Buying a mobile phone is a problem for Zhang Tong. In fact, in the communication with Xiaopangding yesterday, Xiaopangding already revealed a very important point: "This world is now the era of mobile terminals."

"All your personal information, including your bank card, your identity, your job, your payment, your friends, etc. can all be done on your phone." Xiaopangding said very seriously at that time with.

"It can be said that modern people are inseparable from mobile phones. Mobile phones are another poisonous tumor that grows on our bodies. With it, you can't work and study with peace of mind, but without it, you can't live with peace of mind. You always feel like It's like losing something."

"So a smart phone is a must-have in modern society, and you must buy one, Uncle Zhang. At least you need to get a QR code, otherwise it will be very troublesome to open a store in Huaihai City. Now many people go out without cash. .”

What Little Pang Ding said was the truth, and Zhang Tong did meet him. This happened to me when I was selling mutton soup last night. Three friends came to his place for dinner, and they ate a total of about 100 yuan.

When it was time to check out, someone asked whether WeChat or Alipay, Zhang Tong was a little dumbfounded. Because he can only accept cash, and the other party happens to have no cash to go out with.

This was unimaginable when Zhang Tong lived in the past. How dare you go out to eat without a penny in your pocket? But that's the norm in this day and age.

In the end, the three of them avoided embarrassment by repaying a hundred yuan in cash to Zhang Tong with other customers through WeChat transfers.

So for Zhang Tong, buying a mobile phone is imperative. Not to mention that I got Jianghua's phone number, which is too important. I always have a mobile phone to contact the other party, for example, if I have the opportunity to ask out to sing and eat hot pot in the future.

It is always inconvenient to contact each other without a mobile phone.

Zhang Tong knows about mobile phones, which were already available in 1999. But mobile phones at that time were still the stuff of the rich. Not to mention China, the penetration rate of mobile phones in European and American countries is not very high.

One thing is that the mobile phone is expensive, and the other point is that the tariff of the mobile phone is also very high. At that time, it cost money to make and receive calls on mobile phones, and the tariff was much higher than that of landline calls.

So although Zhang Tong knows about mobile phones, he has never used them. Don't talk about mobile phones at that time, anyone with a BP machine on their body is the boss.

At that time, not everyone had the spare money to get more than a thousand electronic products to wear on their bodies.

So for Zhang Tong, buying a mobile phone is a very new thing. It just so happens that there is no need to prepare any special ingredients today. The mutton soup made from a sheep killed yesterday can still be sold for a day tonight, and new dishes will be served tomorrow when it is sold out. So he had special time this morning to go to the market and see how to buy a mobile phone.

In the early years, it was not necessary to go to a specialty store to buy a mobile phone, and it was also sold at the post office. At that time, post and telecommunications had not been completely separated, and many post and telecommunications offices were engaged in both postal items and communication products.

When it comes to mobile phones in 1999, everyone only knew two brands. One is Motorola and the other is Nokia. It is said to be a world-class factory. The quality is excellent, it is resistant to falling, and the quality is extremely good. Zhang Tong plans to buy these two brands.

Zhang Tong went to a few shops on Lanxi Road that operate mobile and telecommunications business halls, and went to see the mobile phones sold there.

The waiter in the telecommunications business hall was a relatively petite girl, and she immediately fell in love with Zhang Tong as she browsed through the mobile phones placed on the counter. She asked sweetly, "Sir, do you want to buy a mobile phone?"

"Yes, do you guys sell Nokia?" Zhang Tong asked bluntly.

"Ah?" The little girl selling mobile phones was stunned, then she shook her head: "I'm sorry sir, we don't have Nokia here."

"What about Motorola?" Zhang Tong continued to ask.

"Huh?" The little girl was stunned again. She could only keep shaking her head: "Sorry sir, Motorola doesn't have either."

Zhang Tong scratched his head: "Aren't these two big brands available? Aren't these two mobile phone brands stubborn?"

"Pfft~" The little girl looked at Zhang Tong scratching his head and heard him speak like this, the little girl couldn't help laughing. However, she soon realized that she was a little rude, so she quickly corrected her attitude and explained to Zhang Tong who was looking at her: "Sir, the two brands you mentioned are about to die."

"Ah?!" This time it was Zhang Tong's turn to be confused.

The little girl explained patiently: "Nokia and Motorola have already closed down or are on the verge of closing down. Anyway, mobile phones are not going to be made. Ah, it seems wrong. They should still be doing it. I don't know if Nokia or Motorola is still doing it. Mobile phones. There are also some sales on the market, but it is difficult to buy. Because we do not want to get the goods as a channel.”

"These two can't do it like this?" Zhang Tong was a little unbelievable, didn't he agree with the international big factory? Why have you died without a whole body since you haven't seen him for more than ten years?

The little girl nodded: "Yes, I don't know about Nokia anyway. He seems to be still making mobile phones. Anyway, they are doing it in the elderly phone market. But Motorola is over, and it has been acquired by Lenovo."

"Sir, if you want to buy a mobile phone, you can also consider Lenovo." The little girl changed the topic and turned the question to the sales link again.

"The quality of Lenovo mobile phones is also very good." Anyway, the seller's mouth, good or bad is what they say.

Lenovo? Zhang Tong has never heard of this brand, but this does not prevent him from asking the key question: "Is this brand of mobile phone durable?"

The little girl selling mobile phones: ………………

The client she saw today was undoubtedly the weirdest client she had encountered in her six-month sales career. However, this does not affect her professional level.

Under the little girl's flickering, Zhang Tong, who hadn't stumbled on Wang Wu, actually stumbled on her.

Zhang Tong spent more than 300 yuan to buy a Lenovo Lemeng K3 mobile phone, and then spent more than 80 yuan to buy a SIM card and phone number, and then bought a telecom plan or something.

Then Zhang Tong mentioned that he wanted to install a broadband in the store, and the little girl cleverly recommended some kind of discount package.

The little girl had a sweet mouth, and then told Zhang Tong how many discounts these discounted packages had, and Zhang Tong was bewildered. He didn't understand what those discounts were for, and he didn't understand how many package services he needed.

But because the total price was not expensive, it was only more than a thousand in total, so Zhang Tong paid for it after thinking about it. Anyway, I have to buy it sooner or later, and the price is not expensive.

Especially the mobile phone is so cheap, you can buy it for just over three hundred. The only problem is that the little girl who sells the goods said that this mobile phone is not resistant to falling. And not only this phone is not resistant to falling, but all mobile phones are now resistant to falling.

Zhang Tong still remembers seeing someone drop a Nokia mobile phone from the third floor. Although the shell was cracked, other functions were intact.

According to the little girl's narration, the current mobile phone is best not to fall from the height of the table, otherwise it may be directly useless.

Heck, it really is. Now mobile phones are cheap, but the quality has deteriorated a lot! From the height of the third floor to the height of the table, the difference is ten times.

I don't know what the current mobile phone manufacturers are doing. The quality is not as good as that of Nokia in 1999.

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