The Days of Opening a Restaurant on an Abnormal Earth

Chapter 851: The Doubts of the Master of Magneto

There are always various accidents in life. For example, for the Master of Magneto, who has developed in a low-key manner in South America, he has had some accidents recently.

The warlords in South America are separatist, and Magneto Master can be regarded as a small warlord on one side.

South America is actually a very good land, rich in various resources. There are various minerals, and mining and further processing can feed many people and make the country extremely rich.

Even if no ore is mined, South America is rich in water resources and fertile land, which is very suitable for growing various crops.

Crops including wheat, soybeans, corn, etc. are extremely suitable for planting here. And the output is very high.

Logically speaking, South America is a very suitable land for development. Even if there are not many high-end processing industries, as long as the deep processing of mineral products and agricultural products is done well, the countries here can rank among the relatively rich countries in the world.

But the reality is quite the opposite.

"Boss, more than a thousand refugees have come from the south and want to join us."

Master Magneto was listening to his subordinates' reports in his office, and he waved his hand and said, "Let them be quarantined for a period of time, and have them carefully checked, and those with infectious diseases such as Ebola, malaria, and dengue fever should not be allowed in. "

"Okay." The assistant of Master Magneto is a female secretary in uniform. She looks pretty and has a curvy figure.

The master of Wanci is very coquettish, and he likes to wear his white suit no matter where he goes. Even his secretary has the same flamboyant look, wearing a white suit and skirt with black stockings and high heels. If it was placed in other companies, then she would probably be the one who got fucked for nothing.

But in Wanci Master, he never keeps the beautiful but useless vases.

"There are more than a thousand people here, is it a fight?" Looking out from the floor-to-ceiling glass of the 30-story office, everything in sight is his own territory.

From south to north, from east to west, Magneto Juggernaut actually controls nearly a thousand square kilometers. Although there is no slogan for the founding of a country in South America, it is actually a country within a country. No one dared to move him here.

"Yes, a fight has started." Secretary Jasmine nodded, "The Deville Army and the Brown Liberation Movement organized a war in the southwest, and the flames of war spread to two surrounding cities. The two sides invested more than 10,000 troops, and the fight was brutal. .In two days, the death toll has exceeded 1,000. The number of civilians affected is also quite large.”

"Well, I remember they started a dispute over a mining area?"

"Yes, rare earth mines. American companies paid [high prices] to purchase a large amount of rare earths." Jasmine sneered.

Magneto master knew what she was mocking. Because the so-called high prices of American companies are actually only high prices for the indigenous people in South America. In the international rare earth trading market, the prices offered by American companies are actually as low as cabbage, only about one-fifth of the market price.

Not to mention now that China has closed the rare earth ore foreign trade market, and the global rare earth ore is soaring now. Rare earths are priceless in the international market. Orientals also want to buy, but they don't have an agent in South America, so they can't buy it even if they hold a lot of money.

"Hmph, these American companies are really treacherous. Instead of mining mines themselves, they support their agents to snatch the mining rights here. It causes friction and makes the two groups fight, and once they fight, they want to buy their weapons. And for the sake of To buy their weapons, these natives will go crazy to mine to make money, and continue to buy weapons to deal with their enemies. And his enemies will also buy weapons from American companies to protect themselves and rob mining rights."

Master Wanci shook his head: "Forget it, forget it. I don't want to participate in these nasty things, and I don't like those mining things. I just want to work hard on my one-acre three-point land. This year's expected How's the harvest?"

"Under your leadership, leader, we have opened up 50,000 hectares of land, planted a large amount of soybeans, corn, wheat and other crops, and have begun to harvest a lot. The output of soybeans this year is as high as 122,000 tons, and the output of corn is as high as 122,000 tons. 200,000 tons of wheat and 151,000 tons of wheat."

"Our entire camp, including the surrounding area, has achieved self-sufficiency in food, and we still have the ability to sell it to other warlords and countries around us." Jasmine's eyes lit up when she said this.

Although it is reasonable to say that this place in South America should not be short of food, because the land here is really fertile. Even if the seeds are sown without manual management, there will be a harvest in one year.

But since the emergence of a large number of supernatural awakeners, countries have had to face a bad situation. That's when these lawless guys started to establish themselves as kings and separate themselves.

