Wang Wu finally left with this [teacher] who seemed very kind. This person named Teacher seems to be Hameln in colorful cloth (Note). The only difference is that he didn't play the magic flute, but his words are more powerful than the magic flute.

At least it was very powerful for Wang Wu, he drank the potion handed to him by the teacher in a daze. Then, his whole life changed!

When Wang Wu narrated this point, Jiang Hua knocked on the table, and she asked seriously, "Tell me clearly, what has changed."

"He gave me a bottle of medicine, and I drank it. Then there was an uncontrollable pain." Wang Wu recalled the pain at that time and still had a lingering fear. But compared to the pain at that time, he is more afraid of the woman opposite him now.

Her madness was suffocating, and Wang Wu already felt that he was walking back and forth on the death line several times. He couldn't hold it anymore, and he valued his endurance. He is not an underground worker who can keep silent in the face of the enemy's torture.

In fact, Zhang Tong had already knocked on his mouth once before. After telling the secret once, it would be difficult to keep it secret for the second time.

[Tian Yi] and Jiang Hua will be the names that Wang Wu will fear for the rest of his life. These two people are very unruly, especially Jiang Hua. She did not handle the case in the way that Wang Wu was familiar with. She made it clear that the horses and horses were: Don't you say? Then I'll fix you until you open your mouth!

"When I drank the medicine, I felt that the whole world started to spin. Countless reptiles were crawling in my veins. They were about to break out of their cocoons. It was like someone opened some wounds on me, and then I sprinkled honey on the wound. In the end, it attracted a group of ants. The itchy feeling made me feel at a loss, and finally scratched my skin frantically. My nails are full of my own skin and flesh.”

Wang Wu's description is very vivid. Just listening to his words, Jiang Hua and Li Yishan felt goose bumps on their bodies.

"I scratched my face crazily, and it was dripping with blood. I thought I must be disfigured, but I was itchy, so I didn't care anymore to stop the itching." Wang Wu seemed to have made a decision, pouring beans into a bamboo tube Said all kinds of situations.

"But when I stopped itching and stopped scratching, everything changed."

I still remember that day, Wang Wu stood up in a basement, he was finally freed from the itching hell. Naked all over, he stood in front of the mirror and looked at himself unimaginably.

The self in the mirror is not covered in bloodstains as imagined, but the skin of the whole body is as smooth as the new skin that grows after the snake sheds its skin.

The self in the mirror is smooth and white, and there is no trace of what a manual laborer should have on his body. Whether it was the calluses on the hands or the burn marks on the legs from the hot melt tube, it disappeared.

But the most amazing thing is his own face. Wang Wu is very clear about what he looks like. Even when he went to whoring, the lady would charge him 20% more, otherwise he would not be accepted. From this we can see what he looks like.

But now standing in front of the mirror, I look so handsome, and the look is very familiar, as if I know someone. Yes! The pony in True Tomorrow! own favorite movie.

And at this time the teacher appeared, he still said with a gentle smile: "Well, not bad ability. It's actually phantom. It's beyond my expectation, it's a very good ability."

Wang Wu was a little confused: "What?"

"You are a child of a supernatural awakener." The teacher said kindly, "You are the chosen one. Every supernatural awakener bears important responsibilities. That's why you are endowed with this special ability by God, God You need to use these abilities to do something."

"Huh?" Wang Wu was still out of the situation.

But the teacher still said kindly: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you don't understand now. You will gradually understand later. What is your responsibility to come to this world. Do you know the ability awakener and the returnee? "

It had been eight years since the first Homecoming appeared on this world, and it had undergone a frenzied purge. It is no secret in the society about the returnee and the power awakener. Many people know what the returner and the power awakener are.

Naturally, Wang Wu also knew, he nodded.

"Yes, do you understand the reason why you came to this world and have the ability?" Wang Wu could only shake his head when the teacher asked such a question.

"In order to bring this world back on track!" The teacher's words gently touched Wang Wu's heart: "Returners, in fact, they are not real human beings! This is a game of ancient gods, and the earth is a pawn. There is an evolutionary race going on on Earth."

"The world is very big, there are many universes, and multiple overlapping. But only the world we live in is the basic boundary of this world. Everything is based on our world." The teacher's words flowed into Wang Wu's life sentence by sentence. heart. He firmly remembered all this.

"Our world was originally a chaotic and unified universe. Until the birth of the first god, and then more and more gods were born. They are called the Old Ones. Gods also have contradictions, so these discordant The gods began to peel off the unified universe and form countless cosmic dimensions. They are closely connected with our world, but they do not interfere with each other."

The teacher's voice was full of magic, and Wang Wu felt that his whole heart was filled with the teacher's words.

"But since the appearance of the first homecoming person eight years ago, and the appearance of the first supernatural awakened person, our gods have given us instructions. This is a war of survival and evolution! We must protect us Yourselves. The seemingly harmless returnees are the worst land mines. We will destroy them! Join us now, we will fight together! Only the victors will survive!"

