When Jiang Hua's mother Wang Qian came to Lao Zhang's shop with a backpack and a small suitcase, it was Zhang Tong who helped Wang Qian open the glass door. It was inconvenient for Wang Qi to open the door with the suitcase.

Wang Qi's height is not particularly high, about 1.62 meters. Among women in Sichuan and Chongqing, they are taller. But compared to her daughter's height of 1.8 meters, she doesn't seem very tall.

Wang Qi is 50 years old this year, but she is well maintained and looks quite young, although the poor conditions at home suffered a lot in the early years. But after opening the hot pot restaurant with her husband Jiang Aijun, life has been booming.

Speaking of which, Jiang's family has five hot pot restaurants, with a combined annual net profit of more than three million yuan. In Shuangqing City, they can be regarded as a wealthy family, living in a duplex house of more than 300 square meters, and wearing famous brands.

But there is no shortage of the hot-tempered vigor in Wang Qian's body. There was no way around it. Back then, Jiang Aijun had to go out to set up a stall to sell skewers every day, so Wang Qian could only take care of all the family affairs.

Washing, cooking, taking care of the children, and helping Jiang Aijun handle the skewers. After opening the store, Jiang Aijun was also busy in the back kitchen. Wang Qian will take care of all the facade matters.

It can be said that if Wang Qi didn't have that kind of hot-tempered personality and style, then there would be no way to keep the business of the whole store going.

Although she smiled politely at Zhang Tong when she entered the door, Zhang Tong still felt that she was a very powerful and strict lady.

Jiang Hua has given up resistance, anyway, his mother has come to Huaihai, so let's do it. Lies can't go on, I can only tell the truth about where I am.

When Wang Qian came, she happened to see Jiang Hua eating rice and drinking pickled soup.

"Oh! My Huahua! How many times have I told you to eat on time, eat on time. Why don't you listen?" It's already nine o'clock in the evening, and Jiang Hua has dinner. Wang Qi felt distressed when she saw it.

Although he is not as tall as Jiang Hua, he has more aura than Jiang Hua. Sitting next to Jiang Hua, he hugged his beautiful daughter and looked left and right.

But Zhang Tong was surprised: "Huahua?" This nickname is full of local flavor, and it is easy to remind people of the little cat raised by the grandma in the country.

"It's Huahua, not Huahua!" Jiang Hua defended helplessly. She didn't want to be given an extremely down-to-earth nickname.

"Hey, look at you, you've lost a lot of weight. Your waist has become thinner again. Let me tell you, you have to eat honestly." Wang Qian said while looking at what Jiang Hua was eating.

Wang Qian was slightly surprised by the casserole rice and pickled Duxian.

They are all in the catering industry, and Wang Qi is well aware of some strange things in the catering industry. Now, unless you are a claypot rice shop, no restaurant will make casserole rice for customers, because the cost is too uneconomical.

Wang Qian has never eaten salted Duxian, but just by looking at the color of the soup, the luster of the bacon and fresh meat inside, and the winter bamboo shoots inside, it can be seen that this restaurant is very careful.

At this time, Jiang Hua introduced Zhang Tong and Wang Qian: "Mom, this is Zhang Tong, the owner of this restaurant. I basically eat at this restaurant now. I won't lie to you about cooking. I really don't have time."

Jiang Hua said so generously. She knew that she was away from home, and what Wang Qian was most worried about was not eating well. There are various negative reports on food safety issues every day. In addition, Wang Qi is also in the catering business, so she is most worried about the restaurants outside.

Every time she talked with Jiang Hua on the phone, she repeatedly emphasized that she had to buy vegetables and cook for herself to be at ease. But the nature of Jiang Hua's work determines that she doesn't have much time to deal with these things by herself.

But now Jiang Hua dared to tell Wang Qian that he had been eating in Zhang Tong's shop all the time. A very important point is that Zhang Tong's store is different. Eating here gives one a very reassuring feeling.

Zhang Tong's shop has been open for a while now, and besides the noodles he provides every day (Yangchun noodles with four kinds of regular toppings), his menu changes every day.

Although there are only one or two set meals sold every day, the taste is very good, and they are made with great care. Eating here feels like having a family member who is a good cook and cooking for yourself.

This feeling is not only shared by Jiang Hua, but now many diners who have eaten Zhang Tong's cooking have become repeat customers in the store. Some white-collar workers in the neighborhood almost always come to the store to check in and report after get off work.

He completely regarded this place as his own kitchen, unless it happened that the dishes that Zhang Tong cooked that day were really not to his taste. Otherwise, many people will directly settle their dinner here.

Because eating Zhang Tong's cooking has an indescribable sense of security, because the cooking is so real. There is no such restaurant flavor at all, so Jiang Hua directly said that he regards this as a designated restaurant.

"At first, Zhang Tong had already closed the store, but my boss, Zhang, is very kind. He also saved dinner for me." Jiang Hua said this without any meaning, but Wang Qian rolled her eyes.

Then Wang Qian glanced at Zhang Tong and smiled at Zhang Tong: "That's really thanks to Boss Zhang, my daughter has caused you trouble." Zhang Tong waved his hands repeatedly and said: "No trouble, no trouble. It should, it should."

Jiang Hua frowned slightly and said to Wang Qian in a low voice, "Mom, I paid for it. From your tone, it seems like I'm freeloading."

Wang Qian gave Jiang Hua a white look, then smiled without saying a word. Then he asked Zhang Tong: "Boss Zhang, can I trouble you to make a copy for me?"

Zhang Tong naturally did not refuse Jianghua's mother's request.

"Mom, you didn't eat on the plane?" Jiang Hua asked Wang Qian.

Wang Qi replied: "The plane meal has no taste at all, so I just ate the fruit and bread inside. I'm hungry now."

Because of Jiang Hua's mother's arrival, the mother and daughter sat together and whispered their ears, and it was inconvenient for Zhang Tong to come forward and get close. Because it's not that time yet, I need to think about how to gain a good impression in front of Wang Qian.

It is best not to act rashly until you have a good strategy.

However, even though Zhang Tong was thinking this way, the movements of his hands did not stop. He made another pot of rice casserole. There happened to be a portion of the leftover salted Du Xian, and Wang Qian also served it all.

Wang Qian thanked Zhang Tong with a smile, but Zhang Tong felt that Wang Qian's smile was weird.

When the mother and daughter had finished their dinner, Jiang Hua paid the bill and said goodbye to Zhang Tong. She took her mother to her house, and when she just entered the house, Wang Qian suddenly said, "Jiang Hua, are you going to fall in love with this Zhang Tong again!"

"Ah?!" All the keys Jiang Hua was holding fell to the ground.

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