The Days of Opening a Restaurant on an Abnormal Earth

Chapter 39 People with dreams and being targeted

"What we have to do is to make those animation ACG works that seem to have nothing to do with art. They will definitely become works of art and be worth a lot of money in the future!" Sun Yi said to Zhang Tong.

And Zhang Tong smiled: "Is this what you call investing in the plastic villain project? It sounds a bit unrealistic."

"Actually, it's very practical. Don't you know that Boss Zhang plays with toys?" Sun Yi asked seriously.

"Well, let's play Transformers when I was young. That was a long time ago." The long time ago Zhang Tong said was really a long time ago. According to the earth time, it was more than 20 years ago.

"But it's a pirated version, right?" Sun Yi asked immediately.

"I don't know, but it should be a pirated version." Zhang Tong thought of the Transformers that cost more than ten yuan in his childhood. It should be a pirated version. It's hard to say whether it's even a Transformers, maybe it's an inexplicable copycat made in China, I don't know Where is the product.

And Sun Yi said very seriously: "In fact, many people have a lot of concerns about investing in figurines and toys as wealth management products, and feel that it is not stable. But change your mind, is investing in art really stable? Shengshi Jewelry, Gold in troubled times. Works of art and luxury goods are valuable only in prosperous times. Don’t talk about jewelry in troubled times, even gold may not preserve its value. The most valuable things are always food and arms.”

"In fact, let's change our thinking, such as investing in jadeite or mahogany furniture. It seems like a value-preserving investment, but it also has risks. They will fluctuate within a certain period of time. The price will also rise and fall. Boss Zhang knows Dragon peach?" Sun Yi asked another question.

Zhang Tong continued to shake his head, he had never heard of what Sun Yi said.

"Actually, Long Taozi is a manufacturer of pirated [Gunpla models]. The models they produce are not authorized by the official Bandai, but they still have a lot of audiences and fans in China. Because the models they produce are cheap and The quality is not bad, and at the same time, it also produces some assembled models that are not officially produced by Bandai. Some time ago, this enterprise in Huaihai City (Dragon Taozi) was seized by Bandai because of infringement.”

Sun Yi borrowed Xiaopangding's netbook to look up some information for Zhang Tong: "The boss might as well look at the sales price of their posthumous work [Avalanche Energy Angel] since he closed down. It has soared from the original one or two hundred, Up to now, the price has soared to close to 400 to 500 yuan. And now the whole network is basically out of stock."

"There is also a 1:72 ratio Strike Alloy Gundam model produced by the domestic manufacturer Moshow. It was originally released for only 700 yuan, but in just two years, its price has soared to more than 1,000 yuan. And these are just pirated products. .” Sun Yi took out a plan from his bag.

"I'm really optimistic about the investment in animation-related products. It's just that the increase in pirated goods is so large, so what about the selected copyrighted products? For example, Takayuki Takeya designed the Fengshen and Thor movable toys for Yamaguchi Kaiyodo , the release price is only around 200. But after the out-of-stock, the price has risen all the way, even if you buy a second-hand product of average quality in Toyo's second-hand store, the price has risen to 600. It was not until the recent reprint that the price returned to rationality. "

Hearing Sun Yi's words, Zhang Tong grasped an important point: "Yes, you have reached an important point. These toys and figures are all industrialized and large-scale products. I admit that the people who designed them People are very talented, but even if a certain product is sold out because of its great sales, the price will soar. But if a reprint or an upgraded version is launched in two years, won’t the price come down?”

Sun Yi listened to Zhang Tong's question very seriously and then nodded seriously: "That's right! I call this the cyclical fluctuation of the market. For example, the busts of ka cattle and ka Sazabi produced by Bandai before, because they are broken Due to the reason of the goods, the price has been infinitely high for many years. And until this year, the price of the reprint has dropped. And these are just better-produced large-scale assembled models, and the price of beautifully made figures grows higher and faster. Today It’s still a thatched cottage, but tomorrow it will become a sea view room, this is no joke.”

Sun Yi took out a form: "Actually, the periodic fluctuations of animation peripheral products can be avoided. This is the same as buying stocks. My initial plan is to make a profit by buying and selling high-quality boutique figures in the market. .The hoarding of popular characters or extremely high-quality figures is the first basic step to make quick money. It’s like buying stocks and funds, except that we buy physical products.”

