The Days of Opening a Restaurant on an Abnormal Earth

Chapter 37: Plastic Man's Financial Planning (Part 2)

Sun Yi smiled and asked Zhang Tong: "Boss Zhang, which one do you think is more expensive?"

Sun Yi laughed, and Zhang Tong also laughed. Zhang Tong just laughed, but had no intention of answering at all. Because he has a 50% feeling that Sun Yi is also a liar.

Although it may not be the same as Wang Wu, because Sun Yi does not have Wang Wu's unique electromagnetic field, but maybe it is a new type of fraud in the new era? The key to this type of scam is to lure the victim into the conversation at their own pace. And Zhang Tong obviously didn't intend to follow the other party's rhythm, so he didn't answer, and just let Sun Yi dry.

This made Sun Yi very embarrassed, didn't he already control the rhythm? Why did the other party suddenly not answer the question? This froze his smile slightly.

"Cough~" The embarrassment was a bit long, and Sun Yi coughed to ease the embarrassment. Since Zhang Tong didn't open his mouth, he could only say by himself: "Since Boss Zhang can't guess the price, let me tell you."

Sun Yi smiled again, he looked more professional than many insurance salesmen.

"This stone statue is the work of a young European sculptor who has recently become famous. It was sold at a New York auction house for $120,000." Sun Yi pointed to the price of the stone statue.

Then he pointed to the part of Fudo Mingo and said: "And this is a work made by Takayuki Takeya, a well-known prototype in the figure industry. It is currently collected by a figure collector, and the transaction price is said to be 90,000. Dollar up and down."

Zhang Tong didn't answer, he just let Sun Yi dry. Anyway, he procrastinated and waited for Jiang Hua to come over.

And Zhang Tong's lack of cooperation didn't discourage Sun Yi, he continued: "Boss Zhang, didn't you also read it just now. Do you also think that Takayuki Takeya's statue of Fudo Myoki is beautiful?"

Zhang Tong nodded at this question, and he admitted: "At least from my personal point of view, Fudo Myoko is very beautiful."

Snapped! Sun Yi slapped his chin: "That's right! That's the reason. Why can the sculpture price of a young artist who has just become famous be comparable to that of a hand-made sculpture, that is, the sculpture price of a god-level prototype master in the so-called plastic villain circle? Is it more expensive?"

Saying these words, Sun Yi kept taking out new pictures from his bag. This is a photocopy of many famous paintings. Including "Starry Sky", "Scream", "Sunflower", "Traveling in Mountains and Streams" and so on.

He took out all these pictures and spread them out on the table, and then took out many other paintings. Or to be more precise, an illustration by a cartoonist.

Including Akira Toriyama's "Dragon Ball", Katsuya Terada's "The Great Monkey King" and Takehiko Inoue's "Vagabond".

It can be seen that these paintings are specially used to express painting skills, and they are not rush work when serializing comics. Instead, it has been carefully drawn for a long time, and is used to publish picture albums or hold art exhibitions.

"Boss Zhang, don't worry about my financial management project, I'm just asking you a question personally. Do you like these paintings and think these paintings are beautiful (Sun Yi points to famous paintings), or you think these are more beautiful, more It fits your aesthetics (Sun Yi points to the comics)."

Zhang Tong had the opportunity to point to Akira Toriyama's Dragon Ball painting without hesitation and said, "Since you said so, let me tell the truth. I don't have much artistic accomplishment and I don't know how to appreciate famous paintings. I prefer Dragon Ball." Zhang Tong didn't I have seen "The Great Ape King" and "The Vagabond" but I don't know the characters in these two paintings.

But as Zhang Tong himself said, let's not talk about whether the other party is a liar or not. Just talking about the question Sun Yi raised, do you like the so-called world famous paintings or comics? Zhang Tong chose the latter without hesitation.

If you want to follow the mainstream aesthetics, then you should choose world famous paintings. After all, for hundreds of years, everyone has said how good, how beautiful, and how deep their paintings are.

Well, maybe they are really good and beautiful and deep. But I'm sorry, Zhang Tong can't appreciate it. He is not an art student, so he doesn't understand what kind of power and technique is contained in "Sunflower".

But he can see the temperament of a very lonely and strong man (the protagonist is Miyamoto Musashi) from the illustration of Inoue Takehiko's "Vagabond". This method of expression is very straightforward, but the intention of the artist is clearly conveyed, and Zhang Tong accepted it, so he chose the comic side.

As for the appreciation of world famous paintings in mainstream aesthetics or advanced aesthetics? I'm sorry, Zhang Tong doesn't plan to study, nor does he plan to get closer. Of course, this lack of closeness and lack of learning does not mean resistance. This is simply the result of choosing based on the comparison of the paintings that Sun Yi took out this time.

It's as if he chose the latter between the unremarkable (at least in Zhang Tong's view) statue and Fudo Mingwang before.

Zhang Tong is not a delicate and artificial person, nor is he pretentious or deliberately pretending to be sophisticated or tasteful. He will not say anything because of the mainstream and authority, and what the direction of the wind is, he will follow the authority and go along with the other party.

Because this is too ridiculous for Zhang Tong. Now Zhang Tong is a very free and easy person, a person who really does whatever he wants. Looking at the whole world, Zhang Tong doesn't have any authority that needs to be echoed and flattered. Now he has values ​​​​that are different from most people deep in his heart.

I like mine, there is no need to cater to others. That's why he was willing to answer Sun Yi's question, because his heart changed a little, and he began to be interested in what Sun Yi said.

Sun Yi clapped his hands when he heard Zhang Tong's answer: "That's it! The topic changed to the previous article, Boss Zhang, do you know art investment!"

"Sculpture, calligraphy and painting. Didn't I say that?" Zhang Tong, like most people, knows a little bit about the investment in art. He knows nothing about what it is, and how to operate it.

"Yes, paintings, calligraphy and sculptures. But boss Zhang, have you ever thought about why those world-famous paintings or so-called works of art can be sold so expensive?" Sun Yi waved his fist: "Let's put aside deliberate hype and money laundering , only those real collectors. What do you think they are paying high prices for art?"

Zhang Tong thought for a while: "Wait for the appreciation of the artwork, and then they like it. That's probably it."

"Ha!" Sun Yi laughed out loud: "Boss Zhang, you have said the important point. Appreciation and liking. But these two points complement each other. It is precisely because they like these works of art that collectors are willing to raise prices from others. Buy it back and play with it."

"And it is precisely because of their buying that the appreciation of art is caused. This is the most essential part of the art market. If you like something, buy it, and then the price will rise!" Sun Yi was a little excited when he said here.

"And the project I am doing is exactly like this. It is not the traditional art market. It is a broader market that is facing the huge market in the next few decades. Since these works of art, whether they are calligraphy, paintings or sculptures, are sold because people like them valuable."

"Then why don't you take a longer view? Don't put the aesthetics in the current generation, based on 20 years later? Why can't we operate the boutique figures and cartoonist's paintings as works of art?!" Sun Yi Said loudly.

Zhang Tong was a little surprised by his idea and uniqueness. If the other party is really a liar, he is also a liar with great ideas! Zhang Tong thought: things have become interesting.

Jiang Hua also quietly came to the store at this time, and heard Sun Yi's words.

After that, Sun Yi uttered many theories that subverted the traditional thinking of Jiang Hua and Zhang Tong.

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