You can search for "The Cruel Good Search Novels of Attacking Giants (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!After the first battle in the capital, I rested for a whole week before coming over.The dyed black hair started to become mottled because of the high temperature and rapidly growing white hair. I simply cut the long hair that was almost waist-length back to shoulder-length short hair.I casually scratched and returned to the snow-white short hair, I sighed silently in my heart, and then took the time to freshen up and change clothes.Today is the coronation ceremony of Historia, and I must not be too late.

However, even if I almost rushed over, I missed the official coronation. After entering the palace, I directly met Mikasa and the others.They seemed to be persuading him to change back to his normal server, and I hurried to catch up, "Sorry, I'm late."

"Sister!" Heistria didn't mean to blame me at all. She smiled and grabbed my hand. "It's fine if you are here."

"What are you talking about?" I looked at the agitated crowd in confusion, letting excitement speak, "Today's Histria is going to have her first mission as a queen. Just look at the instructor. Go ahead!"

"Oh?" Before I could react, they stopped abruptly. Under the light of the setting sun, Lewell was leaning against the glass. When he saw us, he got up and walked over, as if he was about to say something, Histley Ya Chi suddenly reacted very much. She bit her lip and frowned, and suddenly rushed up with a dash and punched Lewell in the chest.Damn it.I opened my mouth wide, and Mikasa and the others immediately screamed.Histria didn't care, she rarely showed an arrogant expression: "Hahahahaha! How is it, I am the Queen! If you have any complaints..."


Lewell, smiled?Laughed?Has this Wannian Bingberg smiled?I just feel that my brain has crashed, and even the arrogance of Histria just now was wiped out in an instant. She tremblingly looked at the gentle man in front of her, "Huh?"

"You guys, thank you." Lewell was like a silhouette, and the orange afterglow outside the French window had gilded him. He looked at Sistriya's still horrified face, "What's wrong?"

"No, no..." The little queen dropped her helmet and armor and hid behind me. Levi's eyes fell on me, and I gave him a smile, "Your expression is too rare. Up."

Lewell did not speak. He turned and walked forward. The children followed after whispering. I speeded up and walked to his side. "Actually, you don't have to say thank you. We can still rely on it today. Your strength and vision." Lewell lowered his head, his blue eyes narrowed slightly, he suddenly hugged me, and the children behind him exclaimed with pink bubbles.I was stunned, "What are you doing?"

"It's nothing." Lewell's hand was on my shoulder, and the corner of his mouth was still curved upwards in a pleasant way. I looked a little stunned.The last time I saw this expression on him was when Fran and the others came to the ground for the first time."You are still a very gentle person." I poked him on the cheek, and Lewell didn't avoid it. He turned his head, a little awkwardly, and took me to him. "Talking a lot."

After the coronation ceremony, I left the palace in a carriage, and their follow-up meetings were not on my schedule. After all, what awaited me was a pile of work and training, oh, there were tests and assessments.And my first assessment is my resistance to coordinates.As the so-called "demon", I am one of the few who have existed in the form of a god for a long time. Just like the giant ape said, I am the container or carrier of this power.If Allen’s child can use coordinates in human form, then I am immortal in human form.If I want to cooperate with Allen, I must be able to fight against the coordinate.

"Allen, Xiaoyin, are you ready?" Han Ji looked at me who was still standing on the training ground and yawned, his voice trembling, "What if you two are injured, my heart... "Funny Pen Fun Pavilion

"Hurt!" I smiled disapprovingly, "Come on, come on, hurry up!"

"I have confidence in my sister." Allen smiled and looked at me, and I gave a grimace, "but you are merciful!"

After Han Ji gave an nervous order, I huffed my wings almost twice as big as before. Under the stimulation of my telepathy, the power of coordinates exploded with Alan in front of me.He stared at me, I only felt that an inexplicable restraining force made me immobile.My nails sunk into the flesh, and the painful sensation made my consciousness about to sink suddenly awake. My palms spread out, and a thin layer of crystals condensed on my fingertips. I volleyed into the air and attacked Alan’s face without hesitation.But at the moment when I was about to touch him, I felt the whole person lightened again, and then bounced back uncontrollably.Allen was in a sluggish state. I watched his eyes change from erratic to focused, to panic, "Sister!" He decisively launched a three-dimensional maneuver and hugged me. The two fell heavily to the ground and rolled several times. The circle stopped.

"Small sound!" Han Ji's scream came vaguely from my ear, and there were footsteps. I rubbed my buzzing head and looked at Alan lying next to me.The child didn't seem to fall lightly, and his face was painted."Allen, Allen?" I called him tentatively, and he opened his eyes suddenly, "Sister, are you okay? It's me who is not good..."

"Huh?" I smiled slightly, "It seems that we both need to improve."

Mikasa rushed over at once, and she nervously grasped Alan's shoulders up and down to check, and it took a long time to scratch Han Ji not far away with resentful eyes.Han Ji chuckled an ugly expression, "This, this, this, how is this different from what I thought..."

"Captain Han Ji, I think my sister's stream of consciousness is very fragile." Allen said in a confused tone, "I seem to be able to invade her consciousness all at once, but if I invade ordinary giants, I would have to work harder instead. "

Han Jima kept recording, I added, "My feeling here is like being backlashed. The more I fight, the harder it is to get rid of it."

"What if you follow the power of the coordinate this time?" Elmin asked, and I was taken aback for a moment. "It's okay?"

"Sister? Can you try again?" Allen asked me tentatively, and I nodded, "Of course."

At the beginning of this experiment, I did not resist the invasion of Alan's consciousness, but completely accepted it.The next unbelievable thing happened, I actually saw Alan’s memories, those beautiful, bitter and young and immature fantasies flashed before my eyes like a movie, and at the same time I heard Alan’s dust Those unforgettable pains in my memory, I also saw the moment when Mikasa suddenly awakened Ackerman's blood.The power of the coordinate suddenly withdrew, and I returned to God. Alan stood in front of me with horror in his eyes, "Sister, you, your past?"

"This," I just feel a headache, "it's a long story..."

"I, I saw, I saw..." Allen repeated these words incoherently, "You, you are obviously dead... You fell from the flying object that exploded. , I, I, I, I saw you..."

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