The girl stood at the door and looked at Zhang Tong timidly. Zhang Tong naturally remembered this girl. After all, she has such a good appetite, it is rare to see a girl who can eat so many noodles at once and is so thin.

Zhang Tong smiled: "Come to eat?"

The girl looked very nervous, she shook her head, and then said in a weak voice: "No, I'm here to pay back the money." Saying this, the girl took out a small change bag from her pocket , is the little bag she used to pack all her belongings yesterday.

She carefully took out a fifty-cent coin from the inside and put it on the table closest to her. Before Zhang Tong could say anything, she bowed to Zhang Tong, opened the door and ran out.

"Hey! You gave me an extra 20 cents, and I'll give it back to you!" Zhang Tong put away the 50 cents, and at the same time shouted at the back of the girl who was running away.

Yesterday the girl paid seven yuan and seventy cents, although she ordered a bowl of noodles and then refilled them many times. But since Zhang Tong put up the sign for free refills, he didn't care about it. And also added a topping to her, Zhang Tong explained that he asked for it, but the girl still stubbornly paid for the topping. And I made up the money owed today.

A little ridiculous, or others do not understand. You've already eaten so much noodles, what's the point of paying an extra two dollars for toppings? But for some people, there is a very important meaning in it, which is a stubborn attitude to live.

In fact, there are many noodle restaurants in Huaihai, including the well-known Huaihai old shop Hong Ruixing, which will offer free refills. Some people (young and old) whose life is not very smooth will go to a noodle restaurant for dinner around nine or ten in the morning.

Order a bowl of Yangchun noodles or a bowl of noodles with scallion oil, 6 yuan or 7 yuan. If one bowl is not enough, you always have to refill the noodles once or twice. Eat it like this for brunch.

Do these stores make money by doing these people? Certainly not, it can be said that this is more of an attitude of doing meritorious deeds.

Huaihai is a prosperous city, but also a terrible city. Behind this glamorous city, behind those well-dressed people, are more people living at the bottom.

Huaihai is a very realistic city, it swallows all kinds of materials from all over the country like a giant beast. Including talent, including water, including food, including energy and so on.

It's never satisfied, it's always expanding. When living on its back, you must pay attention at all times, because if you are not careful, you may be eaten by this giant beast as nourishment.

That's why Huaihai is also known as the devil's capital, because when it is willing to show its gentle side, it is a paradise. And when it shows its ruthless side, it is hell, and all kinds of monsters and ghosts will tear the people living here to pieces.

In this city, if you have money, you are a big boss, but if you have no money, you are a red guy. There is no warmth at all.

For money, for the house, brothers can turn against each other, and father and son can kill each other. And things like this happen almost every day in this city. Some people say that Huaihai is a city without temperature, maybe it is.

But sometimes a noodle shop that can refill noodles for free is the place where you can feel the warmth of strangers in this huge city.

Xiao Xiao knew that it was wrong for her to go to the noodle shop to eat noodles and refill many bowls, but there was nothing she could do. Because she wants to live, live stubbornly. Just like the weeds on the side of the road, even if no one pays attention to her, she still has to live stubbornly.

It's okay to be scolded, it's okay to be driven away, as long as you can survive, just like a stubborn weed.

Because only by living can there be hope, and choose to commit suicide because of the pain of life? That's an act of cowardice, I don't want to end my life with my own hands! Xiao Xiao understood her persistence very well.

No matter how many times she cried, she would stand up again. She has her own stubbornness and persistence, just like she came to Zhang Tong's shop to pay back the money today.

This is a hypocritical self-esteem, Xiao Xiao knows it very well. Even if she is paying two yuan more, Zhang Tong is still losing money. But as I said before, since the rules of free refills have been announced, let’s implement them.

The weakest self-esteem like a grass supported Xiao Xiao to live. I don't steal, I don't rob, maybe what I do is a little too much, but I'm sorry, I want to live, only alive can I see my mother.

When Xiao Xiao heard Zhang Tong yelling at her from behind, she didn't stop, but increased her pace. Until he ran out of the corner of the street.

Zhang Tong watched Xiao Xiao's back disappear into the corner of the street, touched the fifty cents in his hand, and said in a low voice: "What a stubborn child."

And Little Pang Ding asked Zhang Tong while sipping mutton soup and eating pepper pancakes: "Uncle Zhang, do you know that girl?"

"I don't know, I just ate noodles yesterday." Zhang Tong shook his head. Little Pang Ding took a sip of the mutton soup with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Zhang Tong was a little curious: "How do you know each other?"

"I seem to have seen it, but I can't remember it." Xiaopang Ding Niuben thought for a while: "It seems that my mother and her colleagues seemed to have seen her picture when they arranged for the subsistence allowance workers and the community to send warmth, but the specifics I I don’t know. Unless you ask my mother.”

Niu Xiaoli is run by the street. Both she and Aunt Liu are very familiar with this street, including the needy groups of five-guarantee households and returnees in various communities.

Zhang Tong shook his head, and he put the fifty cents left by Xiao Xiao into the coin box. Then I sat opposite Niu Ben and asked Niu Ben, "So cute Mr. Niu, what are you going to tell me today? The business will be very busy later in the evening. Let me tell you about you at this time." teaching plan."

Little Pang Ding took out a napkin and wiped the greasy corner of his mouth. He first praised: "Uncle Zhang, the mutton soup you made is really delicious. Zhenru (Zhenru: a place name, famous for making mutton in Huaihai) The mutton over there can’t compare.”

Zhang Tong corrected it: "I said, call me brother!"

The old cucumber is painted with green paint to pretend to be tender. Xiaopang Ding Niuben rolled his eyes inwardly, but his chubby face was still full of smiles: "Okay, Brother Zhang."

"Actually, I have been thinking for a long time about what method will allow you to quickly integrate into modern society. I thought of the simplest and fastest method!" Xiao Pangding said firmly.

Zhang Tong asked with great interest: "What is it?"

Little Pang Ding stretched out a finger: "Let you learn to surf the Internet! As long as you learn to surf the Internet, you can learn everything! I brought my netbook, do you have WIFI?"

Okay, WIFI again, what the hell is this thing? Zhang Tong is still confused now.

PS: Someone said earlier that the protagonist's store has no turnover, but it actually does. The second time Jiang Hua came to the restaurant to eat was because the business was so good at night that there were no ingredients left, so Zhang Tong used the ingredients he had prepared for himself to make a rice bowl with dry roasted shrimp and tofu for her to eat.

I didn't write about the general business, but I also explained in the previous story that the business of this store is not good at noon, but the business is good at night. above.

It is another busy day today to renovate and install flooring and sanitary ware, and the update is very late. SO, ask for a ticket, ask for a recommendation.

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