"I might, I will go back to the past." I smiled bitterly, jumped up randomly, turned in an unimaginable arc in the air, cut off the giant's attempt to grab Ermin's hand, and the inexplicable feeling in my heart was like magma. The same, seems to erupt at any time, I bit my lip to fight, and finally, the back of the giant's neck flew out under the last blow of Mikasa's last madness. The mountain-like body collapsed, and the steaming steam made us unable to approach. After passing the steam, I saw Lewell standing with the trunk of the tree. After falling, I carefully supported him. Lewell looked at the corpse on the ground, "It's a human, right." The cold statement made my heart cold," Back of the neck." Written by

"Yeah." I nodded. "It's an injection, Keni has an injection." He also has a shotgun, and the wound on his arm is bloody and slimy. Everyone gathered around. Khrista saw one of mine. I cried in an instant, I smiled and shook my head, "Did you see the person in the back of the neck clearly?"

"It's burned." Elmin said, and he handed me a shiny object. "Only this one can see clearly."

"Herista, what is this?" I didn't reach out to pick it up. Khrista lowered his head, and there was anxiety in his blue eyes. "This is an exclusive badge for the royal family's immediate family members."

"That's the case again." Allen, who had been silent, suddenly cursed, "Why the giant has not disappeared, and still harm humans here, why..." The fist that was often bitten trembling slightly, "Why? I can't become a giant..."

"Allen." Mikasa's hand was placed on Allen's shoulder, Allen lowered his head, there seemed to be something burning in his eyes, "I want to drive the giant out, and get out of human territory forever!" The voice just fell. A line of nosebleeds came out.

"Allen!" I was taken aback, and Mikasa hugged Allen first, "Are you okay? Is it hurt or hurt?"

"I... Nothing..." Allen himself was stunned.

"That guy Han Ji, I've been looking for you to do experiments." Lewell handed him a handkerchief. In the distance, the city gate was sealed by dense bars. I smiled bitterly. I didn't bother to count how many times I saw Alan. Turned into a giant, and in that place, he slammed his head against a crossbar thicker than a telephone pole.

"So, where's Keni?" Khrista said suddenly, and I turned my head. "Run, after he hit me with a gun." The wound on his arm was painful, and he looked down at the blood that was about to dry, and his mind circled. With the misty and weird "Your blood is sweet", Khrista looked at me worriedly, and I shook my head, "It's just a bruise. Now, let's go back."

"it is good."

"Can you still fly?" I looked back at Levi, the unconcealable worry made me take a deep breath to prevent my tears from streaming down, Levi stood up slowly, and stretched out my hand to gently stroke my cheek ,"of course."

"Then, let's go." I launched a three-dimensional maneuver, and Lewell followed closely, everyone lined up neatly, I flashed to the end of Lewell, his wound was bleeding, he probably didn't know How much I wish I could bear this pain on his behalf.

Because he is my belief in eternal life.

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