The Days of Opening a Restaurant on an Abnormal Earth

Chapter 590 Because the world is turned

Lee Dong Hyuk attaches great importance to the Honeycomb project. Because the world has changed now. Since the appearance of the Home Returner and the Awakened Ability, the rules of this world have begun to slowly change. Like it or not, the world is definitely not the same as it used to be.

Some people may not want to change the original order before. Because those with vested interests are always unwilling to change, and the so-called vested interests usually do not simply refer to one or two specific individuals, but often a whole group. That may be hundreds of thousands or even millions of people in the entire industrial chain.

But now the world has reached a point where it cannot be changed. Li Donghyuk knows why the higher authorities are so determined to build a hive, because times are changing and rights will always be transferred. No one can keep the rights unchanged forever, so a wise person needs to think about how to continue to live well after the rights change.

Even if some people are unwilling to accept this result, it has reached the point where they cannot accept it.

What stimulated a major reform of the state superstructure were the great riots that broke out in South America.

Originally, South America was the back garden of the United States, and it was the largest place for the dumping of products and the acquisition of primary resources in the United States. So for a long time, South America, especially countries like Mexico and Chile, have had this phrase to describe their situation: too far from heaven, too close to the United States.

Originally, this place should be very strong, and the roots of the United States have been deeply rooted in it. With so many law-breaking gangsters, those big brothers who can make a country's government helpless really just rely on themselves? In fact, it is not that simple.

That's how it should be, at least for the next few decades. But in recent years, South America has become less stable, and the United States' ability to control it has begun to weaken year by year.

One very important reason is the sudden emergence of supernatural power awakeners. South America itself is a land of chaotic wars. Although it is not as chaotic as Africa and Central Asia, it is definitely not peaceful. Even if there are no large-scale anti-government armed forces, there are always a large number of gangsters. Various violations of law and discipline are not uncommon.

Everything was originally under the control of the United States. Because the appearance of South America cannot be changed. A great man once said: Power grows out of the barrel of a gun.

This sentence is too correct, South American countries are no threat to the United States at all. No one needs to send an army, as long as the air force flies a few times, any South American country can be paralyzed. Because the military strength of South America is too weak, there is no ability to resist at all.

But after the appearance of the supernatural awakener, this matter has undergone some small changes.

Not all power awakeners are very strong, and there are too few walking tactical weapon-level powerhouses like Jiang Hua. But there are always strong players at the lv4 level. If Jianghua, as a lv6 powerhouse, is equivalent to a tactical weapon that can be used in a low-intensity war, then a lv4 powerhouse is equivalent to a modern conventional war weapon. Just like Lao Bai, the current Dongfeng Express contractor of the Honeycomb, if his flying sword ability is used to fight, he is also very close to a modern fifth-generation fighter.

Maybe it is not as good as those modern fighters loaded with several missiles in terms of bombing and destructive capabilities, but if some special tactics are executed, he can still be of great use. Even better than modern weapons.

Originally, South America did not have any strong military power, but the emergence of supernatural power awakeners gave them a new turning point. Although it is said that many power awakened powerhouses in South America are not very smart, but many people have chosen to say no to North America.

Just because they have bad brains doesn't mean they don't feel hatred for North America's exploitation of them. It's just that there was no way to resist before.

Many regimes in South America have been occupied by powerful awakened powers in their country, ranging from lv5 to lv6. Coupled with the group of younger brothers they gathered, there are many extreme anti-Americanists among them.

These powerful people are really not smart enough to be in power, and they can't handle people's livelihood issues, they just want to plunder. But at the same time, because their brains are not very good, they also have a clear distinction between likes and dislikes. Never hide what you hate. They sternly rejected the various economic transaction policies that North America had previously finalized with them. Moreover, it also unilaterally destroyed the previous tariff and trade agreement, and imposed heavy taxes on the goods dumped from North America. He also imposed heavy taxes on factories and companies opened by North American businessmen in South America.

This annoys the US, and diplomatic pressure doesn't work against these people. Because most of these power awakened powerhouses in South America don't have any brains, and they do things purely by feeling. So the United States was forced to embark on the path of armed conflict.

But now armed conflicts have become more difficult, and it has become more difficult to fight proxy wars. Because in South America, the United States did not dare to really give many high-tech weapons. But give the agents some weapons from the 1970s and 1980s, and they are not enough to fight. Because the people in power in many countries in South America are the strongest power awakeners in their country. They have their own abilities, and then they also have weapons and people. Ordinary proxy wars will be extinguished by them in an instant.

And let the United States send its own troops? Impossible, because if a big quagmire like South America fights, it will be much more troublesome than a fight in Central Asia. And the United States does not want to start an all-out war on its doorstep. Therefore, the United States also recruited many supernatural awakeners into the army and began to execute beheading operations.

But it didn't go very well. They have a sense of being stuck in South America. Because in addition to those original armed forces in South America, there is also the largest foreign force. That was the homecoming force formed by Wan Changqing and others after they fled to South America.

Although Wan Changqing is dead. But Dragon Knight Yin Tianzhao and Demigod Fighter Jang Keun Suk among the top ten powerhouses of Homecoming are still in South America. They secretly hid in South America to be the local emperors, and they didn't want the Yankees to extend their tentacles in. It would be better if South America is in such a mess now. If the Yankees extend their tentacles and once again establish a set of rules that are in line with the interests of the Americans, then it will be very uncomfortable.

Those South American natives have no brains, but it doesn't mean that these two returnees have no brains. They secretly broke the Yankee's operations in South America many times, making it more difficult for the United States to operate in South America.

Now even the United States, the largest country in the world, is having trouble coping with the strong resistance of the returnees and those who have awakened abilities, and the terrible situation in South America is the background, and now the brain is a little better All the bosses know how to choose now.

The returnees are an opportunity, and the future society will inevitably be controlled by those who have awakened their abilities. But how to make a smooth transition for the whole society? How to make supernatural awakened people into a privileged society, and how to let ordinary people still retain their current rights in the future society. Rather than being reduced to South America, ordinary people become slaves to those who have awakened abilities. These are things that require thinking and building.

So the hive is very important, Zhang Tong's project is very important, and Zhang Tong's current homecoming mutual aid association is also very important!

Li Donghe came to the hive in person, and he needed to have a detailed talk with Zhang Tong. And when he came to the factory of the Homecoming Mutual Aid Association, he noticed that his right-hand assistant, Meng Laicai, had a special smile on his mouth, and he just looked at the old man dressed as a mage not far in front of him.

Um? It's a bit strange. Why did Meng Laicai show such a smile to an old man? Well……

Li Donghyuk felt that he was not a conservative person. For example, Song Renjie was on the side of supporting when Song Renjie returned to Huaihai to work in the hive. After all, Song Renjie's ability cannot be wasted. As long as he pays attention to his lifestyle and doesn't mess with the relationship between men and men, then it's fine.

But isn't Meng Laicai married and married? Li Donghe was deeply worried about this assistant that he valued very much. He decided to have a good chat with Meng Laicai after returning home and enlighten him. Even if you are not good at it, you still have to do some things yourself. Who calls himself a leader?

Over there, Zhang Tong had already asked everyone to stop their work, and everyone stood up and lined up to welcome: "Welcome, welcome, warmly welcome!"

Amid warm applause, Lee Dong Hyuk and his team were invited into the factory workshop of the Homecoming Mutual Aid Association.

Li Donghe nodded with a smile, and he looked at the flying sword he was making. Then he turned his gaze to a seemingly complicated magic circle, and asked with interest: "What is this?"

ps; ask for votes!

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