The Days of Opening a Restaurant on an Abnormal Earth

Chapter 751 Open the door (please subscribe, ask for tickets~)

In Arizona, USA, there is a military restricted area code-named Area 52. It sounds very familiar, as if it has an indescribable relationship with Area 51.

There are many legends about Area 51 in the United States, for example, it is the place where alien spacecraft crash-landed. The United States found an alien spacecraft and alien corpses in Area 51. Through the study of alien spacecraft, the United States has advanced by leaps and bounds in the technology tree.

Such legends have never been less. What is the specific study of the 51st district? That's really no one knows.

Dr. Sandra, one of the supervisors of District 52, knows that District 51 is very important, and District 51 and District 52 are closely related. But in his opinion, the research of Area 51 is not as important as his own Area 52.

My own District 52 is the future direction of this country and this world.

The military base in District 52 is very large, including a military airport, a flight brigade, and one enough to station an armored combat brigade and a mixed brigade.

And the base in District 52 was built against the mountain, and more than half of the truly important parts of the base were built inside the mountain.

This is a common method adopted by almost all countries when building important military facilities, that is, digging a cave large enough in the mountain to satisfy living research and production.

There are many benefits to hiding in the mountains. The first is that the depths of the mountains themselves are a natural shelter. The thickness can reach several kilometers, and it is impossible for the world's strongest ground penetrating projectile to penetrate. Even if it is a nuclear bomb, as long as it is not near the epicenter, the protection of the mountain itself can protect the people inside the mountain.

The second is that the interior of the mountain is a natural barrier, and surveillance satellites and drones are useless for investigation.

Therefore, placing important research projects, especially confidential military projects, in the mountains is something that many countries will do. China is like this, and so is the United States.

The project team led by Dr. Sandra is conducting the most important experiment in the fifty-two area: opening the door.

Just like the descriptions in many American sci-fi movies or novels and comics, there are always some mad scientists and a group of financial groups stunned by money in this world. They always want to do things that they may not even be able to control.

Of course, Dr. Sandra didn't feel that what she was doing was beyond her control.

In Area B of Dashan Research Base in Area 52, Dr. Sandra is interrogating a returnee from China with an interpreter.

"Wu, I advise you to give up resistance when you come here. You see, your resistance is meaningless. It will only increase your wounds." Dr. Sandra raised his eyebrows and looked at the middle-aged man covered in bruises.

The Chinese returnee whom he called Wu was called Wu Tiande, and he was tricked into coming to the United States. It was agreed to work as a bodyguard for a rich man in the United States, with a monthly salary of 20,000 US dollars a month. How do you know that the United States will be controlled by the military as soon as you come to the United States.

Then he was locked up in this place and started some so-called experiments.

It's not that Wu Tiande didn't try to resist, because the world he traveled through was a Chinese martial arts world. If the world of Jin Yong's novels is defined as the world of low martial arts, then those fantasy novels in online articles that go down with a sword and the mountains and rivers are broken are defined as the world of high martial arts.

Then the force value in the Chinese martial arts world is about the same as that in Mr. Huang Yi's novels.

Some mysterious, but not too mysterious. There is a strong man who can kill thousands of soldiers with one sword, but such a strong man will also die from exhaustion.

In that world, there is no peerless strongman who can directly interrupt a thousand-meter-high mountain with a single punch, and a thousand-mile long river that can hit the upstream.

But in that world, Wu Tiande also cultivated a good kung fu. A set of Damo Fuquan is also like the reincarnation of King Kong, and it can faintly show the appearance of the angry-eyed King Kong. It can be said that in a different world, it is not an exaggeration for him to be able to defeat one thousand.

Although the ability has weakened after returning to Earth, it is still possible to hit twenty or thirty. And the strength is also great, and there is still some internal energy.

So Wu Tiande planned to escape several times. But here is the 52nd District, which is tightly controlled. There are two combat brigades outside. Where can he go!

So every time he was caught and returned, he was beaten and wounded all over his body. For such uncooperative people, there are plenty of ways for people here to make them cooperate.

Just like now, Wu Tiande seems to have lost the courage to resist.

He gasped and looked at Dr. Sandra: "I cooperate, I cooperate. I will cooperate in whatever you want to do."

"Very good." Dr. Sandra nodded in satisfaction.

The reason why Tiande Wu was chosen is because Dr. Sandra found out that the world he lives in is very suitable as a starting point for watching "New Eden" after getting to know Wu Tiande.

Because according to Wu Tiande, the world he lives in has almost complete mineral resources, and most of the minerals needed by the earth are available. And there are a lot of so-called dense gold and dense steel, maybe these things are the rare earth resources that the earth urgently needs. Moreover, there is still a large amount of oil waiting to be extracted in that place. In that world, there is a place called Heilong Lake, and the entire lake is a piece of unrefined crude oil.

The reserves of gold and silver mines are also high.

These news made the consortium behind Dr. Sandra ready to move.

Although the United States is a country in name, if you really understand the system of this country, you will know that this country is working for the consortium. The consortium is the backbone of this country, and the president is the agent of the consortium.

As the most powerful country in the world, the government does not have the right to print money. The power of the Federal Reserve to print money is in the hands of a group of private plutocrats.

Of course, in order to prevent other plutocrats from growing independently, the plutocrats gave the government another right, that is, the Federal Reserve has the right to print money, but it does not have the ability to give national credit to banknotes.

The right to confer national creditability on banknotes was given to the Ministry of Finance. Banknotes that do not confer national credit are waste paper.

This is a mutual check and balance between consortiums. The government is closely linked with the consortium.

But if the consortium encounters a crisis, the government must save these people. Just like the financial tsunami, the Federal Reserve printed money wantonly and passed on the cost of the crisis to the world, thus keeping the luxury car and luxury house company groups of Wall Street predators.

It's like Dr. Sandra himself, although he is currently working in the 52nd district, but he used to work in a private consortium. He knows very well who is his real boss.

Capital itself is greedy, it is like a hungry glutton. When capital expansion reaches a certain level, it is no longer within the control of businessmen. At that time, capital will still be capital, and businessmen will become puppets of capital.

Now these puppets are controlled by capital and want to pursue what does not belong to them.

Dr. Sandra looked at Wu Tiande: "Okay, if you cooperate obediently, then you don't have to suffer any more."

After saying this, he signaled the guard next to him to take Wu Tiande away and take him to the testing ground.

Why do Dr. Sandra et al need Homecoming? Because it is not easy to open the door to another world, they need to find a location. Finding the location of these different worlds depends on these returnees.

They still have the information of that world left on them, as long as they find this information, they can open the door to the other world.

Wu Tiande was placed in a position like a reclining chair, and opposite him was a metal gate. The metal gate is twenty meters high, seven meters wide and three meters thick, and thick metal pipes are connected to the metal gate, and these metal pipes continue to extend outward to form a huge ring. And in the center of the ring is a device like a Tesla ball.

"Get ready to start the power supply." Dr. Sandra stood in the command room of the isolation area and calmly gave instructions.

His assistants began to operate various cumbersome instruments in an orderly manner. And a special operations battalion is being deployed on the perimeter of the metal gate.

"Energy supply level one."

"Energy supply level two."

"Energy supply level three."

"Peak reached."

"Open the door!"

Afraid of ps: Tuesday, ask for tickets ~ ask for subscription. Classmates who have the conditions support the original version, and rely on this to support the family. My wife is pregnant and will be born this year. Please ask for milk powder money, thank you.

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