The Days of Opening a Restaurant on an Abnormal Earth

Chapter 36 The plastic villain's financial plan (Part 1)

"I, Sun Yi, I don't know if the boss has heard of the 9.8 billion plastic villain incident?" said the well-dressed man in a suit. He introduced himself as Sun Yi, and he looked like a human being.

Wearing a crisp suit, tie, and leather shoes. According to the adjectives in the book: suits and leather shoes. This well-dressed person is usually engaged in selling insurance, selling cars, and real estate agencies in Huaihai.

Sun Yi's appearance is no different from that of a real estate agent who sells a house through an intermediary on Lanxi Road. Of course, the biggest difference between the two is that one is responsible for selling houses, while Sun Yi is selling financial plans.

But what is the financial plan he is talking about? What 9.8 billion plastic villains? Zhang Tong didn't know about this matter at all. He looked at Little Pang Ding and asked, "What 9.8 billion plastic villain? Have you heard of it?"

Xiaopang Ding Niu Ben nodded: "I know about the 9.8 billion plastic villains. It was about the Bilibili animation barrage website two years ago. At that time, just put their Kanban 22 Niang and Let’s materialize it in 33 years. Then some figurines were made in the New Year, and those with special numbers were put up for auction. In the end, the price was driven up and the auction price soared to 9.8 billion.”

Bilibili is a very influential website among young people nowadays, Xiao Pangding is very clear. He always goes to Bilibili to watch cartoons. I didn't know what was going on at the beginning, but it became clear later. So Xiao Pangding explained to Zhang Tong what the so-called 9.8 billion plastic villains were all about.

In order to let Zhang Tong figure out what the so-called plastic villain in this incident is, Xiao Pangding also used Baidu pictures to search for 2233 Niang's hand-made photos for Zhang Tong to see.

"Can this thing sell for 9.8 billion?" Looking at 2233 Niang's figurine, Zhang Tong felt his IQ was challenged and insulted: "This shit can sell for 9.8 billion?! Are you sure it's in RMB Settlement? Isn’t it Zimbabwean dollars or something?”

"It's unbelievable, isn't it." Sun Yi interjected very appropriately: "Although there is an element of hype in it, and there is no real deal in the end, it has triggered a network-wide topic, and the popularity lasted for a long time. After all this time, someone still mentions it.”

Zhang Tong nodded after listening to Sun Yi's words, well, it's possible that the deal was just a gimmick or something. This is like the slogan of jumping off a building in a shopping mall in the 1990s. Jumping off a building is jumping off a building. I just don’t know whether it’s the merchant jumping off the building or the customer jumping off the building.

"Well, have you finished eating? Mr. Sun must pay for the meal first." Zhang Tong noticed that Sun Yi had finished eating, and he couldn't help reminding him. Seriously, it's for Sun Yi's good. Because the last guy who escaped the order has been sent to jail and suffered double abuse. Zhang Tong didn't think it was worth going to jail for thirty yuan.

Hearing what Zhang Tong said, Sun Yi readily settled the money, but he brought cash, and asked Zhang Tong to find some change. When Zhang Tong was looking for change, Zhang Tong called Xiao Pang Ding to the semi-open kitchen, and then quietly said to him: "Little Pang Ding, there is a phone call here, you go out and call it. A sister will answer it On the phone, you just say that I was looking for her, and tell her that there is a strange person in my store. It may be a liar or something. I will stabilize the liar here first. "

Pang Ding took the note from Zhang Tong, which was his phone number that Jiang Hua had written before, and he nodded to express his understanding: "Is that sister a policeman?" Pang Ding also felt that this Sun Yi seemed to be a What does a scammer look like, a financial product has to do with a plastic villain? Moreover, there are too many cases of fraudulent use of financial products in Huaihai City.

He had only recently heard from his mother that an old aunt in the next district was defrauded of more than three million yuan by using wealth management products as bait. Although the police filed a case, the other party ran away and has not been caught yet. And even if caught, it may not be possible to get back the full amount. The old aunt was almost blind from crying. That is all the savings of the whole family for more than ten years.

