Ivanov felt that it was too difficult, really too difficult.

Originally, I thought that my mission to China this time was a very simple one. Isn't it just to find the main controller and bring it back?

It should have been easy to complete the radar itself and the main controller. Find it, and then rely on your own ability to secretly bring it back.

What's so rare about this? What's more, I brought so many powerful helpers this time.

Although they are all superpower awakeners mass-produced by the Aurs Group, they only know the power of the force just like themselves. But this is enough, because the power of the original force is easy to use, and there are enough things that can be done.

When the time comes to complete this task by yourself, with a bounty of 10 million US dollars, you can buy a luxury car, a luxury watch, a big villa, and squander it vigorously. It's exciting to think about it.

The original plan should have been based on his own strategy. Even if there is Jiang Hua, as long as he pretends to be good enough. Ivanov still has confidence in his acting skills.

Everything should have been so beautiful. I waited for others to eat delicious food and sing songs, and easily took away the master controller, and then returned to the United States to get the bounty, and went back to be cool.

but now……

"Damn racist." Ivanov cursed fiercely in the hotel.

Because Jiang Hua sent a message to them on behalf of the Special Investigation Bureau, the person who attacked them many times in the hive city has not been caught yet. Judging from the fact that the person hadn't killed him, he was probably a robber.

Moreover, this robber has no record of committing crimes in other places, and there is no such thing as a strong man with black air all over his body doing robbery.

So it is certain that this is a robbery targeting foreigners. Maybe it's a person who has awakened with a supernatural power or a person who has returned home and is not happy to see foreigners?

Jiang Hua couldn't say for sure, but Jiang Hua gave Ivanov and others a suggestion: "Don't leave the hotel if you have nothing to do, and isolate yourself. As long as you stay long enough, the robber may disappear. Because he doesn't It may have been waiting for you. And we will also set up strict monitoring."

Apart from saying that he and the others will cooperate with the Special Investigation Bureau, what other solutions does Ivanov have?

"Boss, what is our current plan?" A team member asked about this matter: "Now the three of Xiuka are still in the hospital, and James has also been sent to the hospital. We have already lost half of our non-combat staff."

That's right, I haven't seen the enemy yet, and I haven't carried out the mission yet. Half of my men have already been sent to the hospital.

And the damn thing is that I still don't know who the killer is and where he is. Now Ivanov has forbidden his team members to go out alone. In fact, even going out in groups is very dangerous.

Because the three of Xiuka were robbed when they went out, and they were seriously injured. The remaining four are no better than the three of Xiuka.

"Boss, if we stay in the hotel all the time, we won't check Zhang Tong's shop, and we won't check the hotpot restaurant. We can't do anything here, because the robber hiding in the dark is threatening us Is it safe?" Some team members complained.

"We can't hide here all the time. Captain, you know. We can't really join China. I still have real estate and cars in the United States, and some other things. The current rhetoric is just to deal with Jianghua. If China If the government really intends to let us join, it will definitely investigate us deeply."

"If the Chinese government conducts an in-depth investigation, those things of ours will definitely not be able to hide. If they are found out by then, we will not be able to leave."

Facing the worries of his own team members, in fact, it is not Ivanov's own worries.

But now, it is impossible to let his team members go out alone. I don't know where the robber will jump out to give these people a supplementary knife. If the task is not completed and there are so many downsizing, then I will bear a lot of responsibility.

So now Ivanov can only be a full-time nanny. With this group of players, he finds that he can't do anything.

Now he is very distressed, what should he do if he is in a bad mood? I can only choose to have a good meal, because some scientists have proved that good food can relieve tension. It's like eating chocolate when people are nervous and excited, which helps to calm down.

Because the ingredients in chocolate can stimulate the brain to secrete dopamine, which is a natural element of happiness, which makes people feel happy physically and mentally.

But in Hive City, there are not many delicious restaurants where Ivanov and the others can eat.

There is only one restaurant that is the best and most palatable they have eaten so far.


Zhang Moxuan was walking on the road of the hive, and Mark was temporarily arranged by him in Huaihai, because it was inconvenient for him to bring Mark with him for what he was going to do now. After all, the top of his big head was too bright, like a one-kilowatt light bulb.

Looking at the rapidly developing hive, he was filled with emotion. If the ability is used in the right place, it can benefit all peoples. It is said that the construction of the hive was done by using a large number of awakened people with supernatural powers.

They used their abilities to speed up the construction of the entire city.

But now he is not in the mood to appreciate the beauty of the city, because he came with a mission. He wanted to seduce Song Renjie.

Well, this task Magneto gave him is really exciting and a little disturbing. For some reason, he felt a little deer bumping in his heart.

I just don't know where Song Renjie is in the hive now. That Magneto said that Song Renjie was working for municipal landscaping, well, let's look there by yourself.

Maybe have another chance encounter with him?

But I don't know if he likes the way he looks in disguise now?

Like a girl in Huaichun, Zhang Moxuan's heart has been beating wildly.

The current scale of the Hive City is not too large. Although there is an inflow of people every month, the size of the entire Hive City is only a city of 170,000 people. Huang Gang's earliest goal has now been achieved.

The hive's population introduction program was a success.

However, the current hive is still a small city, and by walking slowly, Zhang Moxuan can be considered to have reached the core area of ​​the hive.

This is the area where most of the government departments and businesses in Hive City are concentrated.

Here Zhang Moxuan saw a place he was very familiar with.

There are four big characters written on the signboard with black letters on a white background: Lao Zhang's shop.

And when Zhang Moxuan was looking at this somewhat familiar signboard, he saw a familiar figure walking in, was it Song Renjie? !

Immediately after Song Renjie, several foreigners walked in together.

Zhang Moxuan quickened his pace and walked towards Lao Zhang's shop.

ps: Three shifts, Monday, ask for tickets

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