Little Pang Ding sat unceremoniously in Zhang Tong's restaurant with his schoolbag on his back, and became the first guest of the restaurant at night. He said in a male voice that was changing during the development period: "Uncle Zhang, I'm hungry."

Just as Zhang Tong sent Jiang Hua away, he saw Little Pang Ding coming in. He smiled and said, "Oh, you are so punctual. I told you yesterday, and you are here today."

Little Pang Ding nodded and said: "Being entrusted by others is a matter of loyalty, and eating the king's salary is worrying about the king. I, Niu Ben, have always been a man who keeps his word. Since you said it yesterday, Uncle Zhang, you are willing to have dinner Exchange information about modern society with me, and ask me to help you make up lessons, then I will naturally implement it as soon as possible."

"Haven't we already negotiated the terms? When my mother works overtime at night and has no time to cook, I will come to your place for dinner. You provide food, and I provide information. We exchange equal value." Little Pang Ding put his schoolbag When he got to the side, he heard the sound of the schoolbag falling on the stool. Zhang Tong estimated that it should be quite heavy.

"Does your mother work overtime every night?" Zhang Tong stood at the door of the kitchen and asked the chubby boy.

Little Pang Ding spread his hands: "That's not true, but the Homecoming Office has never had enough manpower at the street level office. There are many things that cannot be handled without working overtime. There are at least three days of overtime work every week." .”

Zhang Tong asked again: "Your mother worked overtime before that, what did you do for dinner?"

Little Pang Ding shook his head: "What else can I do? Give me fifteen or twenty yuan and let me eat outside."

Xiaopang Ding Niuben's mother, Niu Xiaoli, is a single mother. When Niu Ben was eight years old, his father passed away. The cause of death was a heart attack and he did not have time to take Baoxin Pills. He was brain dead when he was sent to the hospital.

Since then, Sister Niu Xiaoli has been in charge of taking care of the children. However, it is very hard for a single mother to take care of children, especially in Huaihai.

This is the city with the highest prices in China, and Niu Xiaoli has always worked in a street office. This kind of grassroots work is still very hard, because there are many disputes between neighbors in the streets and alleys. It is a job that tests patience, but at the same time does not require much other skills.

Therefore, the salary of the street office is not high. In Huaihai City, where prices are high, Niu Xiaoli can only get a salary of more than 4,000 yuan a month. It's really not much money. The only advantage is that the sub-district office can be regarded as a well-organized unit, at least the income will be guaranteed in drought and flood, and there is no need to worry about sudden layoffs.

This is not bad in Huaihai City, at least Niu Xiaoli won't feel nervous about raising Niu Ben.

But the feeling of not having enough money is always there. Niu Ben has good academic performance and is now studying in a key junior high school in the city. Niu Xiaoli hopes that Niu Ben can continue to study in a key high school in the future, and then go to a key university in Huaihai.

Now everyone knows that the investment in education is terrible. Junior high school is okay, but when it comes to senior high school and university, the cost of each stage will go up step by step.

Niu Xiaoli wants to earn more money and save it, so she usually takes the initiative to take on the work of working overtime at night in the street office.

Most of the people who work in the sub-district office really don't think much of this little overtime pay, because many people come to work in the sub-district office with the attitude of providing for the aged. Anything less is less.

After work, they eat old wine and play mahjong. This is their attitude towards life as a petty citizen. Working overtime three times a week until 8:30 or 9 in the evening? Forget it, when I get back from get off work, I even finished playing "The Old and New Mother", so what's the point of living these days.

So Niu Xiaoli is willing to work overtime to earn more money and everyone let her. Anyway, everyone doesn’t want to work overtime, and she is single with a child, so if she assigns all the work on duty every night to Niu Xiaoli instead of sharing it equally, Niu Xiaoli More than 1,000 quick money a month. This is a great subsidy for Niu Xiaoli.

But in this way, Niu Ben would not have dinner when Niu Xiaoli was working overtime at night. Because there is no time for Niu Xiaoli to go home and cook during the evening shift. Niu Ben can only eat out with a dozen dollars.

"Then if you come to my place to eat now, you can save your mother a lot in a month." Zhang Tong smiled at the little fat man.

Little Pang Ding raised his head and said, "I will save the money my mother left me."

"Save it? For what?"


Well, twelve-year-old boys are starting to have secrets too.

Zhang Tong pointed to today's supply on the menu and said: "I sell Yangchun noodles every day here. But for others, it depends on what I want to do today, and I can sell whatever I want. What I sell today is Mutton soup and pepper pancakes. How is it?"

