Ye Changsheng's voice instantly sounded in the old man's ears.

The old man's heart tightened, his eyes contracted, and he was about to retreat at a moment, when Ye Changsheng's right hand was raised in an instant.

The golden inscription in the palm of the palm shone brightly, and the golden spiritual power rushed like a dragon, lingering out.

"The second form of the Hundred Turns Emperor Jue: Heavenly Emperor Seal. A

golden figure appeared behind him, wearing a golden crown and a dragon robe.

The figure was exactly the same as Ye Changsheng, and with Ye Changsheng's movements, he slapped out with one palm at the same time.

The light is in the sky.

Huge as a bell.

The light seal is superimposed, there are nine layers, and the nine layers of light seal are like a delicate pagoda, and they are slamming towards the old man!

The action seems to be cumbersome, but it is only in an instant.

The old man didn't even have time to resist, and the whole person was like a kite with a broken string, rolling upside down and flying.


the old man coughed lightly, and the scarlet and eye-catching blood hung on the corner of his mouth.

With his left hand wiped off, he looked at the blood stains in his palm, and a touch of anger flashed in his eyes, and it turned into a murderous aura that was rich to the extreme.

The murderous aura condensed into substance, the bloody eyes with upside-down eyebrows opened and closed, and the deep and bottomless bloody eyes seemed to be an endless abyss.

A breath of domination spread violently to all sides.

Shrouded in the four seas and eight wildernesses, in the breath, a sense of self-respect swept through.

The old man's body exuded a rich blood qi, and the blood qi permeated all around, and suddenly turned into a hideous grimace.

The black grimace on the old man's side condensed together, forming a black giant tiger.


Around Ye Changsheng, strange black ghosts crawled out of the ground, and they were the remnants of the souls that had fallen here.

The giant tiger was hideous, carrying countless remnant souls, and in a terrible roar, it went straight to Ye Changsheng.

The killing began.

Ye Changsheng retreated quickly, the Hundred Turns Emperor Recipe in his mind was running rapidly, and in the dantian, like a golden pill the size of a baby's fist, it kept turning, and there was a powerful spiritual power flowing around his body in every circle.

The shadow of the Emperor loomed behind him, wearing a golden crown, wearing a dragon robe, shrouded in golden light, with a solemn expression, not angry and self-assured, which made all things worship.

The shadow of the Heavenly Emperor fused with Ye Changsheng, and every gesture was supremely powerful.

It seems that he really incarnates the Emperor of Heaven.

"The Third Form of the Hundred Turning Emperor Formula: The Heavenly Emperor Fingers!" In

the upper part of the Hundred Turning Emperor Formula, there are only three forms, which correspond to Qi refining, foundation building, and Jindan.

Ye Changsheng, who had just entered the Jindan stage, this finger was his strongest strength.

The spiritual power is gathered on the middle finger and index finger of the left hand, and the spiritual light shines brightly, and it is as brilliant as the sun.

A supreme masculine and rigid aura turned into a storm and swept through, and in the center of this storm, it was Ye Changsheng.


the two fingers, a thin golden line flew out, piercing through the forehead of the rushing black giant tiger at a speed that could not be caught by the naked eye.

Black fog rises.


Countless remnants let out a terrible scream.

The ghost sound is distracting.

Fortunately, it didn't last long.

With the disappearance of the black giant tiger, all the ghosts around it disappeared.

Ye Changsheng staggered back two steps, his legs and feet were weak, his body was a little unstable, and a finger just now consumed all the spiritual power in his body.

In his mind, the Hundred Turns Emperor Recipe was running, and in the empty dantian, as the Jin Dan slowly turned, the spiritual power in all directions was quickly replenished, and the sea was inclusive.

The Heavenly Rank Exercises gave Ye Changsheng an extremely fast recovery of spiritual power.

The old man looked at all the changes around him, and put away his contempt, the young man in front of him could not be compared with the early stage of ordinary Jindan.

"Boy, you're very good, so I'm not going to use you as a furnace, I decided to eat your golden pill to see how many secrets you hide!"

The ground under his feet was trampled out of a shallow pit in an instant.

It's so fast that it's blurry, and the naked eye can only see afterimages.

In an instant, he had already arrived in front of Ye Changsheng, face to face, close at hand.

The hand formed a claw-like shape and pierced into Ye Changsheng's flesh and blood.


The Heavenly Emperor is still there.


The golden seal blooms.

Three six-sided diamond-shaped treasure seals as clear as glass appeared, layered on top of each other, and hit the old man's chest, instantly bombarding him.



The old man flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, his clothes torn and his sternum dented.


Blood spat all over the ground.

Different from the bright red of ordinary people, his blood is black, strange and deep.

Ye Changsheng frowned.

Five hundred years ago, Ye Changsheng had heard of an extinct exercise, which was the Demon Dao Technique that devoured the golden pill in other people's bodies, although it would improve people's realm rapidly in a short period of time, but the side effects were endless.

It will make the cultivator gradually lose his mind and become a demon spirit who only knows how to slaughter.

Could it be that this old man was cultivating the Demon Dao Technique that had become extinct?

The severe pain in his abdomen made him unable to think too much, and the blood hole opened by his five fingers almost touched the dantian.

It must be resolved quickly, otherwise there is a risk of early bloodshed.

"Boy, you hurt me so much!"

the old man stood up from the ground, hunched over his waist, his eyes dyed blood-red with bloodshots.

Every time the brow and bloody eyes opened and closed, there was a powerful aura that made people palpitate.

Deep bloody eyes, a glance is sinking.

His wounds healed, his long hair grew wildly, his muscles swelled, and his body stood tall.


Clothes burst and debris flew.

In an instant, ten meters behind him, black fluff drilled out of the pores of the whole body, his face was hideous, bone spurs on his back penetrated the skin, and black spiritual power was wrapped around his body, like mist and silk, and his true face was hazy.


came a beastly roar in his throat.

Lying on the ground, his hands and feet have been completely degenerated, and the claws of a beast with a meter are long, revealing the killing intent of Sensen, he is no longer a human, and has completely become a demon spirit

! At the same time as the change, the spiritual power skyrocketed, and in the blink of an eye, he stayed in the late stage of Jindan!

The black spiritual power was strange everywhere, spreading to all sides like mist.

Everywhere they passed, not a single grass grows, and life is cut off.


The wind rises.

The ground is flying sand and rocks.

Ye Changsheng only saw a black afterimage rushing towards him, and then, he felt as if he had been run over by a desolate beast, and the whole person suddenly flew out dozens of meters.

After becoming a demon spirit, the old man has a qualitative change in both strength and speed.


Ye Changsheng could only hear the whistling wind, and then the whole person was knocked out again, paralyzed on the ground, and his flesh and blood were screaming in pain.

"I'm going to torture you to death.

Suddenly hearing the old man's voice, Ye Changsheng's eyes contracted, in the record, if he becomes a demon spirit, a cultivator will lose his mind, can he already control the conversion between humans and demon spirits at will?

Ye Changsheng felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

The gap is too big.

"That's not going to work, give me your body, and I'll help you kill him!" A

voice sounded in Ye Changsheng's mind.

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