The cruel beauty of the attacking giant

Rare team building (middle)

You can search for "The Cruel Good Search Novels of Attacking Giants (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!After everything was prepared, we left the border of the royal capital in a carriage and bumped all the way to the Xiganshina district.After getting off the carriage, I stretched my waist, and the beauty in front of me made me a little dazed.Although it is not the season of cherry blossoms, the lush evergreen trees and the bustling crowd make me very relaxed.Mikasa was wearing the clothes she bought that day, and she smiled: "Welcome to my hometown."

"It's so beautiful too!" Petra exclaimed, "It's a shame that Connie and the others didn't come." After returning to their hometown to visit the old man, Connie and Sasha went to the palace to accompany Historia. went.Levier wore a suit, which was serious and abrupt. I looked at him arranging his scarves amusedly, "You wear a suit on vacation?" Levier's eyes are on my thin shirt and bare legs and eyebrows. One pick, "You didn't wear pants?"

"This is! My shirt is missing!" My angry face swelled, and Petra behind me kept beating me on the back with a smile. She was dressed very similar to me today, so Levell did not forget to laugh. The most experienced subordinates around him.Seeing Petra's funny and angry expression, Levi's contentedly ignored us.He walked under a tree alone, and I followed, "No smoking is allowed, the children are still there."

"I'm an old smoker in your eyes?" Lewell patted his pocket, and some childishly proved to me that this pocket is empty, "I said you, you wear so little in autumn, watching you I feel cold. You are not afraid of catching a cold. I am also afraid of being infected by you. It will be dirty to me by then." Hearing his beeping complaint, I just laughed out loud. Sure enough, this old man When he relaxes, he is full of stubbornness. The appearance of his iceberg is the reverse.Allen was chatting with Petra, and Mikasa and Elmin went to buy us food and drinks.I sat under the tree, "Lewell, won't you sit down for a while?"

"It's dirty, it's all mud." He glanced at me disgustingly, "The kid is the kid."

"I said, I'm already 23, and I'll be 24 in a few days!" I retorted him dissatisfied, "Don't take a bite of a kid!" Lewell heard the words, squatted down, and looked straight into my eyes. "Me, 36."

There should be applause here.

I looked back at the two people over there talking and laughing, "If only there was a camera."

"what is that?"

"Click the shutter, you can freeze their appearance on a picture, and it will be preserved forever." I gestured, taking pictures of Petra pretendingly, and Lewell reluctantly took mine. Turning my head, I smiled happily, "If I have a camera, I want to take you down and always be with me. I tell you, I used to like to take pictures very much. There are pictures of me everywhere in the house, and the pictures are recorded. I've been there since I was born..." I stopped suddenly, and my voice lowered under Levi's gaze, "Here, when I crash..."

Lewell did not answer, he just looked at me, and I subconsciously touched my hair, "Now, do you say I will go back to the 21st century again?" Lewell's eyes flinched, "What am I? know."

This person shouldn't want me to go back?I smiled, "Not to mention sad things, cherry blossoms are the national flower of the East. In the 21st century, the East has become an independent country called Japan, and the country established by my race is called China." I looked at Levi," Ackerman’s surname is very German."

"Germany?" Levier repeated the unfamiliar term, and I nodded, "Didn't I always call you Rivaille? This is the local pronunciation of your name in my place. This name sounds nice."

"Your pronunciation is also very strange," Lewell frowned disgustedly. "People thought this was your nickname for me, but I thought you kept calling me like that and I couldn't read my name."

"Ah, I can't change my habit." I stretched out my hand and wrote the spelling of Levi on the soft soil, and then read it out one by one according to the popular pronunciation here. Seeing his satisfied but awkward eyes, I added: " In fact, my signature on the document was written in Chinese characters. At that time, Irvine still felt strange. I lied to him and said that this is an ancient character handed down from my family." Bashan love novel website

"I found it." Leewell squatted down. It was rare not to dislike the dirty mud, but also wrote my Chinese name stroke by stroke on the ground, and then added my name in this era next to it. "Remember." My eyes widened, "How can you write?"

"I will read your report again, so that you don't have to write a typo." Lewell frowned. "At first I thought you couldn't even write your own name. Later, I found out that every report you signed was long. In this way, I think it's probably the words you learned before you came here."

"Speaking of writing," I looked at Levier's neatly printed characters, "Anyone who practiced writing?"

"After being appointed as the commander of the army, I didn't want to be tongue-in-cheek, so I kept imitating the printed fonts in newspapers." Leewell took out a handkerchief and wiped his hand, and then started to wipe mine. I laughed dumbly, thinking that I was simply Terrible writing, so embarrassing, my mother.I now have a nickname that I have to say, that is the illiterate instructor. Even after living in this world for eight years, I still can’t distinguish the words like cake rolls. When writing, I even need to look through the dictionary, and then the deadline is stuck. The date handed the report that still typos were still flying around to Irvine."God knows how you got A in culture class." This is what Elvin would tell me every time I read my report, and I can only smile and play haha, begging him to help me modify it. .But afterwards, Irvine never complained about my poor report quality, and now I have solved the case.

"Ellen!" Mikasa and Elmin came back, holding a basket full of snacks and drinks that I had never seen before. I begged to look at Levier: "Did you wipe it?"

"Sloppy kid, you are not afraid of getting sick after eating." Lewell squeezed my reddish fingertips like punishment, then threw away the handkerchief. I immediately ran in front of Mikasa, and Mikasa handed me a face. Something like puffs, "You like sweet ones, right?"

I took this round little guy and couldn't wait to take a bite. A strawberry smell refreshed my heart, and the sweetness that overflowed my mouth made me squint, "I haven't eaten anything sweet for a long time."

"I also liked this when I was young." Mikasa smiled, "You like it." Lewell looked at the way I feasted, and turned his eyes to Mikasa, "Is there anything else? I don't like licking."

"Choose your own." Mikasa still didn't want to take Liwell. She took two puffs and ran to find Ellen and Elmin. Petra had chocolate in her hand, and Liwell also chose one that looked like Unsweet snacks, I took a small bite, and the whole face blushed instantly, "It's so spicy, so spicy, and so spicy." Good fellow, I said three times in a row that it was so spicy.Not far away, Mikasa covered her mouth and laughed, and I handed him a drink, "We human beings are the strongest and weak, we are actually afraid of spicy food."

"Cut." The hot flushed Lewell's face became even more stinky. He drank half of the drink in one breath. In the end, he didn't seem to be relieved. He simply stretched out his tongue and began to gasp.It seems that I have never seen Levi’s gaffe. Petra’s eyes widened and his face was inconceivable. Levi’s face flushed and stared back. Petra bowed his head flat, but I was unscrupulous. He laughed, "Hey Levier, you look like a dog, what kind of dog I think about, ah! Dachshund! That kind of dog with short legs and a bad temper..."

"Ye Lingyin?" You know, when parents call me by my full name, there is never a good thing.This theory also applies to the present. If the eyes can kill people, I might have been slashed by Lewell.

"Fuck, I was wrong, Levier is a mighty racing German Great Dane!"

"So in your eyes I am a dog?"

I died at the age of 23.

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