Najilian, the leader of the white-skinned demons in the city, is now a revenant and ready to escape. He didn't feel anything when the Demon King appeared at first, after all, Lei Wuya who was blown so badly was also killed by himself.

Then it seems that the Demon Lord who is only slightly stronger than Lei Wuya is not a big deal.

So he photographed Naduli to test the Demon Lord, originally thinking that even if he could not kill the Demon Lord, the difference should not be too great.

But the development of the matter had an unexpected deviation, and Naduli and others were killed by the demon king without any struggle.

At that time, Najilian didn't realize the seriousness of the matter. He just issued a war assembly order to gather all the evil spirits in the city and prepare to get rid of the Demon Lord together.

But when those evil spirits assembled and prepared to deal with the Demon Lord, a warrior in black flaming armor appeared.

Holding a huge sword in his hand, he galloped like the wind, and wherever the sword edge passed, heads rolled and blood flowed into rivers.

Besides this guy, Najilian stood in the hall and looked at the visitors. There was also a man in strange clothes with short hair.

He slammed the pot, and the cry of the knife was really terrifying.

Najilian didn't understand the language of this world's native pigs. Among the entire Navaron tribe, only the red-skinned devil named Suofa had a special language talent, and he roughly mastered the language of this world in just two months.

So Najilian relied heavily on this red-skinned ghost. But Suofa didn't know where he died, probably chopped into pieces by that armored warrior.

Najilian, who couldn't understand human words, didn't know what Zhang Tong was yelling, but he felt that a great terror was about to be born in Tianji City.

He needs to escape!

What? Continue fighting? Use the magma of Black Dragon Mountain?

Stop making trouble, although the Navarones can control fire, they can only control fire.

Compared with Xiao Hei who lives in the dark world, their playing with fire is nothing more than a group of children dancing excitedly after lighting the fire. And living in the dark world where volcanoes are everywhere and lava flows as rivers, the Dark Knight is known for playing with fire and controlling fire.

Especially Xiao Hei, who has mastered the existence of hell karma. Ordinary lava was like cold water in front of him, unable to harm him at all.

He would easily seize control of the manipulated magma, and then scald the evil spirits to death.

Now that the biggest support of the Navarones is gone, facing such an invincible opponent, they instantly lose the will to fight. Nobody wants to fight an opponent they can't win, especially if the cost is death.

So the ghost horde started to scatter in all directions.

In addition, Zhang Tong's pot and knife kept putting pressure on these evil spirits, even Najilian couldn't bear it.

Especially when Zhang Tong cut the evil spirits into pieces and fried them in the pan, Najilian's spirit collapsed.

Because the native pigs here dare to eat themselves!

It's as absurd and terrifying as if one day, humans suddenly found that the cattle and sheep they had been eating turned around and started hunting themselves for food.

Now all the generals under Najilian have been filled in, but they were all chopped into pieces by Xiao Hei. Najilian couldn't take it anymore.

"I'm going to run away. As long as I'm still alive, there's still hope for the revival of the Navarone tribe! For the continuation and prosperity of the tribe, I can't die. Because I am the most powerful in the tribe, I am the king!"

After calming his mind and relieving the pressure of being a deserter, Najilian just ran away!

It has to be said that, as the master of white-skinned evil spirits, Najilian is tall and physically fit. Relying solely on his physical fitness, his running speed has reached nearly 400 kilometers per hour, and his body is hard and strong. He runs all the way, and if there is a house blocking him in front of him, he directly smashes it away.

The solid brick house was like paper in front of him.

"My lord~ Where are you going, my lord!"

Some evil spirits are constantly calling out to their king: "Your Majesty, the battlefield is over there!"

"I know, you go up first. I'll go to the rear to attack!" Najilian ordered without looking back.

"Oh." A group of ghost soldiers in armor obeyed the king's order and took up weapons to fight against the invincible enemy. But their king didn't know where he was.

Of course, according to their king, he went to fight guerrillas.

There was a group of soldiers to delay Najilian's time, but he ran to the edge of Tianji City smoothly. With all his strength, he charged directly to the city gate in one breath.

He took one last look at the group of evil ghosts in the city that had been killed to the very few left, and the armored warrior who was killing a lot. He said fiercely: "I will come back one day!" A classic line, when a villain is unable to win and prepares for a strategic shift, he will leave one or two harsh words.

Generally speaking, the villains who leave such cruel words are often at the level of scumbags, and they are just an insignificant existence of the protagonist on the road of fighting monsters and upgrading.

Najilian didn't know that he had fallen into the law that the villain died by talking too much, so he slammed the city gate hard.

The muscles in his whole body mustered all his strength, and he rushed like a train. Although the city gate is thick, it is like paper in front of Najilian's strong body...

"Ah~!" Najilian let out a scream.

Seeing that the city gate that it was going to smash open easily was as solid as a huge mountain rock, Najilian rammed it with all his strength, just like an egg hitting a rock.

With a click, the running egg was loaded with stones. Immediately, the egg white and yolk flowed all over the place...

This scream was too loud.

Let Lei Xi, who was looking for cumin, pepper, and fennel, and a group of brothers and sisters hear it.

Lei Xi and others heard the screams and found Najilian's body.

"This is the Ghost King, right? I think I've seen him before. He's unusually tall and strong. What's going on? How did he become... um... a lump, a puddle, a pile...a pile of flesh?"

Because Najilian was pushing too hard, it used all its strength. As a result, he hit the extremely strong city gate, and under the action of huge force, the bones and muscles of his whole body were constantly squeezed and impacted, knocking the originally strong and strong Najilian into a pile of canned meat.

Lei Xi glanced at Najilian's body, and he snorted coldly and said, 'I must have known that the Demon Lord is coming, they have no choice but to run away. The evil ghost group is also dead. As a ghost king, he was so ashamed that he hit the city wall and committed suicide. Hmph, I'm still a bit spineless. Come two people, let's help each other and carry this hunk of meat over. '

And Zhang Tong, who was cooking the devil, felt something in his heart the moment Najilian hit the wall. It seems that a big mosquito hit the mosquito net that I arranged.

But it doesn't matter, your own mosquito net is charged. Mosquitoes are likely to die if they hit them.

Lao Zhang yelled at Xiao Hei: "Xiao Hei, my meal is ready here! Haven't you finished your work yet?"

"Hurry up, there are still a few left to fix." Xiao Hei burned a group of evil spirits who were about to escape with hell fire: "They ran too scattered."

"Then work harder, it won't taste good if it's cold." Zhang Tong yelled at Xiao Hei.

And the demon king next to him was already in a cold sweat, but he saw with his own eyes what kind of stuff Zhang Tong just made. Although it is said that there is a pile of meat on a large plate, there is only a pile of bones left on the scene and it was thrown far away, but the pile of fried meat, barbecued meat and fried meat is really... vomit...

Mo Jun felt like he was about to throw up.

And Dong Muqing and others who went to help Lao Zhang find cumin, pepper, and cumin have returned with the disciples of Tianjimen.

Dong Muqing could smell the fragrance from a distance: "Oh, it smells so good. Lord Mojun, are you cooking here?"

Mo Jun didn't want to answer, he just pointed in Zhang Tong's direction with his chin.

"Oh, the cook you brought is really delicious!" Dong Muqing gave a thumbs up.

Hearing the words, Zhang Tong raised his head and looked at Dong Muqing: "Oh, the little brother can talk. Do you want to try my craft?"

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