In order to avoid disputes, hereby declare: All the prices and wages in this chapter are from the author’s personal experience. In 2005, the salary standard and price of goods I went out to work were like this, and everything came from the real situation.

Wang Xuewu (Wang Changchun), whose real name is Wang Wu, is from southern Hunan. The family conditions are very average and they are rural people. His academic performance was not good, and he did not study after graduating from junior high school. At the age of fifteen, I went out to work with my fellow villagers, and went to Hu Jian's shoe factory in Quanzhou to help people glue the soles of their shoes.

Although Wang Xuewu's reading level is not good, he still has some cleverness. Brains turn fast. When he was sixteen years old, he walked out of the countryside in southern Hunan for the first time and came to a prosperous big city.

Well, in fact, Quanzhou is not a particularly prosperous big city, especially when it was still in 2005. But for Wang Xuewu, who grew up in the rural areas of southern Hunan, this is already a remarkable big city.

It was the first time he knew what KTV was, the first time he saw Internet cafes, and the first time he knew that there were so-called red light districts in the city.

There are always many temptations in a big city, even a big city that is not so prosperous. For Wang Wu, who has never seen anything, these are irresistible temptations.

But expenses in big cities cost money, but how much money can you make a month in a shoe factory by gluing soles? Just over a thousand dollars. If you work a lot of overtime, you can earn more than 2,000, and if you are lucky, you can get to 3,000.

Yes, in 2005, Hu Jian could get a salary of 3,000 yuan as a worker in an export shoe factory, although it required 45 shifts a month (three shifts). However, it needs to be explained that the industrial yellow glue used to stick the soles of the shoes is highly toxic and volatile. It is debatable how much protection the ordinary masks issued by the factory can provide.

At that time, people's awareness of employees' physical protection was weak (in fact, it is not much better now), but our salary was quite a lot compared to the salary that many clerks could only get in the early 1,000 or 2,000. At that time, a bowl of Quanzhou specialty noodle paste cost only 50 cents. A bowl of beef soup and salty rice costs only three yuan.

Usually more than 1,000 yuan a month, and the overtime salary of more than 2,000 to nearly 3,000 yuan in peak season was definitely not a small amount at the time. But if people want to spend money, it is a bottomless pit.

Especially when Wang Wu went out, he got into the bad habit of whoring and gambling under the leadership of his fellow countrymen. Everyone knows that there are three kinds of pornography, gambling and drugs, and any one of them will hurt the wallet. What's more, Wang Wu was infected with two things.

Soon the money Wang Wu earned from working part-time was not enough for his expenses. From then on, Wang Wu began to think of ways to make money. Since then he has embarked on the road of theft.

He is smart and always patient. Focus on the target to commit the crime first, and then slowly approach the target. Either mix in to work, or find a way to get close.

He once hooked up with the security captain of a stainless steel furniture factory through a poker player. The two of them once worked together in a big deal, found a large truck, and directly swept away the fifteen tons of stainless steel that the factory had just purchased at night. There is also a batch of finished furniture.

Wang Wu and the others dealt with this batch of steel and furniture at a low price and sold them for 100,000 yuan. The security team captain got the most, but Wang Wu also got more than 20,000 yuan. This made Wang Wu taste the sweetness.

However, the actions of people like Wang Wu also caused this small factory to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars in an instant. The boss was unable to make money, and the furniture was stolen and the delivery date was not delivered to the customer, which caused the customer to claim compensation. The break caused the employee's wages to not be paid, and the bankruptcy ended under the pressure of several parties.

It can be said that Wang Wu is a bold person, as long as he has money, he dares to do anything. What is it to cheat people and steal things, what is it to make people go bankrupt? He never cared, and it's none of my business. Wang Wu has never cared about these things, as long as the money is in his own pocket, he doesn't care about other people's lives.

But there are too many cases, no matter how careful he is, there will be times when he will show his feet. But then Wang Wuxue became obedient. The time spent in each place is not long, spend a month to get 30,000 to 50,000 to leave, and never stay too much in one place.

In the age when the police skynet was underdeveloped, Wang Wu relied on his caution and boldness to live well. It's just that money can't be kept. Either spend it on a woman's belly or spend it on a gambling table.

This kind of life continued until two years ago, when he was working in Taixing Automobile. When he came here to work, he actually had his eyes on the cars in the garage.

This car dealership always maintains, repairs and refits some delicious food, such as Porsche and Maserati. At that time, Wang Wudu had already found a new home, and the other party wanted a Porsche 911.

As long as there is no overhaul and the mileage is less than 3,000 kilometers, he can be paid 300,000 yuan directly with the original factory key.

This price is much higher than the price for black cars on the market, because the other party requires the original key, otherwise they will not give such a high price.

Wang Wu planned to spend a few months in Huaihai after doing this in Taixing. But people are always habitual. Although he was working, Wang Wu just couldn't control his hands. He ran to the poker table and gambled with someone.

The amount of money played in the underground casinos in Huaihai City is astonishingly large, which is not comparable to the small places that Wang Wu went to before. He quickly lost everything and owed more than forty thousand dollars. The other party asked to receive the money within three days, otherwise they would chop off their hands and feet and throw them into the Suzhou River to feed the fish.

Wang Wu had no choice but to get a batch of steel rims and tires and sell them first.

It's not that he didn't want to steal a car and go out to sell it immediately, it's just that those two days were just a coincidence. There is not even a repaired car, and no one will take a faulty car out. Even the price charged is unacceptably low and completely out of proportion to the risk paid.

Just when Wang Wu found his next buyer and sold the batch of imported steel rim tires, Wang Wu met the most important person in his life.

Wang Wu still remembered the appearance of that person, he walked out from the dark place. Stepping on the concrete floor silently, like a civet cat.

And with a smile on his face, he was as gentle as a university professor. But his eyes are sharp, sharp like a poisonous snake. At that moment, Wang Wu felt that he might have been caught in a trap, and he might be targeted by the police.

He wanted to run away, but before he could take a step, the other party rushed up at an incredible speed. He stood in front of him, and said to himself in a strange voice: "Not bad, not bad. It's a good material, it's a pity that it's only doing sneaky things. Do you want to achieve a big career? I can help you, money , woman, you have everything you want."

Wang Wu didn't believe him, because he didn't even know the name of the other party.

"What's my name?" The man on the opposite side smiled gently: "You can call me [Teacher], my mission is to rescue the little lamb who is as enigmatic as you. You have extraordinary talents, but wanton Splurge. Let us make good use of these abilities and bring them out!"

[Teacher]'s eyes seem to have magic power, he can make Wang Wu concentrate on listening to him by staring at Wang Wu.

"Don't waste your ability, you can make a career!"

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