Originally, South America was an area full of drug lords and gangsters. Now that there are awakened people who can resist modern armed forces, their strength has been greatly expanded. Warlord power is on the rise in South America.

Over the past few years, the South American region has been in chaos. Many countries have already existed in name only. There are many warlords inside, and the lives of the people are in dire straits.

Coupled with the impetus and proxy wars of some companies in North America, the situation in South America has become even more chaotic.

Jasmine escaped from Paraguay, and her country was already in disarray. Because of her good looks, she was molested several times on the way to escape. If she hadn't been so quick-witted, she might not have known which wilderness she died naked in.

She has been coming to Magneto to dominate this base in central South America. With her excellent communication and learning skills and the accounting skills she learned in a large company, she quickly stood out from the crowd of refugees. Became the personal secretary next to Master Magneto.

Compared with other warlords in South America, Magneto Master is quite different.

Other warlords take whatever they want from the residents under their jurisdiction, regardless of whether the residents live or die. If there are not enough soldiers, they will force the young men to go to the battlefield.

With them, a human life is not worth as much as an AK rifle. And many women will also be forcibly bought by them at extremely low prices such as thirty dollars and fifty dollars, and then force them to operate flesh and blood businesses to make money.

Those guys only know how to destroy, they don't know how to build at all. At the same time, there are only various gold, silver, iron and oil mines in his eyes. Then use the mineral deposits to exchange weapons and supplies with European and American companies.

The master of Wanci is different. After he established himself in South America, the first thing he did was farming. That's right, farming in the true sense. The area he chose to take root in is not rich in mineral reserves, but more abundant in water resources and fertile soil. Moreover, it is a large plain, which is naturally suitable for farming.

Moreover, the Master of Magneto did not expand his territory indiscriminately, he maintained careful management on this thousand square kilometers of land.

Now the population of his camp has exceeded 200,000 people. Although he charges extremely high agricultural taxes to the residents under his jurisdiction, he has to take almost half of the remaining agricultural products.

But compared to other warlords, Wan Magne is kind enough to rule here, because at least it is safe here, and there is enough to eat.

Magneto relies on its own ability to build a large number of steel structure houses here to meet the needs of residents. Moreover, the food needed by the major forces in South America is sold through the forces of the Homecoming Alliance, and then exchanged for various means of production.

Here, human beings are at least human beings, even if life is a little harder, at least they still have the basic dignity of human beings. There is no need for a wife to sleep with other men at home to make money, and a husband to watch at the door.

There is also no need to worry that one day the mistress of the warlord will fall in love with his own daughter, and then take someone to take her away forcibly, leaving thirty dollars behind as a so-called [betrothal gift].

Looking around, Master Wanci slowly built a city in this rural area!

There began to be many refugees who came to take refuge here, many of whom were former technical personnel. With their help, Master Magneto built a power station here, as well as a small hardware processing factory, a small fertilizer production factory, a small clothing factory, and so on.

The Master of Magneto began to implement the policy of establishing the [Five Small Enterprises] that was used at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Let this camp become a place like a paradise in South America, where wars are raging and turmoil.

Compared with the bitterness of the people in other regions, the people here can at least have a smile on their faces.

Jasmine has a crush on her boss, and she has a question that has been lingering in her mind: "Chief, you are obviously an outstanding talent, and you have never participated in any war, why does your country want you to be a wanted criminal? Why do you To flee your country?"

Magneto master smiled: "Because what I want is too big, they can't give it."

"What do you want?"

"I want a country, I want to build a country. They can't give it. So I took a chance and ran away. Now I want to build a country in South America according to my vision. Am I wrong?"

Jasmine shook her head hastily: "That's right, absolutely right. Your presence is the hope of this war-torn land!"

Jasmine unconsciously approached the Master of Magnetism. The South American woman was a little enthusiastic. She had long been attracted by the Lord of Magnetism. She wanted to have something to do with him, but when the two slowly approached, a rush of phone calls interrupted her. two people.

Bad news came through the phone: "Boss! There are more than 20,000 members of other armed forces marching towards our base. It looks like a full-scale attack!"

Master Wanci hung up the phone, his face sinking like water. I have always kept a low profile and didn't provoke anyone. And it has been providing food, no one should pay attention to me.

Who the hell is preparing to provoke himself? !

ps: ask for tickets~ ask for tickets~

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