The Days of Opening a Restaurant on an Abnormal Earth

Chapter 18 Hell has no door, you broke in

Wang Xuewu opened the door and walked in. He smelled a strong smell of mutton as soon as he entered the door. So he couldn't help but subconsciously said: "It smells so strong of mutton."

Jiang Hua took a look at Wang Xuewu. His appearance was completely different from the Wang Changchun described by Zhang Tong. But she still raised some vigilance. Because who knows if it is a gang crime. What if the other party invites you?

So Jiang Hua played her role very well - a waiter. She said calmly and without revealing any flaws with a very enthusiastic attitude: "Welcome, our shop serves mutton soup today. Please sit down." While talking, he warmly greeted Wang Xuewu to sit down.

For Jiang Hua, as long as she is still playing the role of a hotel helper, then she must play this role decently. It's not the first time for her to do make-up detection, she is very used to it.

At least Wang Xuewu, who came in from the opposite side, didn't have much association except for being slightly surprised at the beginning. Because it is normal for this kind of restaurant to have a female helper.

What really surprised Wang Xuewu was that the female helper was too tall, and her appearance was too handsome. Looks more like a model than a dishwasher.

I'm afraid that those who are peripheral models can't compare. Wang Xuewu evaluated in his heart that those part-time peripheral models who charge more than 8,000 a night can't compare with the dishwashing girl in front of him.

Obviously, Wang Xuewu has begun to reduce the proportion of blood and oxygen supply to the brain, and the excess part has begun to supply the lower body. Wang Xuewu thought he was hiding it well, but the micro-expressions and eyes on his face after seeing Jiang Hua did not escape Zhang Tong's attention.

Zhang Tong was a little upset, or a little angry. As a man, he knew very clearly what the information revealed in Wang Xuewu's micro-expressions meant. I think I hide it well, but Wang Xuewu is not a person who is familiar with "Actor's Self-cultivation" after all.

If he spent the time reading the books "I'm a xxx in a different world" to study his acting skills, he wouldn't be so easily discovered by Zhang Tong.

As a hotel owner, Zhang Tong has dealt with people of all levels and teachings in another world for ten years. If he didn't have an exquisite heart and eyesight, Zhang Tong might not be able to find his way back to the earth alive.

But now Jiang Hua is handling the case, so Zhang Tong can't say anything. He had already made up his mind that Wang Daochang's chicken leg bento should not be taken. And not only can't get it, since you can't wait to deliver it to your door now, then don't blame me for being ruthless!

Jiang Hua thought that he would guard Wang Changchun (or his accomplices) in order to handle the case, but now Wang Xuewu was not only thinking about getting the store, but also thinking about getting the little sister after washing. He didn't even think about where this dishwashing girl came from!

And Zhang Tong had already sentenced Wang Xuewu in his heart, and it was executed immediately. Chicken Bento? Hehe, in the next life!

A small shop, three people, each with their own thoughts.

Wang Xuewu originally planned to cast bait for Zhang Tong today. Because Wang Changchun didn't give money on purpose before, and kept a bottle of medicine on purpose. I'm afraid only a fool would take that bottle of medicine directly. Do you trust a few words from a stranger?

Of course, it would be the best if there was such a fool, and it would be easier to cheat. But most people will not trust the other person directly after being fooled once.

So Wang Changchun needs to become Wang Xuewu, or Wang Changjiang, or any other identity. Use the method of entrusting to trick the other party into being fooled.

And Wang Xuewu's identity was what he used to coax Zhang Tong, and this identity was also faked by him as a returnee.

Originally, Wang Xuewu planned to come to make friends directly at noon today. Because he found out that the business of this small shop is not very good at noon, and there are few people.

Only a small number of people meet his conditions for getting close. He can start with a small complaint. Then chatted with Zhang Tong who was idle waiting for the guests.

He learned this aspect of speech from his teacher. Then start from small topics. It has been slowly leading to the previous life in another world.