Wang Wu's heart was filled with an inexplicable sense of honor and responsibility.

But Jiang Hua, who was listening to Wang Wu telling these stories, was a little unbelievable. She looked at Wang Wu and asked, "So you joined a cult? What are you talking about about the old ruler? The old ruler seems to be Kesu Lu Shinhwa." The last question was asked by Li Yishan.

"Yes, ****." Li Yishan nodded: "It is a myth of evil gods spread in foreign countries. There are stories about our world dominated by evil gods including the Old One and Cthulhu. There is currently a simplified Chinese version of the novel " The Cthulhu Mythos was published. However, the Cthulhu system is not yet mainstream in China, so many people don’t know about it.”

Jiang Hua listened to Li Yishan's words and then glanced at Wang Wu again: "You are so easily fooled by a cult? But they gave birth to your supernatural awakening, which means that they may have potions that can stimulate the potential of supernatural powers in their hands .The teacher who came to you may have seen that you have potential for supernatural powers."

It is not difficult to infer what Jiang Hua said, so she is more and more puzzled now: "You are not suspicious of this cult? Is it so easy to believe their words? Well, but it seems that the teacher in your story has the ability to hypnotize , Did he hypnotize you?"

When Jiang Hua said this, Wang Wu, who was sitting across from him, suddenly shivered. I remembered many details of my past two years.

His code name in the organization is [Thousand Face Fox]. It can be said that he helped the teacher cheat a lot of money. Calculate at least tens of millions, maybe a hundred million.

But he actually just took a small commission with peace of mind? Yes! Yes! The reason why I found Tian Yi was because I felt that I had too little money. He wanted to cheat some pocket money from Tian Yi.

So this is only a small business of tens of thousands, and he has started. I would rather spend my time defrauding the small money, but I didn't play tricks on the big money? This is not my style at all!

When did you become so obedient? He actually handed over all the money to the teacher, and then asked him to return the activity funds. Wang Wu felt as if he had been in another world, as if he had been awakened in an instant.

But in a short moment, he felt a chill all over again, yes, he should be able to keep his mouth shut and not tell the matter about the teacher and the medicine, at least he felt so in his heart.

When did you start revealing the news? Wang Wu thought about being shocked by [Tian Yi] in the afternoon, yes, he spoke at that time. Wang Wu had a vague feeling that something was destroyed in his brain in the afternoon. This made him say all kinds of things.

A deep cold feeling hit Wang Wu's whole body. He struggled crazily on the iron chair: "Protect me! Protect me! Police officer, protect me! I was forced to do this, and I was accused of being controlled." You have to protect me, the teacher knows what I said, and he lost all the medicine, he will definitely kill me. You have to protect me."

Jiang Hua and Li Yishan looked at each other, and there was such a cult organization behind the murder in Xingshan. What is the real purpose of this organization? scam money? Or do you really want to be an enemy of all homecoming?

The whole thing started to get more and more confusing. Is everything the teacher said behind Wang Wu a lie, or the truth?

Has Tian Yi really regained his ability? Did he really kill his parents? If he did it, why did he kill his parents? And how did he find Wang Wu and impose sanctions on him. If he was for the drugs, why didn't he just take them all away? Why let the police find it?

But if Tian Yi's parents were not killed by him, then who killed the old couple? Why did they kill Tian Yi's parents?

The whole thing is getting more and more suspicious. The more Jiang Hua knew, the more he felt that he was getting further and further away from the truth.

But Jiang Hua couldn't tell all the things he knew to Boss Zhang opposite.

Looking at the man with thick eyebrows, big eyes and a friendly smile opposite him, and the hot soup he brought, Jiang Hua unconsciously felt a little better. In any case, I chose to do this line of work to protect the environment and the people, so that the people can live and work in peace and contentment.

The owner of the small shop on the opposite side supports his work in this way and cooperates so much. He has an obligation to protect the personal safety of such a good citizen. This is my duty and responsibility.

Thinking of this, Jiang Hua said to Zhang Tong: "Boss Zhang, you have to pay attention during this time. There may be a group of fraudulent groups that specifically target returnees. They act secretly. If it is not because of your relationship this time, we may It's not that easy to find clues. But this group of people may not be so easy to let go, you need to be more vigilant."

"If you find any suspicious people, remember to call the police immediately." Jiang Hua said seriously, then she thought for a while, then pulled out a note from the desk, wrote down a number and handed it to Zhang Tong.

"Hurry up and buy a mobile phone. This is my phone, if. I mean, if, if anyone behaves abnormally in your store during this time period. Or if you feel that there is something wrong around you, you can call immediately. I'll call. I live not far from your shop, remember to call me immediately if there is any sign of abnormality." Jiang Hua said solemnly.

Zhang Tong smiled and put away Jiang Hua's phone number and said, "I remember buying a mobile phone. I will buy it tomorrow."

Note: Hameln, from "The Grimm's Fairy Tales - The Magic Flute". He possesses a magic flute to deceive people, and he who plays the magic flute takes away the children of the villagers who have no promise of travel.

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