The physical body is as strong as a demon dragon, and it is still the soul of that person's sword.

Ye Changsheng was stunned.

I thought that in the Ancient Saint Realm, he was the only one, but I didn't expect that there was someone else!

At the age of sixty, he was gray-haired, but he was full of energy.

Dressed in a green shirt, windless and automatic, he is holding a long sword to cut the flesh of the demon dragon.

Behind him, the storm changed.

The eyes open and close, the pupil of the left eye is like the sun, emitting a strong bright light, and the right eye is secluded, and the pupil is like a crescent moon.

There is also a crack in the center of the eyebrows, which is deep inside, as if there is also an eye, but the eye cannot be seen clearly by outsiders, and only a piece of extremely rich blood light can be seen.

Ye Changsheng was also stunned when he saw Ye Changsheng in the stomach of the demon dragon, and then laughed, "I didn't expect that there were still people in the stomach of this little worm." "

I don't know if it's excitement or surprise.

Ye Changsheng felt a chill from his face, it was definitely not a good thing!

But he could kill the demon dragon that even Ye Changsheng couldn't do anything about, his strength was above Ye Changsheng, and he couldn't be provoked.

With a sneer, Ye Changsheng looked at the old man, "Old man, thank you for letting me out, I'll leave first." "

Nine heavens and ten earths, mortals have a lifespan of 100 years, and the foundation has a lifespan of 300 years, and the Jindan is 500 years, and the life span of the Jindan is even longer.

The old man in front of him, although he has the appearance of a sixtieth birthday, his real age is unpredictable.

"Since you're here, there's a reason to just leave?" the old man squinted and smiled, looking at Ye Changsheng's gaze becoming hotter and hotter, "It just so happens that there are still a few boys missing in my cave mansion."

Ye Changsheng felt a chill in his heart, and subconsciously tightened the chrysanthemum, this old man actually had the good of Longyang!

The spiritual light on the surface of his body flickered, as fast as lightning, and he left the stomach of the demon dragon in an instant.

Hurry up!

There was only one thought left in his mind.

Can't you run away if you can't beat Lao Tzu?

The facts tell him that he just can't run.

The old man stood not far in front of him, waiting for Ye Changsheng's arrival.

The evil smile made Ye Changsheng's heart rise with a chill.

The Dragon Yang is not terrible, the terrible thing is that he is still very strong.


Ye Changsheng gritted his teeth.

The golden inscription in the palm of the palm shines.

"The second form of the Hundred Turns Emperor Formula: Heaven and Earth Seal. A

golden figure was born behind him, wearing a golden crown and a dragon robe, and the aura of a king was spontaneously born.

The figure was exactly the same as Ye Changsheng, the palm spiritual power was gathered, and the golden spiritual power lingered out.

The spiritual power is empty, tumbling and galloping.

The figure behind followed Ye Changsheng's movements, and slapped out with one palm at the same time.

In the palm of the hand, the light imprints soar to the sky.

Superimposed in the sky, there were nine layers, and the nine-layer light seal was like a delicate pagoda, and it was suppressed towards the old man!"


old man was indifferent, feeling the terrifying aura coming from the exquisite pagoda condensed by the golden seal.

Wave your sleeves for a while.

The eyebrows and bloody eyes opened.

Inside, there was a deep place, and the blood light shrouded the heavens and the earth, suppressing the spiritual power, and under the blood light, the faint golden light emitted from the gold seal was crushed, dimmed, and disappeared.

I saw that the old man waved his sleeve slightly, and the golden seal suddenly dissipated, as if there was nothing.

"It's actually possible to master such exercises, boy, it's not easy for you. "

Ye Changsheng, who is only the age of Shaohua now, is indeed a young boy in front of him, an old man.

His eyes were hot, and he wanted to get Ye Changsheng's body more and more.

The secret was guiding him forward.

Damn it.

Ye Changsheng clenched his teeth, turned around and ran, he definitely couldn't fall into the hands of this old man, he didn't want to lose his time.

"Where can you run now?" The

old man's voice fluttered in the wind and reached Ye Changsheng's ears, like a magic sound, making the latter creepy.

Gollum ......

The stomach was screaming.

A sense of emptiness came to his heart, and

Ye Changsheng suddenly felt hungry! Being in the Ancient Saint Realm, with the help of the power of the Demon Venerable Inheritance, reshaping his physical body, Ye Changsheng was no different from ordinary people, and he would naturally feel hungry, and only when he reached the Jindan stage could he completely clear the valley.

"Since you're hungry, follow me back to the cave honestly, and I'll make sure you're full. The

old man's body was like a ghost, floating in the heavens and the earth, and in the blink of an eye, he was already standing on the body of the demon dragon in front of Ye Changsheng, looking at Ye Changsheng condescendingly.

The corners of his mouth are raised, and his face is full of banter.

Looking at the demon dragon's body, the feeling of emptiness in his stomach welled up in his heart, making Ye Changsheng's eyes dizzy.

No matter!

Ye Changsheng opened his mouth to bite the demon dragon's corpse.

I couldn't bite it, and I saw that the huge body of the demon dragon like a mountain was left in an instant, and only the skeleton remained.

The flesh and blood of the whole body turned into a little bit of qi and blood essence and poured into Ye Changsheng's body.

Majestic qi and blood filled Ye Changsheng's body, and the pores around him had colorful divine radiance spraying and sprinkling.

I only felt that my body was warm, and in the dantian, the foundation building platform was rotating rapidly, shattering, turning into pure spiritual power, rolling and moving.

Bursts of sonic booms echoed around Ye Changsheng, and the storm spread in all directions, within this storm, Ye Changsheng's figure seemed to stand between heaven and earth, becoming the core of the storm, and this terrifying storm also spread out from him.

A powerful and terrifying aura rose in him at this moment!

In his dantian, in the broken foundation-building platform, a golden pill the size of a baby's fist took the place of the foundation-building platform.

Slowly turning, with each rotation, a large amount of spiritual power would spread like lightning and merge into Ye Changsheng's body.

The spiritual power burst out with a majestic cultivation that surpassed the foundation building, which was the breath of the knot.


golden wind howled, turning in all directions, and Ye Changsheng's long hair turned golden. No wind automatic, swaying with the wind.

With the help of the majestic power of qi and blood on the demon dragon, Ye Changsheng broke through the peak of foundation building and achieved

Jindan!" "It's really interesting, I had such momentum when I first entered Jindan, and I didn't come out in vain today." The

old man looked at Ye Changsheng and applauded, the stronger the furnace ding, the more he could benefit from it.

There are many ancient beasts in the ancient holy realm, and most of the humans who appear are terrifying, moving mountains and reclaiming the sea, and there are supreme immortal means.

Although he longed, he could only retreat.

Unexpectedly, today, let him pick up the treasure.

Ye Changsheng, who had just been promoted to Jindan, was for him the hope of impacting the later stage of Jindan.

"Since you are disobedient, then I will beat you until you are obedient. His

right hand was raised, his fists were clenched, his eyebrows were raised and his eyes were opened, and a red light instantly spread out on Ye Changsheng's body, the blood was deep, it was one of his hole cards, the Bloody Killing Technique.

In an instant, the person arrived in front of Ye Changsheng, a punch was thrown, and the roar spread in an instant, and Ye Changsheng's body was like a kite with a broken string, rolling to the side.

The old man's expression was contemptuous, and his face suddenly changed, but he saw that when Ye Changsheng's body was rolled out, he changed direction in an instant, and arrived at his side at an indescribable speed.

"Do you remember what the person who killed you looked like?".

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