
A brand new day,

Shinomiyatsuki was also woken up from a strange dream of [Bunny Girl Senior Sister X Silver-Haired Senior Sister].

Who is the person who woke up, you ask? Of course, his alarm clock used for half a year.

As for the sister or childhood sweetheart who wakes up the protagonist in his sleep in light novels, the bridge where he lifts the quilt and then blushes and shouts H does not exist at all, okay?

Everyone is the protagonist, is it necessary for the gap to be so big?

Some resentful opened their confused eyes, simply washed, changed their school uniforms, looked at themselves in the mirror who even yawned and were very handsome, and Sigongyue also thought smelly, a boring day began to be woken up by himself.

Coming out of the apartment, a person rode a bicycle that accompanied him from the time he crossed over, and embarked on the familiar road to school day after day.

Perhaps it was too exciting to encounter during the day yesterday, coupled with the “strenuous exercise” when he went home in the evening, and the time spent on revising the novel manuscript by staying up until one o’clock in the morning, caused Shinomiyatsuki, who had to get up early to go to school today, was obviously not in good spirits, and even yawned continuously on the way to school on his bicycle.

Shinomiyatsuki’s place of residence is not too far from his school, Hidechiin Gakuen, which takes less than 30 minutes on foot and about 10 minutes by bicycle.

So, not long after, a man riding a bicycle like the wind arrived at the gate of the National Shuchiin Gakuen, along with the luxury cars of the 90% of the rich children who came to pick up and drop off the 90% of the rich children who went to school here.

Although everyone calls a car, a four-wheeled luxury car is indeed much better than a two-wheeled bicycle in the fourth palace moon.

However, Shinomiya Yue didn’t care too much about this.

“The one I drove over should be an extended version of the Lincoln!”

“It’s okay, sitting in that kind of soft luxury car is definitely not as healthy as my bicycle.”

Watching countless students full of spirit wearing the same school uniform as Shinomiya Yue entering the school gate one after another, Shinomiya Yue, who pushed a bicycle into the school gate, also used the spiritual victory method to lift his spirit.

After all, Mr. Lu Xun said that life lies in sports!

(Lu Xun: “I didn’t say that. “)


After parking his car at the designated place of the school, Shinomiya Yue, who was carrying his bag, also walked into his class, and the sixth class in the second year, when Shinomiya Yue entered the door, the classmates had reached about half.

“Good morning”

“Good morning”

While greeting his classmates without nutrition, Shinomiya Yue also made it to the window seat in the penultimate row.

Thanks to the height of nearly 1.8 meters in the fourth house moon, in the case of simply ranking seats according to height, under the height of less than 1.65 meters per man in the neon country, the fourth house moon will hardly have any seat rotation.

However, Shinomiyai, who has 2.2 pairs of naked vision, can clearly see the marks in the corner of the blackboard, so there is not much problem.

And this position is also very satisfactory for Shinomiyatsuki, after all, this position is also convenient for him to do his own things, such as letting his sleepy self squint a little for a while in class without being discovered by the teacher.

“Good morning.”

“Well, good morning.”

“Why, today is exceptionally unspirited? Young Master of the Four Palaces. ”

Listening to the familiar greeting voice around her, the listless Shinomiya Yue also raised her head to look at the beautiful girl next to her, a girl who would give people the feeling of [very beautiful hot girl].

She has big watery blue eyes under her blonde curls, and she is painted with simple light makeup, and the lip gloss on her lips is translucent, which is very attractive to the eye.

The name is Ai Hayasaka, and she should be single without a boyfriend according to Shinomiyatsuki’s intelligence.

And I don’t know why, Shinomiya Yue always feels that he has seen each other somewhere, but he is not ready to open his mouth before he thinks where he has seen each other, after all, saying this sentence will definitely make the other party laugh cutely.

“Young Master of the Fourth Palace, such an old-fashioned pick-up technique is outdated.”

Although Shigongyue himself doesn’t know why the other party likes to call himself the young master of the fourth palace instead of the classmate of the fourth palace, but the fourth palace moon did not correct the other party’s title, such a beautiful girl called herself young master is still inexplicably feeling.

After all, the other party is one of the few girls in the class who is very familiar with the fourth palace moon, and a title like “Four Palace Young Master” should seem like a special nickname like a joke between very close friends in the eyes of the fourth palace moon.

For example: Xie Dajiao, Liu Big Head or something, nicknames between friends. (Hey, that’s not the same thing at all, okay?) )

“Ah, could it be that the young master of the fourth palace came every few days of the month?”

Ai Hayasaka, who covers her mouth, also pretends to have discovered the little secret of Shinomiyatsuki.

“Don’t talk about this impossible thing, Hayasaka, the body composition of men and women is different, we can study and learn from each other when we have time.”

Because they are very, very familiar, there is no lower limit for Shinomiyatsuki and Ai Hayasaka to joke at all, and the other party will naturally not be angry.

“Is it rude to open a yellow cavity in front of a girl?”

“How can it be yellow? I mean doing academic research on physiological hygiene, which is science. ”

Shinomiyazuki is also a serious nonsense.

I just don’t know which science is the difference between men and women studying each other’s physical structures….


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