The Days of Opening a Restaurant on an Abnormal Earth

Chapter 23 The Complicated Situation of Returnees

Lao Zhang's shop.

This small shop is open for dinner from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm. Zhang Tong has already figured out that this time period is a peak period. The white-collar workers in the surrounding office buildings are all off work. At this time, most of them will walk out of the aggrieved cubicles, and then walk to the seemingly wide, but actually aggrieved streets.

And only at this time will the business in your store be good. When Jiang Hua came over to help Zhang Tong prepare dinner after four o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Hua casually chatted with Zhang Tong: "Old Zhang, what did you buy this afternoon?"

Zhang Tong frowned slightly: "We seem to be the same age, isn't it a bit inappropriate for you to call me Lao Zhang? Are you afraid to call yourself old?"

Jiang Hua glanced sideways at Zhang Tong and smiled: "You are thirty-five and I am twenty-eight. We are seven years apart. Why are we the same age?"

Zhang Tong was very upset: "There is a problem with this age division. My life has only been read for 28 years. How can I be counted as 35 years old? Seven years of my time were stolen like this." Ah! It's not fair!"

"If a twenty-year-old young man has practiced on a certain continent for a thousand years, but only one year has passed since he returned to the earth. Do you also count him as twenty-one years old, not two thousand and two years old? Eleven?" Zhang Tong seemed dissatisfied with this way of calculating age.

"Haven't you encountered such a thing? For example, when you were in your teens before you traveled, you ended up staying in another world for a few years, and then it has been decades since you came back. If you count the legal age, you are already seventy or eighty years old." So, can these young people in their twenties be able to receive subsidies for the elderly?"

"Either time travel to the age of 20, go out for a year, and come back too old to walk. Then count him as 21 years old, and say to him: Young people who have hands and feet should not sit at home and lead a low life." Bao, go out and find a job!"

Pfft~, Jiang Hua couldn't help laughing when she heard Zhang Tong describe it like this, and also played the role of an old man moving bricks with great emotion.

Jiang Hua couldn't help but patted Zhang Tong on the shoulder: "You think too much. Of course the country has considerations in this regard. Otherwise, why set up a special office for returnees? It is because of these considerations, and also for returnees. The subsistence allowances for the elderly are in another system, not the system of universal subsistence allowances.”

"In fact, the composition of returnees is very complicated. If you want to understand, you can read more online novels written by those returnees. Although some people's writing is very bad, and the writing is very ordinary. But some of them There are a lot of things to see. You are the most normal one among the returnees. So your identity and age issues must be postponed by the Homecoming Office.”

Hearing what Jiang Hua said, Zhang Tong touched his ears: "Is there anything else complicated? How complicated?"

Jiang Hua spread his hands: "Let's not talk about the age reason you mentioned before, and the problem of leaving the earth for too long and being out of touch with this society. You must know that some transmigrators may not necessarily transmigrate into adults after transmigrating to another world. "Jiang Hua told Zhang Tong a terrible scene.

"Think about it, if you transmigrated into a strange beast, or a small animal such as a cat or dog, how would you live on earth?" Zhang Tong thought about it, let me go, it seems very bad if this is really the case ah! I can't get used to cat food and dog food.

Jiang Huayu said earnestly: "So, don't blame the office for not being able to do things well. There is no way around this."

Just as Jiang Hua and Zhang Tong were chatting and preparing for dinner, Jiang Hua's cell phone rang. It was Li Tianfeng who called. On the other end of the phone, he told Jiang Hua an important news. Both Tian Yi and Wang Changchun had news.

Jiang Hua, who originally planned to continue to put on makeup and squat here at night, immediately couldn't sit still. She took off her apron, and said to Zhang Tong: "Old Zhang, I'm leaving first. It seems that the guy who cheated you of the meal money has been found." Jiang Hua didn't have too much nonsense. Changchun seized.

Then catch Tian Yi again, don't worry about whether there are other masterminds behind this case. There were people in the district who didn't deal with her. The Xingshan murder case couldn't be caught by others. She wanted to solve the case as soon as possible.