This period is a very long time, and it will take about half a month and a month of patience. Let Zhang Tong get acquainted with himself thoroughly before starting the next step.

And the next step is to use Wang Xuewu's mouth and his personal experience to draw out a very powerful character, that is Wang Changchun.

In order to prove how powerful Wang Changchun's medicine is, Wang Xuewu or his other identities will show how powerful he is after taking Wang Daochang's medicine.

The last stage is the net collection stage, where all the oil and water of Zhang Tong are dried up. At this time, the teacher will come forward. Wang Xuewu can't handle these large-scale projects. He also doesn't have the connections to do it, only a teacher can do it.

Now not only I am short of money, but the teacher seems to be short of money too. If you can dedicate the tens of millions of storefronts to the teacher, although you will get a lot less, you can get other rewards.

Wang Xuewu thinks it is worthwhile to spend two or three months to operate. However, I originally planned to come to play Zhang Tong at noon today, but because there was a sudden washing girl, Wang Xuewu didn't plan to play for the time being.

Why? The reason is very simple, Wang Xuewu is not mentally retarded enough to fall into the trap before he can figure out the origin of this little girl after washing.

Only after finding out where this beautiful little girl came from, and whether she was really an ordinary person who came to work in Huaihai, did Wang Xuewu turn back.

If she is really an ordinary working girl, then he will definitely do everything possible to get it and play with it first. If there is danger, then run quickly. To be a liar requires patience and determination.

Wang Xuewu still has this aspect, although he can't help but look at Jiang Hua's long legs when he looks at Jiang Hua. But he was not overwhelmed in the end and knew what he should do.

Wang Xuewu didn't speak, he acted like an ordinary diner, ordered a bowl of mutton soup and a pancake served today. Then eat silently and walk silently.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't mention anything to Zhang Tong, nor did he show any abnormalities. Except for the occasional look at Jiang Hua's eyes, everything is normal.

But it was precisely this look of his that got him into a very serious trouble.

It’s fine if you didn’t pay for your meal yesterday, but it’s fine if you want to continue cheating on me today (although it hasn’t started yet). You still plan to attack Jiang Hua now? I didn't even have time to make a move!

Zhang Tong has already planned to expose Wang Xuewu's identity directly today. But of course not in the store.

People can change their appearance through plastic surgery, make-up, PS and other means. But only the appearance has changed. The most basic biological structural formula in the human body will not change.

And each person's body has a unique bioelectricity, according to each person's living habits, work, etc. will affect the body's bioelectromagnetic.

It can be said that everyone's bioelectricity is unique, and if it can be identified from a microscopic electronic point of view, it is more accurate than iris identification.

And this is why Wang Xuewu has nothing to hide in Zhang Tong's eyes. No matter where you go, what you become. Your bioelectricity will not change.

Wang Xuewu's mutton soup at noon is very comfortable to drink, and it is also very eye-catching. He didn't reveal any suspicious behavior, and Jiang Hua naturally didn't suspect him.

There was nothing unusual until he checked out and left Zhang Tong's small restaurant. Zhang Tong waited patiently until two o'clock in the afternoon and said to Jiang Hua: "Let's rest first. My shop is open from 11:00 noon to 2:00 noon. From 5:00 to 7:30 in the evening. Let's do it as usual."

Jiang Hua nodded: "Okay, all work and rest schedules are as usual. Don't arouse other people's suspicion."

Just when Jiang Hua was planning to go back to the headquarters first, she saw Zhang Tong locked the door of the store and seemed to be planning to go out.

Jiang Hua asked curiously: "Boss Zhang, don't you want to take a nap?"

Zhang Tong smiled and waved his hands: "No, go out to do some errands and buy some things." As he spoke, Zhang Tong nodded to Jiang Hua and walked away.

Zhang Tong really wanted to go out to buy something, so he bought a new swinging stick at the farmer's market stall and put it in his pocket.

Perceiving the electromagnetic direction of Wang Xuewu's body, Zhang Tong sighed inwardly: "Wang Changchun, Wang Changchun. There is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you break in!"

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