Dong Muqing took people to look for spices before, and he didn't know what this pot of meat that Zhang Tong made came from.

Don't tell me, Zhang Tong's cooking skills have never been lost, after all, his main job is always being a cook.

A cook is not afraid to travel around the world with a knife and a shovel. No matter whether it is another world or the earth, no matter how difficult the ingredients to be processed are, as a cook, you must handle them.

As the saying goes: I can't even cook a few evil spirits, so what qualifications do I have to be a chef!

Zhang Tong has always upheld this attitude, and treats diners equally, and will not have two different attitudes just because he has money or has no money.

Just like now, this dish was originally prepared for Xiao Hei, but since others praised his cooking skills, let him try it too.

Anyway, I did a lot, well, probably more than two hundred evil spirits were dealt with.

The specific Zhang Tong is not counted, but the number is probably this much.

The big black pot that Zhang Tong got was probably the kind used to make big pot meals in the military camp. The black pot was big enough for a person to take a bath in it.

Although it is said that each of the evil spirits is quite big, but after cutting off the parts that are not suitable for eating, there are not many edible ones left. Because a lot of meat on the evil ghost has a bad smell, and that smell is really unpleasant. And most of the meat is rough and difficult to swallow.

With Xiao Hei's taste spoiled by Xiao Xiao, he probably won't eat it. That hard-working and simple Xiao Hei has drifted away!

Only the heart meat on the chest is tender and has no peculiar smell. An evil spirit only has four catties of this meat.

Zhang Tong honestly and unceremoniously made more than eight or nine hundred catties, and he cooked the other pieces of meat and threw them into fish ponds and other places in the city. Although it is not obvious now, after a few years, the Tianji koi fish produced in Tianji City is famous all over the world, and it is a great tonic in the world.

This also brought back the vitality of Tianji City, which had been severely injured by the invasion of evil spirits.

Of course, that's for later.

Besides, the large pile of meat that Zhang Tong is making now is quite attractive. The pieces of meat were evenly cut into three centimeters square, neither big nor small.

Some are fried until golden and crispy, some are roasted until they are hot and oily, and some are stewed until they are soft and crispy.

Zhang Tong sprinkled the cumin pepper that Dong Muqing and others found on the roasted meat, and at the same time, a flash of lightning flashed in his hands. The aroma of cumin chilli cumin begins to diffuse. Barbecue can be regarded as gaining a soul.

The refreshing fragrance made Dong Muqing and the rest of the Tianji Sect take a deep breath.

To be honest, I have been locked in the cell these days. In fact, Dong Muqing and others have not eaten anything serious. Many people have not had enough food for a long time. Let's fight to the death. So don't feel hungry.

But now the dishes made by Zhang Tong seem rough, but they have a strong meaty aroma, which makes people can't help but twitch their index fingers.

"Come on, work hard, I see you are hungry too. Don't hesitate to try everything, try everything." Zhang Tong didn't seem to mind Dong Muqing treating him as the devil's cook, and he greeted Dong Muqing and others very warmly .

"Oh, look at how thin you are. The Demon Lord said that you Tianji Sect members still attach great importance to physical fitness. It seems that you haven't eaten enough recently. Eat more, eat more. Let the Demon Lord invite you."

Demon Lord Hei Yan twitched at the corner of his mouth, but he didn't dare to say anything.

When Dong Muqing and others heard Zhang Tong's warm greeting, everyone's eyes lit up.


"Steamed or boiled, I told you to eat it, so you just let go and eat it." Zhang Tong waved his hand as if calling a group of Alaska for dinner: "Eat, eat."

It's all like this, Dong Muqing and others are so polite. Shake off your cheeks and eat!

"Yeah! It's delicious. The fried meat is fat but not greasy. The fat meat is as soft as tofu, and the lean meat is chewy. It's delicious!"

"The fried ones are not as delicious as the fire-roasted ones. You eat the fire-roasted ones. This is called fragrant, tsk tsk tsk, the skin is crispy. Well, give me some chili noodles, I want to eat Spicy."

"Oh, don't eat too greasy when you first come out. It's unhealthy to eat it when it's baked and fried! It's better to eat stewed ones. It's soft and delicious, full of meat flavor, and a rich broth. Oh, it's so delicious !"

A group of Tianjimen disciples ate and drank happily under the leadership of Dong Muqing. Fortunately, Zhang Tong made enough portions for all of them to eat.

Mojun stood aside, he watched the Tianjimen eat happily, and suddenly said to Zhang Tong: "Won't your conscience hurt?"

"Huh? Why does it hurt? And conscience doesn't seem like a word that a demon lord should say." Zhang Tong glanced at Demon Lord Heiyan.