Sun Yi pointed to the rising curve and various statistical data and materials that he made and said to Zhang Tong: "Seriously, Boss Zhang, I am not a liar. I have a very long-term plan, and what I just said is just the first step. The most difficult initial stage. But as long as the original accumulation is completed."

"Then the second step is to buy some master's original paintings after accumulating costs, or the master's hand-made prototypes. For example, buy some original manuscripts of Master Hayao Miyazaki. Master Hayao Miyazaki's works are profound, And it is beautifully made, and the paintings also have his unique personality. After a hundred years of master Hayao Miyazaki, the price will inevitably soar."

"Buy the works of these masters, and then publicize their fame through art hype, label them with various halo labels, and myth them, and finally their posthumous works will be sold at high prices!" Sun Yi's eyes As fierce as a wolf.

"And the third step is to support cartoonists ourselves! My plan is twenty years, to reach this step in twenty years. To make the comics industry of popular aesthetics artistic, so that everyone can understand that comics are good, and figures are also good. Well, in addition to bringing beauty to people, it can also become an investment commodity. At this time, I can use the star-making plan to make popular new cartoonists one by one. Completely break the traditional art market Sun Yi stretched out a hand to Zhang Tong and said, "Boss Zhang, how are you? Join us! Now is the best opportunity for you to join, and you will become my entrepreneurial partner."

Zhang Tong looked at Sun Yi with his chin resting on one hand, then he turned his head to look in Jiang Hua's direction and asked, "What do you think, Police Officer Jiang?"

Jiang Hua, who had been reading the information just now, turned off his mobile phone, then stood up and walked to Sun Yi's side. At this time, Sun Yi realized that there was a person sitting behind him.

Jiang Hua took a look at Sun Yi and said: "Sun Yi, a native of Huaihai City, is a real estate salesman, but many people have reported to the police that you are suspected of false fraud. You were never arrested."

Jiang Hua sat next to Zhang Tong, glanced at Zhang Tong, then at Sun Yi and said: "I think what you said is a little unrealistic. Your eloquence is very good, but you use it in the wrong place. Okay. Sell ​​the house, and you've already become a successful person."

Sun Yi didn't know who the woman who ran out suddenly was, but it should be a police officer, because Zhang Tong called her that. Sun Yi looked annoyed and looked at Zhang Tong angrily: "I thought I could find an understanding The person I thought of was an ordinary person!"

As he said that, he looked at Jiang Hua again: "Before Ma Yun did not succeed, everyone thought his ideal was ridiculous and unrealistic. He can change the modern business pattern, why can't I change the modern art investment pattern? !Why does everyone think I'm a liar! Are you even calling the police to arrest me now?!"

Looking at Sun Yi's angry look, Zhang Tong suddenly felt that this guy really didn't look like a liar. Zhang Tong stood up and said to Sun Yi formally: "I'm sorry. It's a great thing to have a dream. matter."

Jiang Hua glanced at Zhang Tong in surprise, while Sun Yi put away all the materials he had prepared and turned away angrily. He walked to the subway station of Line 13 only to realize that he had forgotten to lodge with him temporarily. A friend from home brought dinner. But it’s already at the subway station, so I can only make do with some fried tofu and potato chips sold at the stall at the entrance of the subway station.

But that guy is obsessed with painting, and he doesn't care about getting food, so there should be no problem.

But after Sun Yi left, Jiang Hua didn't leave directly. It should be that Zhang Tong left her behind. After all, it's all here, let's chat for a while. Zhang Tong can find a topic with Jiang Hua if he has no topic.

"Officer Jiang, have you dealt with that Wang Wu? Is there really an organization behind him? Is he really eyeing me? I'm worried about the troubles I've had recently, and I may always trouble you. I really am. I'm sorry." What Zhang Tong said was true.

But Jiang Hua waved his hand: "Protecting citizens is our duty."

Zhang Tong went up the ladder: "It's really hard work, Police Officer Jiang. I want you to protect me personally. What, it's just dinner time, so just say what you want to eat. If you don't have time to eat here, I will deliver it to you later. Go there."

Jiang Hua sighed in his heart: It would be great if all the citizens supported his work like Boss Zhang Tongzhang.

And when Zhang Tong and Jiang Hua were chatting about these topics, somewhere in Huaihai City, the teacher behind Wang Wu had indeed set his sights on Zhang Tong's shop.

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