"Uncle Zhang, I smelled the smell of mutton as soon as I came in. Hurry up and have a bowl! I want four more pancakes!" Little Pang Ding was not polite.

Zhang Tong walked up to Little Pang Ding and patted his stomach: "Pang Ding Xiao, you need to lose weight!"

"I'm growing!" This is Xiao Pangding's excuse: "Children in the developing period always need more calories!"

"Aren't you a man?"

"Men are young until they die. Haven't you heard that? Uncle Zhang."

Zhang Tong: ... "Call me Brother Zhang from now on, don't call me Uncle!"

The mutton soup that Zhang Tong prepared today was because when he went out to the farmer's market early in the morning, he happened to see a stall selling Sunit black-headed sheep, which were slaughtered live. The quality of mutton is particularly good, so Zhang Tong directly paid for a sheep.

It is very good to eat mutton soup in this weather, and there is basically no business in the store at noon, so the mutton soup can actually be slurped until the afternoon. And this time is the time when the quality of mutton soup is the best.

The advantage of the Sunit black-headed lamb is that this kind of lamb is not so smelly, and Zhang Tong doesn't need to add any seasoning when stewing this kind of lamb. Wash the mutton with clean water, remove the blood from the mutton, and then everything is left to time and heat.

The tap water in Huaihai City has a certain taste. In order not to spoil the mutton soup that does not add any spices, Zhang Tong bought pure water to stew the mutton.

It's a pity that the conditions are limited, otherwise Zhang Tong really wants to get some natural soft water back. The mutton soup stewed like that is the best.

Divide the mutton into good parts, the ribs belong to the ribs, the stick bone belongs to the stick bone, and the leg of lamb belongs to the leg of lamb. Bring to a boil in a large soup pot, bring to a boil over high heat, and remove foam with a scoop.

Stew on low heat, no need to add condiments such as onion, ginger and garlic. It's such a simple stew. The fresh Sunit mutton is not like goats, which need to use orange peel, ginger, garlic and other seasonings to suppress the fishy smell.

As long as the time is up and the heat is sufficient, boil the soup into milky white. Compared with meat such as pork and chicken, mutton has a natural milk flavor.

The mutton soup that Zhang Tong cooked for Xiaopangding was not simply finished with a spoonful from the big soup pot, but a small pot was prepared for heating. Pour a spoonful of mutton soup into a small pot and bring to a boil. Tear the prepared Chinese cabbage (yellow bud white) into small pieces and put them in the mutton soup to cook together.

Autumn and winter are the seasons when Chinese cabbage is harvested, and it is also the time when Chinese cabbage tastes best. The Chinese cabbage bought from the market and shipped from the Northeast has a sweet taste. Putting it into mutton soup for stewing will naturally release its own sweetness. This sweetness from Chinese cabbage can directly replace MSG.

In fact, adding monosodium glutamate to the mutton soup will give a fake feeling. Because Zhang Tongfei stewed so hard for a day, the mutton soup tasted very strong. Although the addition of MSG can enhance the freshness, it is strange that it will take away the mellow feeling of the lamb soup. This is what Zhang Tong did not expect to present.

The sweetness in the stalks of Chinese cabbage is natural monosodium glutamate, which not only provides umami to the mutton soup, but also absorbs the taste of the mutton soup and becomes extraordinarily delicious. The leaves are soft and tender, and the stems are crisp. Then put the cut lamb into it and cook for a while.

Finally, add a spoonful of salt and let it out of the pot. Very simple, extremely simple, but extremely authentic lamb soup has been completed.

When the mutton soup was cooked, the pepper pancakes prepared by Zhang Tong were also ready.

If there is any staple food that is best accompanied by mutton soup, then Zhang Tong thinks it must be baked (baked) pancakes. Whether it's XJ's sac, sesame paste fire in the north, tendon cakes in the northeast, or hanging furnace cakes. There are also sesame biscuits (sugar-free) in the south, and pancakes in the Northwest and Central Plains.

These dry, chewy biscuits are especially paired with rich lamb broth.

The biggest difference between pepper pancakes and other ordinary pancakes is that a lot of pepper is added in them. Pepper and pancakes go well with lamb soup, making it a perfect match.

The pancakes are golden on both sides, crispy on the outside but not gluten on the inside. During the chewing, the aroma of oil and wheat complement each other, and the black pepper and salt give the whole cake a richer texture in taste.

A simple bowl of mutton soup and four pepper pancakes were placed in front of Xiaopangding. He has moved his index finger and is ready to eat.

Dinglingling~ The glass door was pushed open, Zhang Tong looked around, it was the little girl who refilled five bowls of noodles yesterday. She was standing timidly at the door.

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