Wang Wu put his face on the railing and shouted at Ji Xiaochun: "Help me! Help me!" His face was flushed abnormally, and his eyes were slightly protruding.

"Help me, I can't take it anymore!" Wang Wu's eyes bulged, he grabbed the railing with both hands, and even started hitting his head against the railing.

Ji Xiaochun looked at Jiang Hua and said, "This?"

"Back back." Jiang Hua frowned slightly, and Wang Wu was pulled back to the bed in the prison by an invisible force. Jiang Hua shook his head: "He's been weird recently. It should mean that he started to become more and more weird after we started to let him recall the memory about his organization and the teacher."

"Everything was fine at first, but once he started to recall those memories, he seemed to become particularly painful. And this pain seemed to be reflected in the spirit and brain. Every time he wanted to say something, he remembered something. He would have a splitting headache and roll all over the floor." Jiang Hua said helplessly.

"I suspect that this is because Wang Wu's memory has been tampered with, so we turned to find an expert in psychology and hypnosis to help us solve the mystery of his memory. This is why Mr. Ji, you are now The reason for appearing here."

Jiang Hua said so, and pointed to Wang Wu: "I'm afraid that his spirit will be completely out of order under this kind of memory. I hope Teacher Ji, your ability can help us."

Ji Xiaochun nodded and said: "It should be, judging from the current situation, it should be that someone tampered with Wang Wu's brain memory. They set this memory as a dangerous area. When you want to recall this memory, it will trigger a feedback effect."

"This feedback effect is bound to be a pain. Just like a beast trainer, he gives punishments and rewards to guide the beasts to do what they should do. Now someone has used this mechanism in Wang Wu's brain to let him guide his own Memory." Ji Xiaochun saw Wang Wu's question at a glance.

With Ji Xiaochun's reply, Jiang Hua's eyes lit up: "Yes, this makes sense. Why can't Wang Wu remember what happened to him in the organization. And he can't remember the teacher What does it look like."

"Mr. Ji, can you use your hypnotism to break the taboo in Wang Wu's memory?" Jiang Hua really needs Wang Wu to return to normal now, and then he can trace the clues normally.

Ji Xiaochun nodded: "It's not difficult, but I need to use a powerful psychedelic drug that I researched. This drug will produce a strong hallucinogenic effect, and each time it is used, specific people and things need to be reported. It can only be used. I brought the potion, I think I need to ask Police Officer Jiang to help me go through the formalities."

Jiang Hua nodded: "No problem."

Saying this, Jiang Hua signaled to another investigator of the Special Investigation Division who was following behind him to let him stay here with Ji Xiaochun. And Jiang Hua went out to help Ji Xiaochun go through the formalities.

And just after Jiang Hua left, Ji Xiaochun said to Wang Wu through the railing: "Wang Wu, hello. Do you know me?" There is a strange scale in Ji Xiaochun's tone, and hearing his voice makes people feel Like falling into the clouds. The investigators standing next to Ji Xiaochun were a little dazed.

But Wang Wu, who was lying on the bed anxiously, became quiet instantly after hearing Ji Xiaochun's words. He was motionless, his eyes glazed over.

"Think about it carefully, who did you see before? Think about it, think about it carefully." Ji Xiaochun had a weird smile on his lips.

"What is your purpose in this world? What are you going to do?"


Li Yishan has been in a bad mood since Ji Xiaochun came to the institute. As Li Yishan's older brother, Li Tianfeng, who grew up playing with him, could tell that Li Yishan was in a bad mood.

Taking advantage of no one's attention, he poked Li Yishan's shoulder with the tip of his pen. Li Yishan shrank her shoulders and said angrily, "What are you doing!\

,""I said why are you sulking?" Li Tianfeng asked Li Yishan.

"Oh, leave me alone, I'm annoying." Li Yishan waved her hand.

Li Tianfeng chuckled: "What? Seeing Ji Xiaochun clinging to **, and driving you away, and not letting you follow, you are not happy."


"Don't be tsundere, tsundere is a disease. You can't help Ji Xiaochun if you are upset. He was assigned by the superiors to help solve the case." Li Yishan did not fully agree with Li Tianfeng's words.

She said: "I just think that people like him feel very hypocritical. Look at how fake he is when he smiles at his wife. I have [golden eyes]!"

Li Tianfeng shook his head: "Your sharp eyes are used to solve cases and see the details. When can you even tell the good from the bad?"

Li Yishan snorted coldly: "You can tell the difference! That guy named Ji Xiaochun must be trying to conspire against **, I can tell by his eyes that he has unusual ideas."

"Okay, don't make trouble. I know you have always regarded ** as an idol. But it's normal for someone to pursue a beautiful woman like **. That teacher Ji probably fell in love with ** and wanted to pursue her.* *It's normal to be chased by people in this grade, hasn't she been single since she graduated from the police academy? You can't let your idol stay single to maintain your fantasy of idol." Li Tianfeng patted Li Yishan on the shoulder .

Li Yishan said in a nasal voice: "I just think Ji Xiaochun is weird. He has a lot of ambitions for sex. And this kind of playful mentality is usually more dirty. And this Ji Xiaochun is so rich, how could he Came here in a Maybach. Must be a rich, hypnotized, filthy pervert."

"Ah?" Li Tianfeng really didn't know where Li Yishan's theory came from. But he still said, "Come on, don't be a jerk. Where do you get all your theories?"

"Isn't that what's written in the little Huangwen? None of these hypnotists come from good people." Li Yishan spoke righteously.

Anyway, Li Yishan caught Ji Xiaochun's attention when he wanted to hit Jiang Hua.

And today was another overtime, because Ji Xiaochun hypnotized Wang Wu, and the hypnosis effect was very good. He said a lot of things during hypnosis. The spearhead was gradually aimed at a pyramid scheme fraud organization.

"Mr. Ji has worked hard for you. It's already eight o'clock in the evening. It kept you busy all day." When the day's work was completed, Jiang Hua thanked Ji Xiaochun.

But Ji Xiaochun waved his hand: "You're welcome, I'm also very interested in this case. It's so late by accident. Before I know it, it's already eight o'clock."

"Thanks for your hard work, Teacher Ji, I didn't have dinner at this time." Jiang Hua thought for a while and said out of politeness: "Mr. Ji, why don't I treat you to dinner?"

Ji Xiaochun couldn't wish for it, and he replied with a smile on his face: "There's no need for police officer Jiang to treat guests. If it's a favor, let's go have a light meal. I'll drive there. I know there is a French restaurant that is very good, and you can see the night view on the edge of the Pujiang River." .”

Jiang Hua shook her head. She didn't know why when Ji Xiaochun laughed, her heart beat faster unconsciously, and she felt a flush. It's so strange, is it possible that I am tempted by the man in front of me?

After dispelling his thoughts, Jiang Hua said: "Don't bother, I know there is a restaurant nearby that is delicious and clean. It's just that the name of the restaurant is not very nice."

Ji Xiaochun asked curiously, "What's your name?"

"Old Zhang's shop."

Hearing this name, Ji Xiaochun's smile became weird.

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