"Whether all works of art, calligraphy, painting, statues or other things, what is their intrinsic value?" Sun Yi asked loudly.

Zhang Tong had already seen Jiang Hua coming in, and Jiang Hua shook his head to signal Zhang Tong not to speak. Because Sun Yi hadn't noticed Jiang Hua who came in.

Jiang Hua took Xiaopang Ding and sat in the corner of the store. It was at the place where Sun Yi was behind his back. Jiang Hua also needs to observe Sun Yi.

And Sun Yi didn't know that he had been noticed by a terrifying "devil head".

He still put all his attention on Zhang Tong, and he smelt loudly: "Boss Zhang, do you think those works of art are really valuable from a practical point of view?"

Before Zhang Tong answered, Sun Yi himself said negatively: "No, they have no value at all. They can't satisfy our hunger when we're hungry, and can't protect us from the cold when we're cold."

"Ah! I guess you might say that these things are valuable, and when we are hungry and cold, we can exchange them for money and buy food and clothes." Sun Yi gave an expression that I understood very well. Zhang Tong was slightly surprised, he really planned to say that. And Jiang Hua, who was sitting in the corner, thought so too.

"But think about it, do these works of art really have value? In fact, their value is defined by us!"

"Why can a so-called postmodern abstract painting that no one can understand be sold for millions of dollars in Sotheby's? This is artificially defined!"

"Its actual value to people may not be more meaningful than the pancakes you made, boss. At least I can feel full and have heat to resist the cold after eating your pancakes." Sun Yi said this, and there was a trace of enthusiasm in his eyes .

"If that's the case, then why do we still have people chasing and liking those works of art? I'm talking about real liking, not including other additional factors."

Zhang Tong touched his cheek and replied: "What you said is a bit too biased. People have spiritual pursuits besides food and clothing. These works of art are the spiritual appetite of many people, and many people get them by watching and appreciating works of art. Inner satisfaction."

"Yes! Yes! That's what I want to say!" Sun Yi clapped his hands: "Spiritual food."

"In fact, many objects in this world are worthless from the perspective of life. All their values ​​are defined by people. Art works are in this category."

"But one thing we must see is whether we can appreciate these works? Should these art forms that have been hundreds of thousands of years ago be changed?"

Sun Yi told Zhang Tong about his ideas: "Why are only these so-called mainstream arts called art?"

"Why can't manga animation and plastic figures be used as the art investment direction in the new era? Why can't those outstanding manga artists become artists who will be recorded in textbooks by later generations? Why can't Akira Toriyama and Hayao Miyazaki be accompanied by masters like these? honor?"

"Why must the artistic creation of cartoonists be defined as lower than the so-called mainstream art?"

"Huh?" Zhang Tong felt that he was a little surprised by the theory of the man in the suit and leather shoes in front of him.

Zhang Tong felt that what the person on the opposite side said seemed to make sense, but it seemed a bit unreasonable.

He pondered for a while and replied: "Because of mainstream aesthetics and historical sacrifice?" In fact, Zhang Tong was also a little curious about Sun Yi's theory. Anyway, there are no guests yet, so he doesn't mind hearing what the other party has to say.

"Mainstream aesthetics? Really?" Sun Yi smiled, and Zhang Tong saw a sense of disdain in his smile.

"Leave aside the masters of classical art and the founders of modern aesthetics. Look at what some of our so-called maverick [artists] are making now."

“I made some things that no one could understand and pointed out [here is a profound thought], and made some disgustingly ugly works and said [the aesthetics of the new era is to judge ugliness]. Are these really art?” Although Sun Yi used interrogative sentences, his tone was that of judgment.

"Except for a few so-called elites, how many people understand these so-called arts?"

Zhang Tong now feels that Sun Yi is getting more and more interesting, and he is now interested in chatting with Sun Yi.

He asked quite interestingly: "Isn't art always like this? It's high and low."

"No! Art should not be melodramatic! Real art should be accepted by most people, and feel the beauty and potential spiritual power from it!"

"Art is always for the public. When an art is so low that the public can no longer understand it, then it is not far from death!"

"There is also the issue of historical accumulation you mentioned. In fact, boss Zhang, do you know how long it has been since the jade that is so popular in China that countless people are obsessed with it has actually been introduced to China?"

"It's only two hundred years! It's only two hundred years. Two hundred years ago, when China introduced jadeite from Myanmar, it was immediately sought after by everyone. In less than a hundred years, it became a variety that was equally as popular as suet white jade."

"Before jade was introduced into China, China only had the concept of jade. After the introduction of jade, our ancestors modified the concept of jade and created the term jadeite to accommodate jade."

"An exotic stone of a different color has become the spiritual sustenance and luxury goods of the Chinese people, a work of art. Jade can do it, why can't comics do it!" Jiang Hua, who was sitting in the back, was a little surprised when he heard what Sun Yi said. , and then she looked down at her phone, as if she was looking for something.

"Whether comics or animations are good. The influence of these two-dimensional products has far exceeded that of ordinary calligraphy and painting works." Sun Yi said very seriously.

"And among the fine works, is the spirit conveyed in the core of the works really less than that of traditional artworks? Good cartoonists not only provide us with high-quality paintings, unique characters, but also various twists and turns. .”

"A hundred years ago, when the ancients were admiring those ancient paintings, how could they know if they were imagining all kinds of stories? The painting sage was able to paint the Luoshen Fu with splashed ink. Is this the earliest lightly modified comic?" Sun Yi Blooming with enthusiasm.

"The ancient and the modern are the same. It is not necessary for us to favor the past and despise the present, or to favor the present and depreciate the past. Society is progressing, and the times are developing. Why can't we look at problems from a progressive perspective?"

Sun Yi stood up suddenly and grabbed Zhang Tong's shoulder and said, "Boss Zhang, why can't we be bigger?"

"When the stubborn older generation withdraws from the mainstream stage of society, and the younger generation who accepts the influence of modern animation takes over the right to speak, then the world's aesthetic taste will inevitably undergo earth-shaking changes. Now we should seize this opportunity!"

"We can promote and change the world! This project will make me and my partners famous in history!" Sun Yi is ambitious.

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