The Days of Opening a Restaurant on an Abnormal Earth

Chapter 824 Battle of 4.07 million square kilometers

Zhang Moxuan didn't know whether to be happy or sad about Magneto's request.


Because Zhang Moxuan's current changes are largely due to Song Renjie. Because Song Renjie is a very good man. He spent five years in the Northwest, relying on his own ability to plant trees and afforestation, abruptly changing the desert situation in many areas in the Northwest.

Land desertification, soil erosion, those places where nothing can be grown. Many of them have been greatly improved.

The inability to retain people in the Northwest is largely due not only to the poor economic situation, but also because the climate is too harsh.

The kind of place where you can only take a bath a few times a month even in summer because of lack of water is really unbearable.

It's like the Panshui High School that Song Renjie once went to.

He still remembers the unpretentious slogan on the backboard of that classroom: Today, you have to study hard after eating dead dough pancakes and drinking cold water, so that you can live without eating dead dough pancakes and drinking cold water tomorrow!

Song Renjie was shocked by those children who got up to study at five o'clock in Northwest China.

Song Renjie was shocked by those sand control personnel who persisted longer than himself, even for more than 20 years.

Those abandoned villages on the Gobi desert also shocked Song Renjie.

From that time on, Song Renjie, who didn't like tree planting work, began to plant trees in the northwest with peace of mind. After so many years, the woods he once planted began to grow lush.

They stand in the front line of sand control posts, blocking the wind and sand one by one.

Today, Song Renjie received several letters.

There are not many people who still write letters in this era. Lao Song, the former leader of the Northwest Sand Control Team, is one of them.

Lao Song has the same surname as himself, and his name is Song Bin.

He is a rough guy who speaks a Northwest dialect. Although he is rude, he is also very enthusiastic. Back then, I was taken care of by him under his command.

I was quite a deserter back then, but he persuaded me to come back.

Song Bin is fifty years old this year, but just looking at his face, he looks like he is seventy years old. He wrote to Song Renjie because he was selected as the National May 1st Excellent Worker this year. Went to the Great Hall of the People, and received a heavy medal from him by the supreme chief.

Song Bin has been controlling sand in the Northwest for 30 years. Since he was sixteen years old, he has been working on sand control. The 1990s was the peak period of desertification in Northwest China, with backward technology and insufficient funds.

Even the wages of desert control personnel are very meager, and not many people are willing to do these things. But Song Bin, who was still young at the time, looked at the drier riverbed in his hometown, the increasingly scarce vegetation, and abandoned villages.

He felt like he was going to do something. Song Bin, who had no schooling, picked up a shovel and hoe, and with all his strength, he abruptly started his road to fight against sand in the northwest.

Today, the sand control team led by Song Bin has become a national model team. In addition to Song Bin receiving the May 1st Labor Medal, the state also awarded his team the [Northwest Sand Control Model Collective] medal.

Over the years, Lao Song and his team have planted and survived more than 150,000 mu of desert control forests in the northwest. A green Great Wall has been built in the northwest.

Lao Song did not forget Song Renjie who had been in his team for five years. Because of the five years since Song Renjie joined, their sand control speed has become faster and their survival rate has been higher.

So Lao Song specially applied to his superiors and needed an extra medal to be awarded to Song Renjie.

"Without him, we wouldn't be able to plant so many trees behind us."

Lao Song, who spoke Northwest Mandarin, said this to the supreme chief. It can be said that he has no political awareness. But it is also very responsible as a captain.

Song Renjie received Lao Song's letter and a beautiful wooden box attached to the letter. Opening the wooden box, there is a medal with exquisite workmanship and shining metallic luster.

[Special commendation of China's sand control person - Song Renjie]

Song Renjie opened the letter, and Lao Song wrote a lot in it. Most of them are about their life in Northwest after Song Renjie left the Northwest team.

The letter reads:

【Most of the trees we planted survived. Many villages now have green outside. Someone came back and started a pig farm and a chicken farm. The former barren hills are now covered with green grass, and some people have begun to plant sand dates.

Remember the nearly deserted village called Jinshui Village we passed by? Now some companies are interested in the geographical location and have built a processing plant for sand dates and Northwest specialties there. Now the village is bustling again, and many people who went out to work have returned.

Now we have planted trees to save water, and the water and soil are no longer being lost. Those dry riverbeds began to slowly fill with water again.

Remember Panshui High School? Now the big river next to the school has started to have water again. I think in a few years, it will start to rush like it did when I was a child.

The chief received us sand control workers and held a meeting for us. I'm very excited, Xiao Song.

It's a pity you're not here, otherwise you'd be as excited as I am.

According to the calculations of scientists, our country intends to leave part of the desert to ensure the normal and orderly cycle of the climate. And start the final battle against other desertified land.

4.07 million square kilometers of land, from south to north and from east to west. I'm going to be involved in the greatest battle of my life.

We're all fine in the Northwest, don't worry about it. Thank you very much for the sweets and cakes you sent from Huaihai, as well as the new clothes. Both your sister-in-law and your nephew love it.

You take good care of yourself in Huaihai, and you are going to do something earth-shattering. 】

In Honeycomb City, Song Renjie's dormitory. He couldn't calm down for a long time after reading the letter.

Yes, when I was in the northwest, I thought about going back to the capital or a big city like Huaihai countless times, and felt that only in such a big city could I have room to flex my muscles.

Now that I have indeed come back to Huaihai, my job is to help build the beehive greenery, and at the same time teach at the Beehive No. 1 Middle School, educating the younger generation of supernatural awakeners to use their abilities.

Trees and tree people, no matter how high or low, are all contributing to this country.

But after Song Renjie returned to Huaihai, he was not as excited as he had imagined. Now every time he dreams at midnight, he still thinks of his time in the northwest.

Difficult but full of meaning.

Song Renjie sat at the desk and looked at Song Bin's letter and his sentence [4.07 million square kilometers of green campaign].

Song Renjie glanced at the medal Song Bin sent to him. He took a deep breath, took out a piece of letter paper from his desk, and wrote three words with a pen: War Letter.

ps: Monday, ask for tickets

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