You can search for "The Cruel Good Search Novels of Attacking Giants (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Allen's uncharacteristic appearance also caused Irvine and the others to speculate on me. As a last resort, I had no choice but to bite the bullet and attend the meeting held by Irvine, especially this unconventional meeting was held for me.

"My true identity?" I reluctantly snapped my knuckles, "Of course it can be said, but will you really believe it?"

"Sister! I saw it all!" Allen's voice was a little excited, "There was no giant in your world."

"Yes, no." I nodded, "Ye Lingyin is my destiny. I come from a thousand or two hundred years later. I died because of an accident, but I don't know why I came here. When I woke up, I found that I was in the underground street, and then I met Liwell and the others." Liwell and Han Ji were not surprised at all, holding their chins in a unified posture, and looked like "I know everything." At a glance, continue to say, "The world I live in has no giants, no walls, human civilization is highly developed, and the population is completely larger than it is now. Unlike your current royal system, we are divided into countries, and each country has its own The law and the supreme leader. The country I live in is called China."

"China? Is it China?" Irwin thoughtfully, I nodded, "Yes, China."

"The Huaxia people are almost extinct now. Before I saw you, I even thought that the Huaxia people would have been extinct and no longer exist." Irvine said, I couldn't help being a little confused, "What have you heard about the Huaxia people? The legend?"

"Yes," Irwin recalled. "There are very few records about this nation in the book, but every word emphasizes that they are the most pious believers of gods, so gods will collect their souls after they die. Come back and let them live forever."

Immortal?I slumped, "I am immortal in my current form?"

"Xiaoyin," Han Ji interrupted, "the book actually mentions your bloodline. You are the only race that can fully inherit the power of divine power besides the Eldilia. Maybe the so-called belief that Irvine mentioned earlier is Allude to your blood."

I was silent, and after a long time, I said bitterly, "I would rather not have this blood. I can't figure out what I am now. In other words, if I die in this world, where will my soul go. Simply put, I I don’t belong here, nor do I belong to the world I once belonged to."

"You're not going to die." Lewell spoke lightly and choked back on my words. "Rather than thinking about how to die and when to die, it's better to study how to protect yourself from doing things."

"Of course, I didn't come to doubt you or force a confession today," Irwin smiled. "We all believe in you and want to help you share something. I asked Tomikay to investigate your life experience, but he is always well informed. But nothing was found. He was joking with me, maybe the girl was an angel with broken wings and landed in the world."

"I'm a demon." I shook my head to avoid this pure word, and the fact that I knew in my heart was that the angel was not me, it was Adelina.I'm just a lingering monster, even if I get the love of so many people, I can't change this."The wings I have," I said softly, "I got it by burning my own life. Although I look exactly the same as when I first came, except for my white hair, I have a hunch. When I need me, I will age completely and become an old woman." 04 Novel

"That doesn't affect me calling your sister." Allen interrupted me surely. Mikasa opened her mouth and added awkwardly, "Allen will call you whatever he wants."

"You're still a kid." Lewell squinted at me, my heart was mixed, and I smiled bitterly, "Then I am the strongest old woman?"

"Can you say it a little bit more ugly..."

After the meeting, I ran to the edge of the wall alone.Spread my wings without hesitation, I landed on the edge of the wall.I raised my head and looked up at the starry sky. Several meteors flashed across, like tears in my eyes, but I no longer have the desire to make a wish.I wrapped myself with heavy wings, recalling the sudden appearance of golden lightning and the red markings on my wrist, my heart sank.The golden lightning is a sign of becoming a giant, and it should be said that I cannot complete the form of a giant unless it is the so-called last moment.So is my time coming?I opened my hand, and the winding red line reflected a thick luster against the starlight, as if it would turn into blood dripping in the next second.To be honest, I have accepted the fact that I am a demon, or a container. After all, having supernatural power is in such an era.

It's not a bad thing.But in the deep memory of the dormitory canteen of the teaching building at three o'clock every day, the heartless little girl has become a beautiful image, living in memory forever."Ye Lingyin was killed by your own hands." Yes, Ye Lingyin was killed by my own hands.A few wisps of clouds floated over, blocking the originally vast starlight. I got up and prepared to leave, and as soon as I turned my head, I ran into Levi, who seemed to be waiting here for a long time.

"I've been looking for you for a long time." Lewell looked at me who was still in a demonized state, raised my eyebrows, and I smiled in a jealousy, "It's just coming out to breathe, something to do with me?"

"What happened during your test today?" Lewell asked. "Why would Irvine know that there is a problem with your identity?"

"Ah, during the test today, Alan and I were able to read each other's memories suddenly." I smiled bitterly, "I can't resist the coordinates at all, so I tried to accept it, and then I found that I and Allen had telepathy. Allen saw my past and was terrified, so I exposed it."

Lewell fell silent, his eyes filled with disbelief, and I stretched out my hands, "Isn’t it magical, but the same bad news is that I might have a hard time cooperating with Allen, after all, either I’m accused of death , Or I fell into each other’s memories with him and lost combat capability."

"However, you will really become an old woman?" Lewell's conversation suddenly changed, and I didn't catch my breath. "Yes! How?"

"Old ghost." Levier squeezed my face rudely, spitting out these words without any waves.

"Old. Ghost." I felt the blue veins on my head jump up, "You're an old ghost! Old ghost! Old ghost... Ouch, I was wrong, I was wrong!"

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