The Days of Opening a Restaurant on an Abnormal Earth

Chapter 17 There is a way to heaven if you don't take it

"We ordinary people, today is so happy." Zhang Tong hummed a song with a sense of age, and he was in a happy mood. why? It's very simple, because a little helper girl came to the kitchen today.

Oh no. To be precise, it's not a little helper girl, but a big helper girl. She is 1.8 meters tall, and she is as tall as Zhang Tong when standing together, but if you look at the visual effect, maybe this new helper looks taller than Zhang Tong.

And the big girl who came to help was naturally Jiang Hua who had just received Zhang Tong's report last night.

Jiang Hua, who was happily eating rice with dry roasted shrimp and tofu last night, heard Zhang Tong's complete narration and took out Wang Daochang's medicine bottle. Jiang Hua instinctively linked Zhang Tong's case with the previous Xingshan case.

In particular, she called someone to come over and take the medicine bottle in Zhang Tong's hand to compare the ingredients of the medicine in it with the medicine bottle found at the murder scene. Judging from the comparison results of the residue extracted from the inner wall of the previous medicine bottle and the drug ingredients in Zhang Tong's medicine bottle, the two medicines should be refined by the same person.

Now the forensics department has not clearly analyzed the ingredients inside, but it is certain that it must contain chemical ingredients that are currently unknown on the earth. Only since the [Homecoming Tide] period when there were a large number of returnees five years ago, there have been many strange things on the earth.

Many of them are special products from other worlds brought back by the returnees, and there are many things that modern scientists can't figure out and need to study hard.

And some of the ingredients in this medicine bottle are likely to come from another world. Therefore, Jiang Hua's emphasis on this case has soared again and again.

First of all, two people have died in the Xingshan case, and the guy who may lure Tian Yi to kill (the case has not been finalized) may be a serial criminal.

The Daoist Wang Changchun mentioned by Zhang Tong is likely to have deceived not only Zhang Tong and Tian Yi, but also other victims. According to preliminary inferences, Jiang Hua believes that Wang Changchun's fraud should be mainly about money.

Tian Yi's money was said to be a recharge of a certain mobile game, but Jiang Hua and others did not actually track down which mobile game company's account Tian Yi's recharge went to.

Jiang Hua suspects that this is an outright scam, and Tian Yi is just a victim of being cheated. And Zhang Tong is likely to be the second. And the liar seems to be more interested in Zhang Tong.

Because the money that Tian Yi can take out is really limited, he may only cheat tens of thousands of yuan in a few months. But Zhang Tong is different here. Although Zhang Tong doesn't have much cash, he owns a set of stores in Putuo District.

Jianghua and nearby real estate agents have inquired, and the transaction price of similar stores in this area is not less than 15 million. And depending on the situation, the price will go up.

Because Huaihai City is currently cleaning up the city, many storefronts that were originally opened that were not so standardized (for example, the walls on the side of the street in the community were demolished and used as storefronts) all have to be rectified and restored. Zhang Tong's storefront is a real storefront with complete procedures, and the city government will not move.

The price of this type of storefront is soaring, and the transaction price of a storefront of the same size has increased by almost one million yuan in the past six months. In particular, Zhang Tong's store has a second floor where people can live. Although the height of the ceiling is only 2.4 meters, it is still a room and a living room!

To what extent the housing prices in Huaihai City have risen now, the people who live here are aware of it. Downstairs is the storefront, upstairs is for people. The cost performance of this kind of house is very high, but developers will not build such a house now.

Zhang Tong's house might be sold at a higher price than other houses.

Is more than 10 million worth a liar's effort to cheat? worth! Jiang Hua has her little thumb thinking and knows the attraction of more than 10 million to liars.

As long as it can be deceived, it is acceptable to spend a month or two on the layout. And this liar is very targeted, that is, to deceive the returnees.

This part of the case against the returnees has become more hidden and difficult to detect. Jiang Hua has reason to believe that Tian Yi is not the first to be deceived, and Zhang Tong will not be the last.

As a senior investigator of the Special Investigation Section, his mission is to stop these crimes. In any case, returnees are also part of this society. They have the right to live a good life in this society. As long as they don't break the law, they can enjoy the peace and tranquility they deserve.

And people like Wang Changchun are destroying the basic order and tranquility of this society. If there are more and more people like him committing crimes against returnees, it is very likely to cause a storm in society. Not all returnees are as comfortable as Zhang Tong who can open a small restaurant to live.

Not all returnees are useless homeboys like Tian Yi.

So in order to catch Wang Changchun and see if there is a special organization behind Wang Changchun. So Jiang Hua made a disguise, and now she is the little girl washing dishes in Lao Zhang's shop. She was in charge of squatting and arresting Wang Changchun, because she didn't know if this "returner" was really a formidable cultivator in Tianqing Continent as he said.

The most suitable person in the group to do this kind of arrest work is myself. Others are easily injured when fighting with such capable and powerful returnees.

The last time Wang Changchun only gave Zhang Tong medicine, it was just spreading bait. Jiang Hua believes that Wang Changchun will definitely appear again, because he still wants to lure Zhang Tong into the bait.

Jiang Hua has various thoughts. But Zhang Tong was really grinning, okay. The case of 20 yuan did not expect to give him such an opportunity to get close to the tall beauty.

Daoist Wang Changchun, thank you, if you want to lie to me next time, please wait a little later. Let me get along with Police Officer Jiang for a while. The next time you get caught I'll send you a chicken bento.

Zhang Tong was grateful in his heart, and planned to present a chicken leg bento to Daoist Wang Changchun's next visit. Of course, it's better to show up later. Let him brush up his favorability.

As for whether Zhang Tong will be fooled by Wang Changchun? Hehe, ever since he saw Wang Changchun for the first time, Zhang Tong knew that he was a liar, not even a returnee. The medicine he mentioned is also completely fake. It is not a Qi and blood pill at all, nor does it have any ability to stimulate the power of human blood.

But he won't say this to Jiang Hua, because it's too troublesome to explain, and he doesn't know how to round it up. So let's not talk about it at all, and let her interrogate Wang Daochang herself after she catches her.

Today at noon, there were no guests as usual, Zhang Tong already understood. There are no people in the community here at noon, and the staff in the surrounding office buildings are also ordering takeaway at noon. Few people have time to go out to eat, especially now that the weather is cold, and even fewer people are willing to leave the heated building to enjoy the cold air.

So Zhang Tong is planning to have a good chat with Jiang Hua. For example, where was Jiang Hua born, what primary school did he go to, and did he have a boyfriend. If you have a boyfriend, when will you break up, etc.

Jiang Hua was cleaning the table in the front hall, and she still didn't know that "Zhu Shimao" with thick eyebrows and big eyes behind him was having the same bad intentions as the crooked "Chen Xiaoer". I have to say that being upright is still very useful to cover up.

And just when Zhang Tong was about to go up to show his courtesy, the glass door was pushed open. Jiang Hua skillfully said to the guests at the door: "Welcome." It was as if she was really a waiter.

And Zhang Tong also followed the voice and looked towards the door to see who destroyed his plan. However, his brow furrowed after only one glance.

Damn it, didn't I tell you to come later, you're in such a rush to get your lunch? Zhang Tong was upset inside, but on the surface he remained calm.

And Wang Xuewu (another identity of Wang Changchun) was pushing the door in, smelling the fragrance in the air, and exclaimed: "It smells so strong of mutton."

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