For Song Renjie, his work in the hive is not meaningless, but he feels that he can work in a place that is more suitable for him.

He now has a deep understanding of his abilities. As long as there is enough nutrition, you can quickly give birth to plants and let them grow.

The plants produced by oneself can do many things, and they can even use plants to fight.

But Song Renjie felt that this was meaningless, and the most suitable place for his ability was to plant trees.

Because of Song Bin's letter, but also because of his own understanding of his own country.

China seems to be a big country, but there are many areas where the environment is actually very harsh and unsuitable for living.

There are still many cases of soil erosion and desertification. The destruction of the environment in many places did not happen overnight, but was caused by the continuous destruction of human beings for thousands of years.

For example, the loess high slope, which used to be the birthplace of civilization in the Central Plains, is now a barren place due to soil erosion.

China has a land area of ​​9.6 million square kilometers, but 4.07 million square kilometers of land is in danger of being desertified or has already been desertified.

This occupies almost half of China's landmass.

China is the only country in the world where people move in and out of sand and continuously reduce the area of ​​desertification. Because China has reached the point where desertification must be dealt with heavily.

Back then, even the capital was hit by sandstorms, and the whole city suspended work and school, and the head of the government could only hide in the office and could not go out.

Song Renjie felt that he could do more things. He wanted to go to the front line, stand with Song Bin and the others, and fight hard together.

Anyway, my lover is gone, so I will dedicate the rest of my life to the great greening cause of the motherland.

When Song Renjie sent up his letter of invitation, he silently thought of Zhang Moxuan in heaven. If there is an appropriate way to commemorate him, Song Renjie thinks it is to plant trees all over the ground. Let him watch in the sky and do these things by himself.

Even planting a tree is the shape of loving you.

Because of Zhang Moxuan's death, Song Renjie has been a little depressed. Because he thinks life is meaningless. Now that I can find meaningful things, I will go to the front line to plant trees in the future.

Please send the letter of challenge, Song Renjie believes that the organization will approve it. Because the words I wrote are sincere, and I also mentioned how important my ability is to the frontline desertification control.

I made up my mind to change the world to a new look.

Maybe I will stay in the hive for a long time. Song Renjie decided to get together with his friends before leaving.

In the hive, there are not many people who can be regarded as their friends. Jiang Hua and Zhang Tong are two. One is his ex-girlfriend, and the other is his ex-girlfriend's husband.

It seems weird to say it, but these two are his true friends in the hive.

When Jiang Hua received a call from Song Renjie and knew that Song Renjie had written a letter of invitation to transfer him to the northwest to plant trees, Jiang Hua was a little anxious: "Hey, let me tell you, don't leave in a hurry."

Song Renjie on the other end of the phone said calmly: "I have made up my mind. Planting trees in the northwest is actually very suitable for me. I have a wish. I plan to turn the deserts of the Western Regions into green pines within 20 years."

Jiang Hua was speechless for a while when he heard Song Renjie's words. Because his ideals are so lofty, how can you still refute him? !

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Hua glared at Zhang Tong.

"What's going on?! Didn't you say you went to see Zhang Moxuan yesterday? Where is the person?! Now Lao Song has applied to go to the northwest to plant trees. After finally coming back, he went to the northwest to plant trees. How hard it is." Planting trees in the Northwest is great. But from the perspective of a friend, Jiang Hua is actually very aware that it is very hard work to plant trees in the northwest.

Song Renjie's goal this time is very ambitious, he wants the green side of the Northwest. This is not a great plan that can be completed in a short period of time.

This is a long-term career calculated in units of ten years.

Zhang Tong is actually a bit confused. Because Zhang Moxuan appeared in Huaihai yesterday, he had already pretended to be Magneto and went to find him.

Moreover, he was given a task to seduce Song Renjie and help Song Renjie get out of the low tide.

Zhang Moxuan wants to save the residents of Cerro de Pasco, and he also wants to save Song Renjie's mood. Originally, this is a matter of killing two birds with one stone, but now it has become complicated.

Zhang Tong helplessly spread his hands: "What can I do? Who knows that Lao Song will want to transfer back to the northwest. Now it depends on how fast Zhang Moxuan makes the move. But even if he meets Song Renjie, Lao Song's Please send the letter of war, can he still resist and go to the northwest?"

Jiang Hua was also silent when he heard this, and could only sigh: "Poor mandarin duck."

Zhang Tong corrected: "It's a couple of fateful mandarin ducks."

"I want you to talk more! By the way, what happened to the mercenaries from South America?" Jiang Hua couldn't think about Song Renjie for the time being, but asked about the situation of Ivanov and others.

Zhang Tong was also happy to change the subject, he said: "These people are here for the main controller. They sent people to my shop last night. They wanted to sneak in to investigate. But they were stopped by Dahei. They are now He should have been sent to the hospital."

"Did someone die?" Jiang Hua was worried about this. They can't die yet.

"No, Dahei's attack is still serious." Zhang Tong said with certainty. Well, I'm going to share the dirt with Dahei later... Bah, it's to share the income from labor. Steal from the rich and help the poor.

"Okay, since it is confirmed that the target of Ivanov and others is your master controller, then you are responsible for solving it yourself. I will not interfere in this matter. But don't cause other movements, and don't attract the above Observe. Just let them retreat naturally." Jiang Hua drew a bottom line for Zhang Tong: "No one can die, at least not in the hive world."

His wife has a life, so Zhang Tong naturally obeyed: "No problem!"

And Ivanov, who was in the hotel, didn't know that he and others had been targeted by a terrifying couple.

He is still holding a meeting for his team members in the hotel.

The theme of the meeting is only one point.

"You said, is there really an armed force against us in the Hive City? Or are there some extremists who specialize in robbery against foreigners?" Ivanov looked at his team members, and he calmly analyzed.

"There has never been a robbery in Hive City before. Now there are two cases, both of which are aimed at us. I suspect that someone deliberately targeted us foreigners. We can't act without authorization until we are sure of safety."

Ps: There are two more in a while.

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