Zhabei District, Huaihai City, this is the place where the legendary Ma Yongzhen once worked and lived.

Although Huaihai City has developed faster and faster in the past ten years, old-fashioned old Shikumen buildings are not uncommon in this district.

A hundred years ago, Shikumen buildings were luxury houses for foreign compradors or businessmen. At that time, Jiangsu migrant workers in Huaihai all slept in tents along the Suzhou Creek.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, foreign businessmen fled, and many foreign compradors ran away with their masters, or lost in the financial duel with Ye Shuai, the first mayor of Huaihai City, and were labeled as speculators. Therefore, a large number of Shikumen have been nationalized.

In order to solve the problem of workers who live by the Suzhou River. Huaihai City has converted a large number of Shikumen into apartments, and the large villas of former foreign merchants on Huaihai Road have also been divided into different areas.

The mansion that was originally intended for one family has become a residence for a dozen or even dozens of families. Strolling on Huaihai Road today, you can still see more than a dozen different families living in the old bungalows of the last century. This is also the origin of the famous seventy-two tenants in Huaihai City.

The originally spacious small western-style building was extremely crowded because of too many people. A family of three could only live in an area of ​​20 to 30 square meters, and life was extremely inconvenient. Moreover, living in these buildings basically has no hope of waiting for the demolition compensation to buy a new house.

Many houses have been listed as non-demolishable protective buildings and have been preserved as the urban culture of Huaihai. It is very beautiful for outsiders to walk on the asphalt road under the plane trees and admire these bungalows and Shikumen, but the residents who actually live inside are really miserable.

But if you are rich, you can just buy the entire Shikumen or the entire small Western-style building, just to live in the family. Then it is very comfortable, and living in the historic site is also very stylish.

For example, Wang Wu's teacher lives in a Shikumen in Zhabei District. This is a Shikumen with a single house. Even in Zhabei District of Huaihai City, the price of this house is tens of millions or even approaching the 100 million mark. This is a residence only for the really rich.

The gentle-looking [teacher] frowned, the connection between him and Wang Wu was getting weaker and weaker, and the seeds he had planted on him hadn't responded for two days. And today it is completely broken.

As a [teacher] who recruits members in the organization and is responsible for planting seeds for members, this has never happened before.

The teacher reported the incident to the person above through the encrypted video communication: "Qianmianhu (Wang Wu) has lost contact with me."

On the other end of the video, a middle-aged man with a calm appearance nodded in response: "If you don't talk about it today, I will tell you. Qianmianhu was arrested, and all the pills were taken away."

The teacher was a little puzzled: "Thousand-faced fox has always been cautious in doing things, how could he be caught?"

The middle-aged man shook his head: "I don't know exactly what happened. But it is obvious that he himself called the police. You just said that you lost contact with him. Can the seeds still be stimulated now?"

The teacher shook his head: "No, it seems that someone forcibly destroyed the seeds I planted in his brain and completely cut off the connection between me and him. The ability of hypnosis has begun to fade. If he is caught I'm afraid he'll spill information about us.

"How much does he know?" The middle-aged man frowned.

"Not much, it's all superficial. And I have also blurred and fragmented the depths of his memory. The things he can recall are very limited." The words the teacher said made the Zhongnan man heave a sigh of relief .

The middle-aged man said: "The [Jihad] plan we are preparing is about to begin. The Twelve Elders have pushed the high-level officials to agree to our plan!"

Hearing what the middle-aged man said, the teacher became excited: "[Project Beehive] is finally about to start?! Where does it start!"

"China's third largest island, Chongmin Island in Huaihai City. We will evacuate the entire Chongmin Island and use the original facilities on the island to build a new hive city. One of our elders designed a future city for the high-level His design has impressed the high-level people. They want to give it a try." Although the middle-aged man tried his best to keep his tone calm, he was still a little excited.

It can be seen that he is also very concerned about the implementation of this plan.

"Now the whole plan has reached a critical stage. [Jihad] must not be lost, otherwise we will lose the right to survive." The middle-aged man said very seriously.

"So we must strictly control any accidents. Now that the thousand-faced fox has been caught, we must find a way to get rid of it. Maybe someone in the special investigation department can find someone who can break your ban. You don't have to worry about this , I will send someone to deal with it." After the middle-aged man finished speaking, the teacher nodded.

"Thousand-faced fox has destroyed so many returnees, it's really a pity to let him die now." The teacher said with some regret.

The middle-aged man curled his lips: "He made a lot of dream pills, and he also helped the organization earn a little money. But this person is difficult to become a big man, even if he is a chosen person (a person who has awakened the ability) he still doesn't have much ability .Originally with his ability, he could do more things, just like Mystique in "X-Men", but his acting skills are too bad. And the lecherous problem has never been changed."

"We don't need to invest too much attention and resources in this kind of peripheral. I didn't agree with you to absorb him in the beginning. Now it's just that he is beaten back to the prototype. But seeing what he has done for the organization With so many contributions, I will let him die in peace." The middle-aged man has no feelings for Wang Wu.

He glanced at the teacher again: "There is another thing I need to let you know, Wang Wu was caught by Jiang Hua."

The teacher's cheeks twitched when he heard the name: "The legendary [Queen of Gravity]?"

"Yes, it's her. She has destroyed the organization's plans many times, and the chosen ones were buried by her as many as the returnees. Five years ago, she rose as a comet, but she was too upright, and now Now that his career has suffered setbacks, he has not yet been at the top."

"As the Chosen One, Jiang Hua is undoubtedly extremely powerful. We believe that the frustration of her official career in the past two years will inevitably leave a dark side in her heart. And obtaining such a powerful Chosen One is extremely important for the organization Strength. She is more important than a thousand foxes in front." The middle-aged man's words made the teacher frowned, and he heard that there was something in this man's words.

"So the organization wants it?"

"I want you and Jiang Hua to try to get in touch, and the organization will facilitate this meeting. Use your ostensible identity to meet her. I don't care if you use any method to seduce her, hypnotize her or drug her. Exhausted You do everything you can to pull her to our side. This is Jianghua's information found by the organization, you can take a closer look later and formulate a tactic to seduce her." The middle-aged man sent a compressed file.

"She is already twenty-eight years old and she hasn't dated yet. The only time she fell in love was when she was in the police academy. Most of these women are empty and lonely. How about [Mr. Magic Flute] show her your strong arms?" Said The tone of the middle-aged man here is a bit teasing.

And the teacher clicked on the compressed file and found Jiang Hua's photo, um, she is a beauty. Although it is not the petite and exquisite shape that I like, but I am not at a loss.

As a [Magic Flute], I have never failed to seduce people. But the other party is also the famous Gravity Queen in the special investigation department, so I still have to be more careful.

"Oh, that's right." The middle-aged man originally planned to end the communication, but he seemed to think of something before turning off the phone: "What is Wang Wu's last mission?"

"To defraud a returnee's real estate is probably worth 10 to 20 million yuan, which is a small gain for us. So I let him go and do it." The teacher replied.

"Well, that's right. According to internal information, Jiang Hua set up an ambush in the store at that time. It seems that the owner of the store called the police. This kind of returnee is the most annoying. You find someone to do him." The middle-aged man has already said Zhang Tong issued a kill order.

And for the teacher, this is just a small episode, it's useless to find someone to kill one, and it's just a mediocre person who runs a restaurant in the past, and it's just a matter of hand.

The teacher dialed an internal phone number and said to the person on the other end of the phone: "Shadow, there is a task for you to do. It's very simple, just solve an insignificant piece of garbage."

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