So Little Pang Ding nodded seriously: "I promise to complete the task!"

Zhang Tong smiled and asked him to run outside to make a phone call. And I gave Sun Yi the change, and then said to Sun Yi with a very interested attitude: "Mr. Sun, your change. Sit, sit. Then the wealth management product you just mentioned has something to do with the plastic villain." What's the relationship?" Zhang Tong was indeed a little curious about this.

This can be regarded as a kind of curiosity about the tricks of liars, right? Anyway, Zhang Tong thinks so.

And Sun Yi unceremoniously sat opposite Zhang Tong and said to Zhang Tong: "I saw the shop sign outside, the owner's surname is Zhang, right (Zhang Tong nods). So does Boss Zhang know art investment?"

"Are you talking about calligraphy and painting works, sculpture works or something?" These are the first things Zhang Tong thinks of when talking about art investment.

Sun Yi nodded vigorously: "Yes, it's this kind of thing. Does Boss Zhang know about Van Gogh, Monet, and Zhang Daqian?"

"I've heard that they are all well-known great painters." These three names Zhang Tong learned from books when he was studying. Van Gogh seems to be quite famous for his sunflower (Zhang Tong: it is a sunflower), Monet I don't know but I have learned it in books. Zhang Daqian's "Ten Thousand Miles of the Yangtze River" was also included in textbooks.

"Boss Zhang, have you ever heard of Takehiko Inoue, Katsuya Terada, Akira Toriyama, Katsuhiro Otomo, and Hayao Miyazaki?" Sun Yi asked again.

Zhang Tong thought for a while and replied: "Takehiko Inoue and Akira Toriyama, I know, they draw manga, right?" The craze of "Slam Dunk" and "Dragon Ball" swept across Asia in the 1990s. In the 1990s when Zhang Tong was studying, many teenagers in Huaihai City had started chasing Slam Dunk and Dragon Ball comics. But not everyone could afford all the comics at the time.

So most of the students in the same class got together and decided that you would buy one and I would buy another, and everyone who bought the same one would exchange and read. Zhang Tong has also experienced these days, so he is still very impressed with the author's name on the cover of "Slam Dunk" and "Dragon Ball" comics.

And Katsuhiro Otomo, Katsuya Terada and Hayao Miyazaki? Well, Zhang Tong has not seen their works, anyway, he did not read them in the 1990s, and his names are very strange to him. But judging from their juxtaposition with Akira Toriyama and Takehiko Inoue, they should also be cartoonists.

Sun Yi nodded to Zhang Tong and said, "Then Boss Zhang should know about Michelangelo."

"A famous sculptor." Zhang Tong thought in his heart that it should be, it must not be a little turtle in the sewers of New York, right?

"Then what about Takeya Takayuki?" Sun Yi immediately asked.

Zhang Tong shook his head, he had never heard of this name.

Sun Yi smiled brightly, and then he took out two printed materials from the bag he was carrying. A small stone sculpture is printed on an A4 cardboard, which is a sculpture of a European figure. It looks unremarkable, just like the statues that can often be seen in textbooks and sculpture parks.

On the other A4 cardboard, there is a statue of Fudo Mingo with an insolent posture. Different from the solemnity of the Buddha in traditional Buddha statues, Fudo Myoko in the image presents a standing posture, full of anger. Holding a sharp sword in his hand, he stepped on a devil's head disguised as a Buddha. And the place where he was standing was billowing with magma like purgatory.

Sun Yi gave Zhang Tong two pieces of A4 cardboard and asked, "Boss Zhang thinks which sculpture is more beautiful, or more attractive to you?"

Zhang Tong looked at the statue carved with European figures, and then at the statue of King Fuming. After thinking about it, I finally pointed to the one that pointed to Fudo Mingwang.

Sun Yi smiled brighter: "Does Boss Zhang know which one is more expensive in terms of price?"

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