These potions did not belong to Wang Xuewu, but to his teacher. All the medicines should have a clearly recorded quantity. If they are taken away by [Tian Yi], even if Tian Yi doesn't embarrass himself after taking the medicine, his teacher will kill him.

Because there is a quota for the amount of money or other valuable items that the teacher needs to recover after distributing medicines to each student.

There are still 100 bottles of medicine in my room now, each bottle contains three pills, and this needs to recover at least one million yuan. If it is less than this amount, I cannot account for it.

The teacher can usually have a pleasant face, but when money is involved, he is not so easy to talk to.

Wang Xuewu felt bitter in his heart, and now the other party asked him to hand over the medicine, whether he handed it over or not, it was actually the same. Because the medicine is hidden in this house, mixed with those health care products "Life No. 7". As long as the other party looks for it patiently, they will definitely be able to find it.

Zhang Tong used the swing stick as an electric prod, and the weak and stinging electric current stimulated Wang Xuewu to death.

"Speak, or not? My patience is very limited." Zhang Tong gradually increased the intensity of the current, and Wang Xuewu screamed. Zhang Tong is not a policeman, and there is no such thing as civilized handling of cases for him.

Wang Xuewu wants to be tough? Ok, let’s power on slowly. Keep calling until you speak, it's that simple. Do you really think that you are so mighty and unyielding as an underground worker during the Anti-Japanese War?

Obviously, Wang Xuewu underestimated Zhang Tong's battery, and overestimated his own strength. After a burst of crackling lightning flashed by, Wang Xuewu finally explained the location of his hidden medicine.


pt area, special investigation department.

Jiang Hua was still busy after returning from Zhang Tong's shop. The murder of two people in Xingshan had a great impact on the surrounding communities, and the surrounding residents felt a sense of panic.

In particular, the fear and resistance to the returnees a few years ago was aroused again because of this murder. Residents around the Xingshan community, especially the old aunts, began to spread various gossips again.

It is very dangerous to say that so-and-so from a certain family is a returnee, and they have not registered with the Homecoming Office, and so on.

In fact, the people they consider to be returnees are just ordinary people who have been working in the coastal areas for three years and have only recently returned to Huaihai to work.

"The documents from the superiors have been issued." Jiang Hua took the documents he had just issued from the district department and said to his subordinates: "The Xingshan murder case has attracted the attention of the superiors. Two fatal cases, and To die in one's own home has had a very bad effect on the social climate."

"The higher-ups want us to catch people quickly and stop this trend. The incident five years ago cannot be repeated." Jiang Hua stepped on the floor wearing leather shoes. At the same time, send the above-issued files to each team member.

"Now the area is very tight, and everyone is watching us. I will continue to squat in Zhang Tong's store, and you have to search for Tian Yi as quickly as possible. Find Tian Yi or catch that suspicious Wang Changchun , This is the key to our solution. I want to know what happened."

Li Yishan took the document but threw it aside without even looking at it, and snorted disdainfully: "Above? The department in the district. Is it Huang Gang who squeezed ** out? Do we want us to set up another document?" How many days does the military order limit the number of days to solve a case? Every day, you know how to whitewash the peace, take credit for your achievements, and blame others for your mistakes.”

"How did you get the position of Deputy Director of the Special Investigation Bureau of the PT District? If others don't know, how can we not know?!" Li Yishan was very angry when she said this.

"***, you are in charge! If Huang Gang dares to give you small shoes to wear, you will push him back! Originally, his position should be yours. He is the deputy, and you are in charge. You are one level higher than him." Well. Now you are doing the main department with your current position, no, we are probably a deputy department.” Li Yishan looked at the manpower of the special investigation department, and she took back the metaphor of the main department and changed it. Became a sub-subject.

"Fuck's ability is Qu Cai. It's all because of Huang Gang. If it weren't for him to make trouble and frame you, you wouldn't have been dragged here." Li Yishan seemed aggrieved by what happened to Jiang Hua.

Jianghua is at the administrative level, but he is assigned a very low authority position, and a person who is in other county-level cities can be the top leader.

But Li Yishan's complaint was stared back by Jiang Hua: "Yishan! Talk less and do more! You are not asked to complain when you are asked to work."

Li Yishan looked a little stubborn and wanted to say something. But her cousin Li Tianfeng tugged Li Yishan's sleeve, so she would stop speaking ill of the big leader in public.

Li Tianfeng murmured in Li Yishan's ear: "Shut up! Do you think you haven't caused enough trouble for the ****? If your words are heard by the higher-ups, other people will find you some shoes if they don't bother you. Isn't it time that you still have to take the blame for you?!"

Li Yishan curled her lips when she heard Li Tianfeng's words, but said nothing more.

The order from above was suppressed, and the Xingshan murder case became an even more urgent task to solve the case. However, Tian Yi and Wang Changchun are still missing.

Except for the investigators of the Special Investigation Section who need to visit and investigate accidents, the most important thing is to watch the surveillance. And this matter was handed over to Li Tianfeng. Let him watch the surveillance around the crime scene and near Zhang Tong's shop these days to see if there are any suspicious people coming in and out. It's better to follow the clues to find the person they are looking for.

Watching surveillance is a hard thing, even harder than going out to visit. In fact, Li Tianfeng is quite envious of those colleagues who can go out to work, and today he is on duty and watching the surveillance. He felt that his eyes might be going blind.

While he was watching the surveillance, a phone call came in. Li Tianfeng picked up the phone skillfully and said, "This is the Special Investigation Section of the PT District. Do you need any help?"

"Hey! Hey! Help! Help! I surrender, I surrender. Hurry up and catch me, hurry up and catch me!" A man on the other end of the phone was howling heart-piercingly.

Li Tianfeng realized that something was wrong, and he immediately returned: "Don't worry, hold on, what are you talking about, why surrender? Help? Tell me your exact address."

"Hurry up! Hurry up! I live in Xiaoduhe Road, house number 1016. I am Wang Xuewu, I am Wang Changchun, come quickly, Tian Yi is here to kill me, he wants to kill me Kill me! I sold the medicine to him, I surrender! Come and save me!" The voice of the man on the other end of the phone seemed to be about to collapse.

And Li Tianfeng didn't hesitate for a moment, immediately dialed the phone number of Jiang Hua who had just left, and told her: "****, I found Tian Yi's clues, and I found Wang Changchun!"

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