The Days of Opening a Restaurant on an Abnormal Earth

Chapter 750 Even if it is Jianghua (seeking tickets~seeking subscription)

Zhang Tong and Jiang Hua are married, so such things as getting married at an auspicious time naturally don't count as anything. After all, what has become a fact, what else is there to count?

Fortune-telling is a matter of cause and effect.

Although this thing is called feudal superstition in modern society. But how many people are there because of [As long as they don't understand, they will all fall into feudal superstition]?

Anyway, things like cause and effect are wonderful, just like there is a very famous hypothesis in science, that is, everything in the entire universe is predetermined. It's like guessing a coin. From the moment the coin is thrown, the front and back of the coin have already been determined when it hits the ground.

Everything a person experiences from birth to death is actually set at the very beginning. This is called the inertia of history.

And this is cause and effect for a fortune teller.

The names are different, so one is science and the other is feudal superstition.

If you believe that there is karma in this world, then it is a terrible thing to be contaminated with other people's karma. Because your original life route is to go from A to B to finish your life in a flat way.

But because of the karma of other people, an extra C came out inexplicably. And where does this C lead to? No one knows.

For fortune-tellers such as Lei Jun, fortune-telling is the easiest thing to get involved in other people's karma. If the other party's karma is not strong, then it doesn't matter and can be easily removed.

But if the opponent's karma is strong...

"We will not predict other fates for Zhang Tong and Jiang Hua!" A group of fortune tellers headed by Lei Jun sternly rejected the request from the higher authorities to continue divination of Zhang Tong and Jiang Hua's fate.

The person above to handle this matter was a middle-aged man named Fu Chunshen, a senior official of the Capital Special Investigation Bureau.

"Why not? Lei Jun, you have to know that you haven't cleared your suspicion yet!" What Fu Chunhua said was actually to scare Lei Jun.

Because someone has already checked Lei Jun just now, and Lei Jun's energy fluctuation is very low, at most it is at the level of lv3. And the ability is fortune-telling, with his ability, he can't make such a big earthquake at all.

Lei Jun also repeatedly said that the reason for making such a big commotion was because he calculated the fate of people who should not be calculated, and moved the chords of this world.

This made Fu Chunhua and other high-level people a little surprised, and touched the chords of the world? Who is? Jianghua? Or Zhang Tong?

They have to figure out this problem. Of course, everyone's tendency is Jiang Hua. Because Jiang Hua has already shown her strength.

The title Queen of Gravity is not called for nothing.

What Jiang Hua masters is gravity, which is one of the four basic forces. It's just that Jianghua's own strength is insufficient, and he can't learn advanced physics, so the use of gravity is still at a simple and crude level.

The high-level people tend to think that Jianghua is the quasi-chord of the so-called world. Of course, some people think that Jiang Hua has been in the police force for so long and has been training for so long, so she is stronger if she is stronger, but it is not that if someone tells her fate, it will cause an earthquake in half of China. So it's better to investigate Zhang Tong.

Under such circumstances, Fu Chunhua was ordered to supervise these people to perform divination again. The first is to prove that what Lei Jun said is true or false.

The second is to see who is the leader of this world.

But Fu Chunhua's demand that these fortune tellers continue to tell fortunes was strongly resisted by these people. A total of more than 30 returnees who had been proved to have real fortune-telling ability shouted under the leadership of Lei Jun: "We don't count!"

Even if Fu Chunhua threatened Lei Jun, Lei Jun stiffened his neck now: "It doesn't matter, even if you threaten me. I won't make divination again!"

"Then you wait to go to jail!" Fu Chunhua threatened in a cold tone: "Because of you, an earthquake occurred in a small half of China. Do you think you don't want to go to jail?! And you, do you know the consequences of disobeying military orders?!"

Fu Chunhua said this with great momentum, especially because there were more than a dozen Awakened fighters from the Special Investigation Bureau behind him, which added a little deterrence to him. Everyone hesitated and whispered to each other below.