Jiang Hua was about to leave the shop while talking, Zhang Tong shook his head and talked: Hey, Wang Changchun, Wang Changchun. You can obviously live happily for a few more days, why did you come today?

You see, it forced me to get you, and after I get you, I will send you to prison. You shouldn't, you shouldn't, you shouldn't have chosen me as your target.

What is the most important thing in life? It's not hard work, it's not struggle, it's about seeing yourself clearly and understanding the enemy! Zhang Tong sighed inwardly.

Because Wang Changchun's problem was solved just this afternoon. In Zhang Tong's view, there is nothing in this world that cannot be solved by electricity. If so, increase the voltage.

After Wang Changchun was shocked until he lost control of his bladder and bowels and almost foamed at the mouth, Wang Changchun finally couldn't hold on anymore. Tell Zhang Tong the location of his Tibetan medicine.

Zhang Tong also thought that the location of such a piece of Tibetan medicine must be very secret, and must have been obtained in a special place. As a result, Wang Changchun just hid the medicine in a bunch of health care products of Life Seven.

Perhaps the more obvious something is, the more difficult it is for people to find it? If I had known this, Zhang Tong felt that he should not waste electricity for nothing.

And when Jiang Hua led people to Wang Changchun's (also known as Wang Xuewu's) residence, there was no way to watch the scene. Wang Xuewu's face became very strange, half of his face was Wang Xuewu's, and the other half was Wang Changchun's.

He was half lying on the ground, only his hands and head could barely move, and he was still yelling with his mobile phone: "Help, I surrender, help."

He should call for help, because Jiang Hua smelled a foul smell just after entering his room. Wang Xuewu or the guy named Wang Changchun was incontinent everywhere.

Especially since he seems to be dragging a long trail of feces when he comes out of the toilet, which is disgusting. The yellow sticky substance is like a layer of yellow mud paint on the floor.

These were naturally sent by Zhang Tong, a scum and liar. Zhang Tong has no psychological burden. I don't know how many scumbags like homicides have killed in the past. It was a favor to save his life this time. As Zhang Tong himself said, he was never such a good person.

Wang Xuewu looked like he had suffered a lot, and there were still traces of electric shock left on his face. When he saw Jiang Hua and others leading the team here, he was not so conscious anymore. I didn't even notice that the person leading the team was the dishwashing girl I saw in Lao Zhang's shop at noon today.

He just kept saying: "Help me, save me, comrade policeman. I said everything and explained everything. You have to protect me, Tian Yi is going to kill me! He really wants to kill me! All the medicines are taken away, my teacher will not let me go, he will definitely come to kill me. You must protect me, protect me!"

Wang Xuewu had a lot of snot and tears.

"Medicine?" Li Yishan resisted the nausea and crossed the yellow mud road dragged out by Wang Xuewu, picked up a few medicine bottles from an invisible corner behind him, and said to Wang Xuewu: "You mean this? "

Wang Xuewu was so dazed by the shock that he couldn't turn his head. Zhang Tong was cruel to him. Wang Xuewu, who hadn't turned his head around, nodded like a chicken pecking rice and said: "Yes, yes, yes! This is the medicine, Tian Yi took it all away! I'm going to die, I'm going to die! You have to protect me!"

Jiang Hua said to Li Tianfeng and Li Yishan calmly: "Take him back first and seal the scene. It seems that the case is getting more and more complicated now."


Jiang Hua is having a headache about his own case, but it is a good thing to have clues now. And Zhang Tong still has to open his own small shop at this time, and the first customer has already arrived in the evening.

The chubby Ding Niuben came to Zhang Tong's shop with his schoolbag on his back, and he said to Zhang Tong who was busy in the kitchen: "Uncle Zhang, I am here, your teacher. Now your teacher, I am hungry, hurry up and serve the food." !"

PS: There will be double updates today, so ask for a ticket! Ask for a collection! Everyone, new books need to be collected and recommended.

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