You can search for "The Cruel Good Search Novels of Attacking Giants (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!After the new rain in the empty mountain, the army is one meter six

If you want to be a thousand miles away, the soldier is 1.6 meters long

Father and mother heard the girl, the soldier is one meter six

The bridal chamber is one and six meters long

Young and strong do not work hard, the soldier is 1.6 meters long

Ask what you know, the soldier is 1.6 meters long

The dangerous building is a hundred feet high, and the soldier is 1.6 meters long

The road is obstructed and long, and the soldier is 1.6 meters long

Never meet in life, one meter six in length

Drive to the ancient plains, the soldier is one meter six

Xiao looks at the wet spot, the commander is 1.6 meters

A confidant in the sea, one meter six in length

The commander is 1.6 meters tall

Know it or not, the captain is 1.6 meters tall

Two rabbits walk next to each other, Anzhi is one meter six

Haike talks about the commander, only 1.6 meters tall

Yuerenyu commander, only 1.6 meters tall

Suddenly looking back, the captain is 1.6 meters tall.

The captain is 1.6 meters tall, but the sky is cool for a long time

The commander is one meter and six meters tall.

Who knows that the soldier is one meter six, and the spring breeze seems to increase

The soldier in the garden is one meter six, and a branch of apricot comes out of the wall

Just because the soldier is one meter six, the emperor will not come back early

I am born to be useful, not as good as a soldier of 1.6 meters

Life is unsatisfactory, just like a soldier of six meters

Asked how worried you are, the commander is 1.6 meters tall

Hengmei coldly pointed at Qianfu, the commander is 1.6 meters tall

Dongfeng is not in harmony with Zhou Lang, the commander is one meter tall.

Suddenly dream of juvenile things in the middle of the night, the commander is 1.6 meters tall

The soldier sat up in shock and asked with a smile about his height of 1.6 meters.

Married to a beetle for no reason, the commander is 1.6 meters tall

Parking and sitting in Aifenglin night, the commander is 1.6 meters tall

He Dang altogether cuts the candles in the west window, but the soldier is one meter six

To report to the emperor's golden platform, since then the military commander is one meter six

This feeling can be regarded as a remembrance, but the commander is one meter six

He Dang altogether cuts the candles in the west window, but the soldier is one meter six

Two orioles mingled with green willows, and a line of soldiers was 1.6 meters long

Shaoxiao left home and returned to the boss, the captain is still 1.6 meters

During the Qingming Festival, it rained heavily, and the soldiers on the road were 1.6 meters long.

There will be times when riding the wind and waves.

Li Bai was about to go on a boat, and suddenly heard that the soldier was 1.6 meters long

Flying straight down three thousand feet, less than 1.6 meters in length

There are no many roads to Pengshan, only the original soldier is 1.6 meters long

No one has died since ancient times, but it’s a pity that the soldier is 1.6 meters long

The spring cicada is dead, and the silk is full, and the wax torch is 1.6 meters long.

I don’t know the true face of Mount Lu, only because the soldier is 1.6 meters long

Forever and the earth will end, this hate is one meter and six

The captain does not know his height, the captain is only 1.6 meters

I would like to ask where the restaurant is located, and the distance refers to the length of one meter six

Hanazawa Coriander North Hyogo, Yiyan Captain 1.6 meters

When the daisy blossoms, the captain's height is 1.6 meters

I don’t know where to go, the commander is still one meter six

Peach Blossom Lake is a thousand feet deep, less than 1.6 meters in length

You are forty-eight thousand years old, and I don’t know the military commander is 1.6 meters.

I smiled to the sky from the side, the commander was only 1.6 meters

The military commander fans are all up 2333!

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