"At least I'm still alive in prison." Lei Jun turned a deaf ear to Fu Chunhua's threat: "If I'm trying to figure out Zhang Tong's or Jiang Hua's fate, I'm likely to die straight away! And it will be wiped out, not even ashes That kind! I’m still waiting to enter the ancestral grave after I die.”

Faced with the option of death or imprisonment, Lei Jun chose to go to prison without hesitation. After all, it is better to live than to die.

"Why is the prison still in charge of food, right? It saves me the money I earn from fortune telling every day, and all the money goes to the landlord." Lei Jun sat on the ground directly: "You arrest me now."

Lei Jun's behavior also led other people to other fortune tellers. The fortune-telling man holding a mahogany sword was a Taoist priest from Longhu Mountain before crossing, and he was a serious orthodox believer. Originally on the earth, he had a deep foundation of Taoism, but the aura has always been weak on the earth, so he couldn't cultivate anything, he could only practice martial arts to strengthen his body.

After going to the world of immortals, this Taoist priest with the Taoist name Lu Yunlong is like a fish in water.

After coming back, he still has a lot of skills, and he is a strong player at level 4. Moreover, he is also an orthodox orthodox believer, and he has mixed well in the entire secular Taoist system. It has been determined by default to be the next orthodox celestial master of Mount Longhu.

Lu Yunlong also has a good relationship with the upper-level bosses. He was invited here in a serious manner, so among these fortune tellers, he has the right to speak up.

"Investigator Fu, I think it's better not to arrest this Lei Jun."

Fu Chunhua knew Lu Yunlong's identity, so he asked, "What does Lu Tianshi mean?"

"What Lei Jun said is right. Calculating the auspicious times of Zhang Tong and Jiang Hua is a kind of divination with the least backlash. At least one of these two people has a great causal relationship with the entire world. I am afraid that it will cause huge consequences Backlash, at the least, our body dies and Dao disappears. The more important thing is that there will be backlash along with this world. Because people who are contaminated with great karma, calculating them is like divination for thousands of living beings."

"The Southwest earthquake was only due to the fact that the calculations were small, so there were few backlashes. If you had to calculate other things, I am afraid that it would not have caused a magnitude 3 earthquake. It was the collapse of the Himalayas, and the flow of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. .”

Fu Chunhua felt that Lu Yunlong was probably scaremongering. But what if? After all, returnees and power awakeners have appeared in this world. What if there are more mysterious things?

Fu Chunhua had to consider what Lu Yunlong said. But if it doesn't count, how can we determine which of these two people is the so-called quasi-string of the world?

Forget it, let the big shots above have a headache!

The results of the discussion at the above meeting were soon clear. In view of the comprehensive judgment of various situations, the so-called world quasi-string should be Jianghua.

From now on, pay more attention to Comrade Jiang Hua.

In addition, by the way, pay attention to Zhang Tong who just married Comrade Jiang Hua.

And this time the earthquake in southwest China also caused fluctuations on the other hand.

In the restricted military zone in Arizona, USA. A data officer found Dr. Sandra, the chief scientist of the base, with a set of calculated data.

"Doctor, an abnormal energy fluctuation has been detected in China. It is in the southwest region. It is impossible to find out the specific source of the energy, and it may be in the mountains."

Dr. Sandra, wearing black-rimmed glasses, looked at the data for a long time: "The mountains in the southwest. Well, that is a traditional military location in China. The mountains are the best shelter, and our intelligence investigation cannot penetrate. In the deep mountains and old forests Among them, it is hidden deep enough."

"Doctor, do you think China is running an experiment? The same [open door] experiment as ours?"

"Oh, naturally. Everyone wants to be the first to open the gate of [New Eden]. We have to speed up. We will open the gate of [New Eden] first, and whoever occupies [New Eden] first Will control the future!"

ps Ask for tickets~

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