
Because he stayed up late yesterday to make a comprehensive revision of his novel, the current Shinomiya Yue was a little weak lying on his desk.

As if he had thought of something, he turned his head and asked in the direction where Ai Hayasaka was beside him.

“By the way, Hayasaka, ask you about a girl.”

“It’s really rare, I didn’t expect that the young master of the fourth palace would also have a day when he was interested in girls?”

While preparing the textbook for class, Ai Hayasaka answered Shinomiyatsuki’s words calmly.

“Hey, don’t talk like I used to be interested in boys!”

It is about his innocence and happy high school life in the future, so Shinomiyazuki also deliberately raised his decibels and emphasized his sexual orientation.

The surrounding classmates are also unaccustomed, and in their eyes, Ai Hayasaka and Shinomiyatsuki are like “old husbands and wives” who have been married for many years, and any problems are not a problem.

“Understood, understood…”

Ai Hayasaka nodded and answered Shinomiyatsuki’s words perfunctorily, looking like I understood and understood

Turning her head, Ai Hayasaka also continued to ask for new news.

“Then, please tell me which girl was so lucky to be favored by the young master of the fourth palace?”

“It doesn’t look like it, do you know Mai Sakurajima-san in the third grade?”

“I was wondering what kind of person she was.”

Shinomiya Yue said matter-of-factly, of course, that senior sister rabbit girl did leave an indelible impression in Shinomiyatsu’s heart, which was true.

“It should be a relatively famous female artist, right?”

Ai Hayasaka also said with some uncertainty.

Indeed, although Mai Sakurajima is a very famous person, if it is placed in the National Hidechiin Gakuen, which has a very high deviation, it is only famous.

Most of the students here are famous families, and the few who rely on grades to come in are also absolute gods of learning, and the future is promising, so even very outstanding female artists here are not too far away.

“Let me think…”

Pondering, Ai Hayasaka then said what she knew about Mai Sakurajima.

“Sakurajima’s senior sister should have debuted as a child star at the age of six, played a relatively important role in the popular work of the morning theater carousel at that time, and performed well in that very high-rated morning drama, so it can be regarded as officially entering people’s attention.”

“Taking this as an opportunity, in the following time, Senior Sakurajima also made a lot of movies and TV series, and as an actress and artist diehard fan, she also steadily improved until she entered middle school, but at the same time, she did not have the momentum of the original genius child star.”

Most child stars retire at the single-digit age and fade out of sight until they finally disappear, but Mai Sakurajima’s ability to bring her acting career to middle school is a very powerful thing in itself.

At the age of fourteen, Mai Sakurajima, who transformed from a little girl to a beautiful girl, once again attracted people’s attention with her excellent acting skills and extremely high appearance in the movies released at that time, and her popularity exploded instantly.

“Just when her popularity was at its peak, two years ago, Mai Sakurajima suddenly and publicly announced that she would stop all activities as an artist, but did not explain the detailed reason, only said that she wanted to enter the school to study, and there was no news of being a public figure after entering our school.”


Ai Hayasaka seems to be stating ordinary facts, and her tone is quite calm and very professional.

“However, at school, I have not heard rumors of anyone with her.”

Looking at the Shinomiya Moon in front of him, Ai Hayasaka also added at the right time.

“If it is such a celebrity, it is normal that you have seen some of the world, and it is normal for boys of the same age to like more mature and stable men.”

Shinomiyazuki also nodded, indicating that he understood.

“Oh, it’s a pity, I thought the young master of the fourth palace would be a little more excited.”

“However, I mean, not only boys, even girls Sakurajima-senpai will not have much contact, and they have always been alone, including classmates, and have never heard of who is her acquaintance at school.”

Hearing this, the fourth palace moon also gradually has the image of Sakurajima’s senior sister, but there is also a very important problem that is plaguing the fourth palace moon now.

Very important.

“Ahem, then, Hayasaka, there’s one last question.”


“If your life at school didn’t go well, would you wear something like a bunny girl to a public place?”

“Of course, not just rabbit ears, but a full-body suit, the kind that has some color?”

“Young Master of the Four Palaces.”

Listening to Shinomiyatsuki’s words, Hayasaka Ai sighed, and her voice gradually became cold, how to listen to Shinomiyatsuki’s words has a hint of perverted meaning.

“Please also distinguish between reality and fantasy, and watch less small movies, those plots will not really happen in life.”

Just when Shinomiya Yue was about to say something, the class bell rang.

Then, the teacher of the first history class, Kirisu Mafuyu, also walked into the classroom.

Ai Hasaka also returned to her position, and the conversation ended here.

That’s right, not only Ai Hayasaka, but also the world history teacher in front of him, Mafuyu Kirisu, is also a character from the manga.

Looking at the tall, well-proportioned, and concave Tongsu Zhendong on the podium, Shinomiyazuki also said with emotion.

“Kirisu-sensei is as beautiful as ever today.”

Especially the long legs wrapped in black stockings under the professional outfit, the eyes are particularly attractive, but the beautiful face under the other party’s cherry colored long hair is still indifferent, and it is completely a look that no one should get close to.

Mafuyu Kirisu is privately called an indifferent iceberg beauty, and no matter when and where, few students see her smile, especially male students will feel great pressure under each other’s cold gaze when they meet each other.

However, courses such as history, which almost all rely on memory, have improved their memory to the almost terrifying Shigongyue after using the system to strengthen the development of the brain domain, and there is no difficulty at all.

So, of course, Shinomiyazuki chose to do something more meaningful.

“Just squint for a while.”


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