Of course, it is impossible for the dynasty to sell its body or kidney in exchange for real estate.

He signed an agreement with Magneto Zhang Tong, and he needs to go to South America to perform a mission for a period of time in accordance with Magneto's instructions. As long as five years, as short as two years.

It will take a long time for me to go abroad. Dynasties always have to put some conditions. The most important thing is to solve the housing problem.

Because Dynasty has never been rich. Although I worked as a programmer in the capital for more than 10,000 a month, I basically didn't keep much money. At the same time, he is also facing the risk of baldness, and all the money he earns is used to sell various high-end hair care shampoos.

Therefore, the dynasty has no objection to his going abroad, the main reason is to ask for money to stabilize Xu Shanshan on Huaihai side. At least give her an explanation before leaving.

At that time, Lao Zhang took out more than two thousand dollars from his pocket very proudly. The two thousand dollars was snatched by Dahei from those crooked nuts at that time. Lao Zhang was still planning to save the money for his private house and use it slowly. When he heard that Wang Dynasty asked for money, he took it out without saying a word.

"Is our organization really that poor? Even the family allowance is paid in four figures?" With two thousand dollars in hand, Wang Chao looked as disgusted as he could.

"If you convert it into RMB, it will be five figures!" Lao Zhang said angrily to this guy who thinks it is too little: "And our cause is great!"

"Great people have to eat too. And I don't have a girlfriend anymore?! It costs more money. I asked for her to be placed. I think the organization should be able to agree."

"Hmm." Faced with Wang Chao's request, Zhang Tong was a little embarrassed. It's not about money, because the old Zhang's family is not short of money. Not to mention that Huahua received a large sum of money for arresting Wan Changqing, the hot pot restaurant alone has a large sum of income every month. Not to mention that there are still a lot of industries in the Homecoming Mutual Aid Association, and those are all money.

So is Lao Zhang rich? That is quite rich! Several small goals have been achieved.

But although this money is money, whether it can be spent and how to spend it is worth discussing.

"Well, it's not that the money will not be given. The main reason is that the approval process is too troublesome." Zhang Tong scratched his head, even if he was exhausted, he still couldn't spend 10 million to buy a house in Huaihai.

When the time comes, Huahua asks, what are you doing with so much money?

I said to myself: I went to buy a house.

She asked again: Who did you buy it for?

I said to myself: people outside.

Well, needless to say, Huaihai can trigger a major earthquake.

For the sake of the safety of the lives and properties of the 30 million citizens of Huaihai, Zhang Tong must not take money from his family to subsidize the dynasty.

But the dynasty's request was not too much, so he could only find Zhang Moxuan and ask him to pay the money.

At that time, Zhang Moxuan had just finished talking about life ideals with Song Renjie, and the two had just formed a great comradeship, and then they were approached by Zhang Tong.

"Over there, I've taken care of the Cerro de Pasco matter for you. Everyone was saved, and I killed all the people from the Aurs Group. Well, there is no one left."

At that time, Zhang Moxuan, who was still immersed in the great comradeship with Song Renjie, was dumbfounded when he heard this.

"What the hell?! You killed all the people in the Ors Group?!"

"It's okay, I dumped the blame on Master Magneto, the one you were going to ask for help at the beginning. The Aurs Group should focus on him."

Hearing Magneto's words in front of him, Zhang Moxuan helplessly supported his forehead: "I said... I said that you are so powerful, can't you be more open and aboveboard in your actions? For example, shout [Murderer Magneto]?"

"No, I'm used to being low-key." Zhang Tong rejected the high-profile approach without even thinking about it: "I don't like to be famous, so let Master Wanci do the famous thing."

"So you left the name of Master Magneto?"

"That's right. That's right, keep him. Let him fight the Aurs Group."

"I..." If it wasn't for the inability to defeat Magneto, Zhang Moxuan would have beaten him long ago.

"You're throwing the blame on Magneto Master. But what about the Cerro de Pascoe people? Then maybe the Ors Group and Magneto Master will bother them?!" Zhang Moxuan felt that what he had Seek non-human.

I came to Magneto to ask him to help Cerro de Pascoe's people, so it's good now. With such a coquettish operation, Cerro de Pascoe offended the two forces of the Ors Group and the Magneto Master.

It's okay to say that Cerro de Pasco has the ability to protect himself, but what if he doesn't? ! Wouldn't that be a disaster? !

"Hey, don't you still have you." Magneto patted Zhang Moxuan on the shoulder: "I think you are very good. Anyway, South America is a mess, why don't you go in and get involved. I like you, at least you Better than those warlords."

Zhang Moxuan pushed Magneto's hand away: "You think highly of me. Although I have some people, most of them are ordinary people. The strongest power awakener is Mark. He is only good at defense, not good at offense. I can't afford it in South America. I lack high-end power."

"Oh, it's really a coincidence. I happen to have a high-end force in my hand that is currently idle. Anyway, it's idle. I think it's good to borrow it from you. It won't be wasted."


"That's the guy. It costs money to use it. You know, there are no free workers. I've worked for you for three years, and you can't let them do it for nothing. You can hire a flat in Huaihai or not."

Zhang Moxuan pondered for a while, and finally asked, "How strong is he?"

Magneto smiled: "Very strong, very strong!"


That's how Dynasty's real estate came about, but of course he wouldn't tell Xu Shanshan the key to it. He only said that he used to be a programmer in the capital, but because the programmer was too hard and tired, although he made money, he lost his hair too much.

In order to keep his hair, but also because of the company's layoffs, he chose to be a delivery boy. Then now my former friend introduced me to a company.

This communication company is going to open up the market in South America, because South America is very dangerous, so the company always pays for the settlement first. I signed a five-year contract of selling myself, and exchanged this house in Huaihai.

"So, I really didn't get this house by a rich woman. I said that I want to give you a good life, so I have to fight. This is how I fight." Wang Chao stopped talking after finishing speaking.

Xu Shanshan sat beside Wang Chao, put her arms around him and said, "South America is too dangerous, you can't go there."

"I'm afraid it won't work. The agreement has already been signed, and the money is used to buy a house. Shanshan, if you are willing to wait, wait for me for two years. After two years, I will have a vacation. I don't have to be so busy. If you don't want to wait, I I don't force you, you live in this house first. I owe you."

Xu Shanshan listened to Wang Chao's words, and she stared at Wang Chao stubbornly: "What nonsense! You are going out to work hard for the future of both of us. You are working hard outside, and I will wait at home. Come back early, I will wait for you." on."

There were no vows, no sweet words, just like this, the two hugged each other on the sofa until Xu Shanshan took a long breath. Wang Chao sighed: Hey, I still lied to you. But I promise you, I'll be back.

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