"They eat..."

"What they eat are big tonics. Although these evil spirits are disgusting, the essence energy of their body is stored in the flesh of the heart. Although I don't know their biological principles, I can feel the energy in the flesh Not weak. There are only benefits and no harm to eating it. Those evil spirits should be majoring in physical fitness. After eating this meat, meditate and slowly digest it, which can strengthen the physical fitness of these people."

"The Tianji City and Tianji Gate you mentioned have been so shocking this time, it will always be a bit difficult to recover in the future. Since those evil spirits caused all this, let them pay the debts for the living."

What Zhang Tong said made Demon Lord Hei Yan open his mouth in surprise.

"is that so?"

"Well, that's right." Zhang Tong nodded seriously.

Demon Lord: "Why do I feel like you are telling lies?"

"No, it's the truth. Look at my honest face." Zhang Tong spoke uprightly.

Demon Lord: ... "Okay. Let's just treat what you said is true."

"Ah! Boss, my meat! Why are you being eaten?!" Mo Jun and Zhang Tong, who were still discussing the issue, were suddenly interrupted by Xiao Hei's voice.

I saw that he was helping Lei Xi and others to carry Najilian's body back, but when he came back, he saw that the prey he had hunted so hard was actually being eaten by others, which was infuriating.

"Well, it's okay, I left a special pot for you, look at that, it's specially reserved." Zhang Tong pointed to a big iron pot with two hundred catties of meat next to him and said, "I won't treat you badly. Who is next to you? '

"I met on the road. I came back after carrying the ghost king's body."

"Oh, then you guys go to eat too." Zhang Tong waved Lei Xi and others to eat devil meat.

Lei Xi and the others looked at such a powerful armored warrior and dared not refute the man with the big back, so they naturally obediently followed what the other party said and went to eat meat. After all, meat is still delicious.

Xiao Hei also walked up to the pile of meat specially reserved for him and ate it: "Well, not bad. The energy source replenished by these meat is very high! Very high! It feels like eating magic rough stones. By the way, boss, I found that this white-skinned ghost king is a bit different, I feel that its energy is a little higher, so let me eat it too. I think eating it will increase my energy a little bit."

Zhang Tong was a little surprised: "You can also enhance your attributes by eating it?"

"Well, just a little."

"How much is one point?"

"Probably level 90 fighters got five freely assigned attribute points after upgrading, and then added a little strength attribute."

"...That's really a little bit more."

Zhang Tong didn't talk nonsense, and started to attack again.

Lei Xi, Dong Muqing and others looked at Zhang Tong curiously while eating meat.

"What is he doing?"

"It seems to be cooking."

"But I didn't see the material. What is he doing?"

"Hey, that's right if you say so. We eat so much meat, where did he get so much material. He doesn't know where the food in the city is."

"Hey! He's dissecting the corpse of the evil ghost king. Ah! He threw it into the frying pan and started to fry it!"

"Wait, wait! Why is the smell of this fried ghost so familiar? It seems..."

"It seems to be the same as what we eat..."

Suddenly the crowd fell silent.


This vomit seemed to trigger a chain reaction, and the Tianjimen disciples present began to vomit continuously.

"Don't spit!" Suddenly the voice of the demon king sounded like thunder: "Whoever dares to spit out the meat, whoever spit it out will eat it for me!" And you, don't stop! Give me all the rest of the meat. '

"Master Mojun..." Dong Muqing wanted to say that eating evil spirits was a bit too unacceptable.

But before he could finish his words, the Demon King sacrificed his own wheel-turning Pluto Dharma image: "Give it to me!"

Everyone present gasped, their hair standing on end.

Watching the group of Tianji Sect members eat the meat reluctantly or even disgustingly. Mo Jun hummed and thought: Hmph, if it weren't for the fact that Lei Wuya and the group of immortals are all dead, the Tianji Gate might be wiped out here, and I wouldn't bother to care about you trash Woolen cloth. Reluctantly now, only later will I know how good Lao Tzu treats you.

The Demon Lord is right. After many years, after figuring out the truth of everything, many people feel sorry for eating less demon meat today.

Looking at all this, Zhang Tong hummed a ditty while cooking for the evil ghost king, and chatted with the demon king by the way: "We're almost done and going to Yangquan City."

"Yangquan is a bit far away, tens of thousands of miles, I'm afraid it will take a while." The Demon Lord wanted to say to prepare some dry food and supplies.

Zhang Tong waved his hand: "It's only tens of thousands of miles away, and we will be there soon. Let's go on the road after Xiao Hei finishes eating."

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