Ji Xiaochun, an internationally renowned psychologist and psychedelic drug expert. He has made profound achievements in modern psychology, especially in hypnosis. He used his original hypnotherapy to help many people get out of the troubles of mental illness.

In today's society, if diseases are not kept taboo, in fact, everyone will have some psychological diseases more or less, or unhealthy phenomena.

For example, sudden rage, or depression. Because the pace of life in modern society is too fast, especially for the elite class in big cities.

This morning, I was negotiating with the boss of Company A in Huaihai City, and in the afternoon, I will go to Tokyo to attend a dinner with the president of Company B. At midnight, I boarded a flight to New York again.

Either a coder, after writing a code, there is another code. After all the programs were written and entered the testing stage, bugs were found. So I had to work all night to make changes. The code farmer prepares a camp bed in the company, and can sleep directly in the company after working overtime until the early hours of the morning.

And as a designer. When you finally work hard to design a plan that you think is very good, Party A directly shoots: "No, I think XXXX should be changed." The other party is obviously a layman who doesn't even know who Berryman is, but But there are some pointing fingers at their own works.

Then according to the requirements of Party A, it was revised once, revised twice, and revised three times. When the revision was about to run out of time, Party A said again: "Let's use your first draft. It looks better than that." I have the heart to kill!

With this pace of life and working conditions, who doesn't have some mental illness? Not being able to sleep and having nightmares is already trivial.

Bipolar disorder, depression, neurasthenia, anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive neurosis and other diseases are not uncommon in modern people.

Living in such a fast-paced modern society, no one dares to say that their mental health is very good, and there are more or less problems.

Ji Xiaochun is very good at dealing with these diseases. Ji Xiaochun, who is only 32 years old this year, has published many articles in many professional magazines and has attracted much attention in the industry.

In particular, he followed an experimental treatment program for children with autism three years ago. Through his original method of hypnotherapy combined with drugs, some autistic children have been relieved to a certain extent. (Note)

This caused quite a stir in the world. There were also a lot of people making appointments for Ji Xiaochun to see a doctor. In fact, many rich people also have mental health problems. So Ji Xiaochun is a busy person.

After learning about Ji Xiaochun's background, Jiang Hua looked at Ji Xiaochun curiously: "Mr. Ji is so busy and still has time to help our police with the case. It's really hard work."

Jiang Hua called Ji Xiaochun a teacher instead of a husband because Ji Xiaochun preferred this title. Ji Xiaochun is an external professor of Huaihai Medical University.

Ji Xiaochun smiled, as a middle-aged man who has just turned 30, he has his own charm. He smiled so friendly that Jiang Hua couldn't help but look at him more.

"Officer Jiang, you're being polite. In addition to opening a small clinic to help people see a doctor and research some interventional drugs for mental illness, I'm also a special-appointed professor at the Department of Psychology of Huaihai Medical University. Our department has cooperated with the police many times. One case was originally handled by the graduate assistant I brought."

"However, after reading the file, I'm very interested in what Wang Wu said about the case. A gang using hallucinogenic drugs and hypnosis to defraud? It's really interesting. I want to know who is behind the scenes." Ji Xiaochun stood in Jianghua's Side said so.

The two were heading to the place where Wang Wu was detained, where two police officers took turns guarding him 24 hours a day. Because Jiang Hua felt that the Wang Wu case and the Xingshan murder case were not simple cases. Especially now that Tian Yi didn't catch it, and Wang Wu said that [Tian Yi] had recovered his ability.

So Jiang Hua is very concerned about Wang Wu's case. She wants to uproot the organization behind Wang Wu and find out who is behind the scenes. Who was the teacher he was talking about.

Hearing what Ji Xiaochun said, Jiang Hua nodded: "Yes, we are also curious about this. That's why we asked experts in psychology and hypnosis to help us."

"We want Wang Wu to make a picture puzzle of the [teacher] behind him, but Wang Wu can't remember what the [teacher] looks like. His memory is very vague, except for some of his memories. It's all scattered and chaotic." Jiang Hua led Ji Xiaochun forward.

Ji Xiaochun nodded: "It seems that this person named Wang Wu was hypnotized by the so-called [teacher]. His memory has been processed."

Jiang Hua stopped and looked at Ji Xiaochun: "How to say?"

"Our memory has a protection mechanism. For example, we have witnessed some tragedies or unpleasant memories, so in order to protect our spirit from the secondary impact of the memory, the brain will automatically store these memories Sealing up the body is like sealing it into a warehouse." Ji Xiaochun explained to Jiang Hua.

"Or shuffling and rearranging events that we've seen before. Say we liked something when we were kids, whether it's food or a movie star or something. Every time we think about it, we keep that memory in our minds." It makes our memories better and better, so that we can get a sense of satisfaction from it." What Ji Xiaochun said made Jiang Hua nod his head, which is indeed the truth.

"But the memory that makes us sad will do the opposite. When this memory touches the brain and feels that it will pose a threat to the mental state, it will automatically blur and omit the details. Keep the brain happy. Almost everyone is born with instinct."

"There is no doubt that this part of Wang Wu's memory was modified by someone. Someone processed his brain. He regarded his memory in the organization as a dangerous memory and buried it deep in the deepest part. It is difficult. It is a place for people to dig. This is also the dilemma you encountered in handling the case, even if Wang Wu cooperated with you in handling the case, it would be difficult for you to find out anything."

As soon as Ji Xiaochun finished speaking, Jiang Hua slapped his chin: "That's right! Teacher Ji, what you said makes sense!"

Ji Xiaochun kept smiling at Jiang Hua's praise, and Jiang Hua looked at Ji Xiaochun's smile for no reason and felt that the gentle and bookish man in front of him was actually very attractive.

its not right! Since I was a child, I have obviously liked tough guys like Li Yunlong and Li Tuanzhang in "Bright Sword". When did you become interested in Zhao Gang and Political Commissar Zhao?

Just when Jiang Hua was wondering, she and Ji Xiaochun had arrived at the prison where Wang Wu was being held.

When Wang Wu watched Jiang Hua and Ji Xiaochun walk in, he suddenly became very excited. No, to be precise, Wang Wu was very excited when he saw Ji Xiaochun walk in. His face was almost pressed against the iron railing.

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