The cruel beauty of the attacking giant

Visit the night market with uncle

You can search for "The Cruel Good Search Novels of Attacking Giants (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Why did you have time to call me out today?" I looked at Kenny who was leaning on the wall in front of me with interest. This person, who is rare today, didn't wear the torn cloak, but instead wore a funny Cowboy hat with a big cigar in his mouth.He raised his head and looked at what I was wearing today, curling up his mouth with his signature smile: "Isn't my busy person just free today? It's rare to not wear a military uniform?" Indeed, I was a confession today. It was a bit of a sense of ritual. I was wearing a simple black dress. The army boots as always were replaced with light leather shoes. I even wore a hat to hide my gray hair.I looked down at my thin calf, "What? It doesn't look good?"

"I didn't say." Keni put his hand on my shoulder carelessly, "There are many delicious foods in the capital, come here and I will take you to have fun, and by the way, make you fat."

"You don't have to get fat." The corners of my mouth twitched. It took me a lot of effort to lose the fat I raised in the military police. If I get fat, I might really give up on myself. .Following Keni all the way to a small but crowded commercial street, we came to a shop selling sweets. I looked at the dazzling array of exquisite candies on the counter, and I couldn’t help but slap my tongue, “It’s beautiful, with my candy shop. Same!"

Keni heard the words and smiled and said, "How about it, surely the place I brought you here is not bad?" He straightforwardly bought a lollipop in the shape of a doll's head, "Here."

"Wow, thank you!" I quickly took it and took a bite and found it was chocolate."What about the taste?"

"After Orange was annexed by the former royal family, the family business also moved to this commercial street in the center of the royal capital, so we were eating Orange chocolate." Keni explained, I was silent for a while, and then shook my head gently. He laughed, "No wonder it's so delicious, how much is the estate of the Orange family?"

"What we know now is sapphire cutting, chocolate, wine and coffee bean cultivation." Kenny replied, "each one can make a lot of gold."

"These are in the 21st century, and the same can be earned." Sure enough, the hero does not ask for the origin of the age.

The crowd in front of me suddenly became dense, and the children's excited shouts became louder. I squeezed in curiously, and then my eyes widened, "Sugar, sugar man?"

"Yes, new things," Keni was also full of interest, watching the old lady's familiar road with sugar oil paintings of various villains and animals, "It looks like you have seen it?"

"Every time I go to a park or a snack street, I will definitely take a sugar man back." My eyes stuck to the sugar man and I couldn't move it away. For a long time I said, "Old lady, help me draw one too. "The old woman looked at me with an expression of "So you are so childish", "What does the little girl want to paint?" I took out the wings of freedom that I carried with me, "Does the painting come?"

The old woman took this little medal, and gestured twice with her hand with a spoon, and then scooped a spoonful of sugar oil, "Does the little girl like wing soldiers?"

"Haha, yeah." Keni and I looked at each other and saw the playfulness in each other's eyes.

The old woman painted the sugar man intently, and she said, "I used to have a son, and he was also a winged soldier." I was stunned, "What? What is his name?" The old woman did not answer me, and I heard her That "once" had to be silent.The old woman drew the Wings of Freedom with ease, then glued it with a bamboo stick and handed it to me, "Look, don’t you see the painting right?"

"Yes! That's amazing!" I was holding this candy man like a treasure, "You are so dexterous, how much is it?"

"A silver coin." The old woman smiled kindly, but I took out a shiny gold coin, "Mother-in-law, this Chinese man has more than one silver coin." In the old woman's stunned eyes, I stuffed the gold coin into her pocket. , "You drew the faith of my little girl."

"Faith?" The old woman was stunned. "The little girl is from the Investigative Corps?" I thought for a while, and lifted the brim of my hat with my fingers, revealing a strand of white hair. "Perhaps you have heard of me?" The old lady's face Her expression gradually solidified, and her voice was trembling: "You are Ye Lingyin, that alien soldier, are you?" I nodded, "I'm sorry to mention your sadness, so please accept this. A gold coin." The old woman was silent for a long time, and suddenly said softly, "My son, Oluo, he used to mention you to me often."

My heart was jabbed. I looked at the tearful eyes of the old woman blankly, and saluted her, "Your son is the best soldier I have ever seen." Beautiful Book Bar www.

Leaving the stall, Keni saw that I was silent, so he patted my head to break the weird atmosphere, "What else do you want to eat?"

"I'm wondering if there will be rice cakes here." I raised the sugar man in my hand with an expression of expectation, "Roasted rice cakes are one of my favorite things to eat." After hearing this, Kenny was immediately excited. He dragged me to a decent shop at the top of the small street. The owner immediately walked out after seeing Kenny, "Hey old guy, don't you want to smash my shop again?"

"No," Keni tore off my hat with a smile, and said leisurely in the shopkeeper's horrified look, "Bring the little girl to eat."

I couldn't laugh or cry and snatched my hat back and put it on again, "Ah hey, why did you hit someone's shop?"

"It's a long story. To sum it up, he didn't allow me to take credit last time."

"Who told you to eat Bawang's meal?"

The nian gao brought it up, and I looked at the distinctive bowl of nian gao soup in front of me. Although it was soup, the nian gao must have been roasted and exuded a refreshing fragrance.Keni took my candy man, and looked at me, who was feasting, in a good mood."You try it! This is great!" I withdrew the rice cake soup in front of Kenny, Kenny took a bite suspiciously, and faded his suspicious expression, "I can't think of it so delicious."

"That's not it," I licked my lips with a hint of meaning, "If you have the opportunity to taste the delicacies of my time, you would probably be happy."

Keni smiled and said nothing, and after I was full, he settled the bill and took me to the Mary Wall for a walk.I took off my hat and pulled my tousled hair. Today’s sun is particularly good. The dazzling sunlight polished Keni’s bronze face with sharp edges. The high cheekbones are somewhat similar to Levi’s. It's the look obsessed when looking at the sky.

"Have you been outside the wall?" I asked him, Kenny nodded, "I went there once, but I went with the investigative corps secretly, but I was immediately found and arrested."

"Courageous enough." I curled my lips. "Maybe in the eyes of a soldier, death is outside the wall. Many times I don't know what the civilians are attached to outside the wall. If the price of freedom is Fate is worth fighting for me, but for them, I feel that they have suffered a lot. If they lose their lives, there is no freedom."

"So they pin their hopes on you." Kenny still looked at the sky, and I shook his head lonely, "but they should have been disappointed with us."

"Now the situation has changed. Because the Investigative Corps is the manipulator behind the royal power, people have relied on you again." Kenny said, "Didn't you get the power of coordinates?"

"You are really well-informed." I was a little surprised, obviously the military police didn't know about this.

"Not only that, they still have you." Keni rubbed my straightened hair into a mess, and directly ignored my grieving eyes: "Is it our little winged soldier?"

A group of big white birds flew by suddenly, and the chirping sound occupied my ears.The white wings stimulated my eyes, and I smiled bitterly, "I thought all angels with wings, but I only now know that the power in my body is called a demon."

"What about the devil," Keni interrupted me with a smile, "Although you are a devil, you live here with light and hope. Although many people are glamorous, they are burdened with sins. You have to know people. The most terrifying thing in the world is not humble as dust, but living in the sun with a haze and nowhere to hide."

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