The cruel beauty of the attacking giant

Rare team building (part 1)

You can search for "The Cruel Good Search Novels of Attacking Giants (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!After returning, I immediately took off my dirty clothes and threw myself into the bathtub.The body that hadn't been trained for a long time was exceptionally sore, and there was bruise in the place where Lewell had just attacked.I snorted uncomfortably. It was really not serious. I touched it, and immediately took a breath of air-conditioning painfully. I got up from the bathtub with irritation, dried my body, and put on a piece of clothing. After leaving the bathroom, Mikasa was in my room and seemed to be waiting for me.After seeing my dress, Mikasa turned her head slightly awkwardly, "No, sorry, I just came in."

"Haha it's okay." I smiled and went next to her, "what's the matter?"

"Although I know you really want to give me a head start, you seem to lose worse than me." When Mikasa spoke with a serious face, her bright black eyes stared at me. I couldn't laugh or cry, "Ah hey, come and laugh. Is it mine?"

"No, I stated the facts." Mikasa still looked calm, "Thank you."

"Thanks, there is no need," I curled my lips, and immediately regained a smile. "Your strength is really amazing. I want to give you my position."

"On seniority, I can't do it yet." Mikasa shook her head, and she handed me a few bottles of medicine and gauze: "Hey, the dwarf asked me to give it to you."

"Okay, thank you for that dwarf." I laughed out loud. Even now, I still dare to call Liwell like that. There should be only Mikasa. Those who were dissatisfied with Liwell have been wiped out by him. Liang Liang's army boots greeted him with fear, and when he saw Lewell, he straightened his back and saluted with a mortal determination, and then screamed "Hello, commander.""By the way, the head of the team gave us a holiday for the special operations team for one week." Mikasa said, "I want to invite you to play in the West Gansina area for two days to see our cherry blossoms and the moat."

"It's so difficult?" I was a little surprised, but it was more fun. After all, the Corps had a pitiful holiday. Except for training or training, everyone was like a tight string."Actually, there is another request." Mikasa shyly tugged at the corner of my clothes, "Can you accompany me to buy some clothes. I found that I don't have any casual clothes except a uniform."

"Huh?" The fucking female man got rid of it?"Of course!"

The next day, I even called Petra. I wore the skirt I used to go to the Royal Commercial Street. Petra was a simple shirt and trousers, and Mikasa was a formal uniform.The three of us were walking down the small street, and there was an endless stream of people selling various snacks on the street. There were even a few admirers of wing soldiers who gave us a bag of chestnut-like stuff.I happily ate this sweet snack, looking at the clothes in the shop.Finally, Mikasa stopped and his eyes fell on a red long-sleeved top.She walked over, and gently stroked this delicately crafted piece of clothing. I looked at her with a look of liking: "Try it if you like?" Mikasa seemed a little uncomfortable. She stammered and asked the boss to take it. I came to the right size, and after changing it, I walked out from behind the curtain, "Why, how?"

"You are very suitable for red." Petra smiled. She made Mikasa turn around and showed a satisfied expression, "Buy it, buy it, it's really tailor-made for you." I again I quickly found a black skirt for her to match, and seeing Mikasa who finally had a feminine look in front of me, I felt happy.

At the instigation of Petra and I, Mikasa bought a pair of exquisite black leather shoes in addition to a set of clothes.Holding the newly-purchased clothes, Mikasa's face, which had always been calm as water, also showed a blush of excitement like a little girl.She walked forward briskly, and I secretly slandered in my heart, this must be for Allen to show.We wandered all the way until it was getting dark, and returned to the Corps after dinner.I came to Lewell’s room. He happened to take a shower and his hair was still wet. Seeing the rippling smile of me, I couldn’t help frowning, "Where did I go?"

"I went to buy clothes with Sanli." I sat in Lewell's chair with Erlang's legs raised and took a sip of his black tea. "Prepare for the next holiday."

"That guy Irvine doesn't know what medicine he took wrong," Liwell spit out unceremoniously, "I have never taken a vacation in the past few years, so how come I suddenly resuscitated him."

"Are you not happy?" I glared at him, "Mikasa invited us to Xiganshina District. There is a famous scenic spot in the wall. Don't tell me you need to wear a uniform." 315 Chinese website www.315zww. com

"I have casual clothes." Levell scratched me, and after seeing me shut up wisely, he drove me off the chair. I rolled aside docilely, but when I looked back, I didn't find him sitting down, but put it on Took the coat, "Take me out for a walk."

Even this kind of request is said in an orderly tone...I aggrievedly followed him out and came to no man's land.Lewell leaned on the railing and looked at the sky, then took out a square box from his pocket and opened it. It turned out to be smoke.My eyes widened, "Fuck you, did you smoke?" Lewell lit a cigarette unskilledly and didn't smoke, but watched the cigarette butts flash and flash, "I gave it to Irwin. I smoked it before, but I couldn't buy anything that suits my taste, so I basically quit."

"You haven't smoked in eight years?"

"I used to order one occasionally when I went out, and I stopped smoking when I went home. The cigarette ash was too dirty." Lewell put the cigarette to his mouth, took a light mouth, and vomited.The way he smokes is surprisingly good-looking, with thin smoke between his slender fingers, and his contoured face looks a little hazy in the smoke.I stared at his face a little dull, until the cigarette was finished, Lewell knocked on my forehead, "Hello?"

"Huh?" I regained my senses, and Lewell had a faint smell of tobacco. He took out a handkerchief and wiped his fingers, carefully checked his clothes and palms, and then ordered another one.

"Co-author every time you smoke one, you wipe your hands?"


"Clean addiction..." Really, Tong Yan is very short and dead.

"Have you gotten into trouble?" I still stared at this beautiful and excessive face without any scruples, "I haven't seen you smoking before?"

"I don't smoke until I relax. You have a lot of problems." Levier turned his head wickedly and spit out a cigarette on my face, and happily admired the embarrassment of my tears.I glared at him angrily, "Hey, stop smoking!"

"Only two." His tone softened, and he even brought on a somewhat more authentic flavor. I was choked by this rare and lovely tone, "Okay, OK." Waiting until Levier pinched the cigarette butt and wiped it. After I took my hands and clothes, the moon had risen to the sky. I walked back side by side with him. The smell of smoke from his body was soaked in my nose, but the smell was just right and not offensive."Are you surprised?" It seemed that my silence caused his attention. I shook my head, "No, nothing, on the contrary I like it very much."

"You are not allowed to smoke if you like, or I will break your leg."

"It's so fierce! When did I say I'm going to smoke!"

The moonlight is just right, the stars are shining, and the rare years are so quiet that the entire corps is quiet.

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