The cruel beauty of the attacking giant

Never live or die, never die (part 1)

You can search for "The Cruel Good Search Novels of Attacking Giants (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!I returned to the Corps very late and stuffed the Sugar Man from Wings of Freedom into Livell's hand, "Here." Levell turned the Sugar Man in curiously, "What is this?"

"It can be eaten." I smiled and saw the disgust on his face, "It's dirty." Then I inserted it into the pen holder, adding upright, "It's pretty good-looking."

"I went to see Keni today." I hesitated, "Actually, I still don't quite understand what the grudge between you and him is."

Lewell was silent for a long time, long enough to make me feel that I had said something wrong. When I was about to apologize, he said, "Boy, if I leave without saying goodbye when you are most helpless, I will draw my sword when I see you again. Relatively, would you hate me?"

I was stunned. Lewell's always sharp and clear eyes were clouded with mist. He lowered his head and his bangs hid his emotions.For a long time, he got up, did not look at me, and said softly, "I told him that the matter between me and him is not over, I have a lot of things to ask him."

"I just don't think he looks like a heinous person." I tried to defend myself. "He has saved me countless times, and he told me it was for your sake."


"Well," I nodded, "I am stubborn, like you. That's what he told me."

"Cut, ridiculous." Lewell went straight out and closed the door heavily, leaving me standing in the empty office at a loss.

And the so-called day to find the truth has arrived, and it quickly made me unable to believe it and made me want to face it.I looked at Keni pointing the gun to my chest, sadly unable to make any expressions: "Are you funny?" Yuyu Novel

Keni didn't speak, but the alienated I could read his voice, and the tight and quick yielding almost broke my defense.I caught a glimpse of Levi, who was full of hostility behind me, and did not move a bit. With a wave of my hand, a sharp crystal was condensed, forcing Keni's eyes and forcing him to retreat.But I still underestimated him. The moment the crystal stretched, he suddenly jumped and grabbed my shoulder. I just felt that the bones rang fiercely, and then the body fell down.At this moment, helpless, I can be regarded as knowing why Levier was able to remove my wrist so easily.Keni's guards did not lean over to restrain me, but Keni chased Lewell and left, and there were scattered gunshots in the distance.My heart suddenly tightened, the power in my body surpassed my consciousness, the wings on the back hulled open, I stood up in a strange posture in the eyes of the guards, and in their horrified eyes, my bones recovered In the crackling sound, I knocked them out at a whirlwind speed, then snatched the bullets and the guns, and went to chase Levi.When I arrived, Keni noticed me, and he raised his gun and shot towards Lewell, not surprisingly watching the bullet that Lewell avoided hit my right wing.I crooked and slammed into the wall.I cursed and shot Kenny's head directly with my gun.Lewell retreated and came to me. I looked at Kenny who was in a defensive state not far away, but I couldn't say "Don't kill him" for a long time.

"He is a military policeman, you know." I smiled bitterly. "For the so-called pursuit and kingship, many people were killed. But he is your uncle."

"He's not." Lewell lowered his voice viciously, and behind him suddenly the guards who were knocked out by me appeared.I watched them raise their loaded guns and point them at Levi's back, subconsciously wrapping them with wings.The dull voice came along with the severe pain of tearing flesh and skin. I could barely breathe. In the vaguely I saw the consternation in Levi’s eyes turned into rage. He broke free and roared Kenny’s name with a whirlwind charge. Past.In the high temperature of the steam, I barely supported my body. The guards in front of me seemed to be afraid of something, and did not approach me.I walked toward them step by step, everything in front of me was shaking and burning, and my wings dragged a long blood on the ground. I flashed over and grabbed one of them. The poor carotid artery was under my devil's claws. The fireworks exploded, and I looked at several other people: "Is there anyone who wants to stop me?" No one dared to move. I waited for the wings to recover, and immediately chased the two people at full speed.From the bottom of my heart, I don't want anyone to have an accident, but the situation seems to be out of my control. Even if I chase with my wings, I can hardly catch up with the two people who are rushing through the three-dimensional maneuver.Anxiety, fear and pain converge in my heart. I just feel that something in my body has been ignited, and the whistling wind in my ears has disappeared. The world is like a slow motion movie. I can even see bullets pierce the air. See clearly.At that time, the lightning was also wrapped around my body, I accepted it frankly, but did not wait for the moment of giantization.And the moment I lost my mind, the world immediately returned to normal.

"Clang!" The bullet interrupted the blade, and Lewell used a steel cable as a weapon and penetrated the heads of two people in front of him. He turned his wrist and held the knife in his back, and another steel cable was nailed to one's waist. The man screamed and was torn off, and then Leeville's throat was cut neatly.Nevertheless, those around Keni continued to rush over.Even if Leewell changed countless escape paths, he was seen through them one by one.He struggled to avoid the bullet attack, and wounds were wiped out on his face and body.Kenny was gone, but Lewell seemed to have no time to care.

I turned back and wanted to look for Kenny, but was knocked out by him.When he lost his balance, Keni was forced to come with two knives in his hands, and in my heart-piercing scream, he cut off my wings.The wound was too big to recover for a while.His speed was too fast for me to harden. I fell on the roof like a rag doll and completely lost my combat effectiveness.Kenny walked up to me, "I have kept my hand for you, no matter what."

"So you didn't kill me today, did you?" I forced an ugly smile, "I will always be merciful, but I will always hurt me."

"I didn't show mercy." Kenny reached out and wiped the stubble of his wings. I shivered. He looked at the steam from the tips of his fingers, "Don't interfere."

I was stunned, but Keni smiled at me indifferently, and then jumped off the roof, "There will be no future."

I watched my blood spread to the edge of the tiles, and then dripped drop by drop.The white bones behind him contracted and squeezed abruptly, and then slowly returned to my body.I slowly got up, and when I opened the so-called wings again, what I saw was not the familiar blood-red wings, but two bloody bones.I stood in the same place worriedly, looking at the corpses on the ground and the shocking bloodstains, something in my heart was broken.

why why...

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