The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 142

"There's another... Luminous food!!" Isshiki Hui's fox eyes showed excitement.

Erina was already prepared, and was not surprised when she saw Liu Xingyao's cooking shine.

"Qiseihua is the ingredients that have [life]... thanks to Shiyi’s gratitude to the ingredients and the superior cooking skills of the seniors, the original [dead] cooking is brought to life. The luminous cooking shows the second life of the ingredients. Awakened!" Erina murmured.

At the same time, in another corner of the conference hall A

Xi Yangxi, with a strange pattern engraved on his face, also came to Conference A. The only person she was interested in this time was Liu Xingyao. After the competition in Conference B was over, she came here immediately.

When seeing Liu Xingyao's cooking on the judging platform glowing, her indifferent eyes finally showed surprise.

"The dish that will shine... really is the owner of Shiyi like the organization intelligence?" Xi Yangxi secretly thought.

Here at the judging platform

The colorful light gradually dissipated after a long time, and the five judges finally slowly lowered their hands covering their eyes.Although the seven colors of light dissipated, the shock in their hearts has not yet dissipated.

"Hey~ This is the first time I have seen a dish that shines!"

"Yeah, what kind of cooking are you cooking!?"

Several judges headed by Senbiao Natsume craned their necks and looked at the dishes in the large bowl before them. They saw a bowl of curry fried noodles in seven colors.

Many students in the audience were surprised when they saw this seven-color curry noodle.

"Wow, it's actually... curry noodles."

"Seven-color curry noodles, and the colors are so bright and distinct. This should be the credit of the seven-color spice just now?"

Liu Xingyao finally said, "This is the [Colorful Curry Noodle] I made. Of course, you can also call it the strongest curry noodle in the mainland-[Mainland Hero Noodle]!"

"Big...Mainland hero face? Um... Isn't it a bit exaggerated? Besides, it's just a few colors on the ordinary curry noodles." said one of the passerby judges.

Senbiao Xia Ya had a pair of eyes on the colorful curry noodles in front of her, and she was very puzzled: strange... the fragrance of the colorful mixed spices just now is so strong, it is logical that it will be after the curry noodles are made. It should be filled with the unique scent of the mixed spice... But why is the taste of this spice so weak?And... this side...

Shigeru Koda picked up a piece of noodles made by Liu Xingyao and looked at it before his eyes. Only then did he realize that this fried noodle was very different from other fried noodles!

The first difference is naturally the difference in color, and then the thickness of the curry noodles.

"This fried thick!!"

That's right, Liu Xingyao's fried noodles are at least 3 times larger than other ordinary fried noodles.

The foodie Gangsakamaki looked at the fried noodles in front of him and did not rush to eat, but looked at Liu Xingyao and asked: "You said that the fried noodles you make are the strongest fried noodles in the mainland, and it is also the mainland hero curry noodles fried noodles! I take the liberty of it. A few questions, except for the color and thickness of your fried noodles, what do you want to use to prove that this is a hero curry noodle?"

The corner of Liu Xingyao's mouth rose slightly, and said lightly: "Is it the strongest curry noodles in the mainland? It's useless to say more. After the taste, everything is clear to you 097!"

Seeing Liu Xingyao's "pretending" expression, Kota Shigeyuki said with a slight anger on his face: "Boy, I don't want to talk about our identity for the second time. We have eaten and seen countless high-end dishes, even those famous The celebrity chefs dare not say that their cooking is the strongest in the mainland... and your little curry noodles dare to be called [the strongest]! Hehe, I think your curry noodles can score 60 points already Not bad..."

"Okay, let's try it first!" Qianbiao Xiaya couldn't wait to taste the cooking of the person who had been waiting for a long time. She wouldn't think that the cooking made with seven or seventy-nine kinds of mixed spices would only have this level. That's it!

How does it taste... Is it the strongest curry noodle?

The five judges, including Natsuya Senbori and Shigeru Koda, first put the seven-colored and very thick fried noodles in their mouths and tasted them carefully!

At the auditorium

"It's really weird..." Sazao Toshi looked at the cooking counter in the distance and wondered.

When Daigo Aoki and Shoji Sato heard Sasaya Toshi's words, they couldn't help turning their heads, looking at him questioningly, and asked, "Saojun, what's wrong?"

[Pictures in this chapter are for reference only~~ It’s a bit different from the protagonist’s cooking. After searching for so long, I found such a suitable one~]

Chapter 198 Ambition in Cooking

Toshi Sasaya was very puzzled: "I just saw that the ingredients prepared by the senior Xingyao included A5 beef, fish, and other spare ingredients. But beef and fish are not visible in the fried curry noodles. There is no filling, only fried noodles..."

When Toshi Sasaya said this, Daigo Aoki and Shoji Sato reacted.

"I heard what you said... I just remembered that Xing Yaojun just took out A5 beef? Strange, where did the beef go?" Aoki Dawu was puzzled.

"Such thick fried noodles...could it be!!!" Toshi Sasaya had already guessed something in his heart, but at this moment, several judges screamed.


Everyone followed the prestige, and saw the judges Shigeru Koda and Kosaka Kanato both sticking out their tongues at the same time, looking frightened.Seeing the strange behavior of the two, everyone in the auditorium was shocked.

"Huh? Why do you stick your tongue out?"

With a drop of sweat hanging on his forehead, Senbiao Natsume placed a thick curry noodle in front of his eyes, and saw a white liquid flowing from the inside of the curry noodle.

"Really... it's so amazing that the noodles were rolled into a spiral and fried into hollow and thick noodles! And... there is lava-like glaze in it."

After Qianbiao Xiaya had finished speaking, everyone in the audience was shocked again, and at the same time, many people's doubts were solved.

"Is the inside of this curry noodle hollow? What's the matter!?"

"It turns out that... the curry glaze was not poured on the noodles, but was poured directly into the noodles without a common sense! It's... really amazing, you deserve to be the master!"

It turns out that Kosaka Makito and Kada Shigeru Kazuka would stick out their tongues just now because they underestimated the glaze inside the curry noodles, which burned their tongues!

Here in Jixingliao

"Sure enough, the reason why the curry noodles made by Xingyao-senpai is so thick is because the glaze and ingredients are put inside the curry noodles!" Toshi Sasao exclaimed, and his face was still excited. .

This time, Kosakaman and Shigeru Koda carefully put a few thick curry noodles in their mouths, and they both tasted them carefully.

"There are so many ingredients hidden in this curry noodle... chopped up flounder, crucian carp, bamboo shoots, cabbage, fungus, vermicelli, what a refreshing and thick piping hot dish!" Shigeru Koda closed his eyes and enjoyed it. Said.

"It is a refreshing and high-quality taste that fills the entire mouth when eaten. With the strong chewiness of the noodles, everything is cleverly integrated. This can match the noodles and the glaze so well. What is it? What's the secret?" Shigeru Koda said he didn't know the mystery of this side!

Senbiao Natsume is known as the "Queen of Curry" and has an extraordinary understanding of curry. She can only hear the taste of curry with her eyes closed: "The thick taste of noodles is...that should be A5. Beef...and what makes beef blend perfectly with a variety of ingredients and glaze is the seven-color blend of spices sprinkled on the dough at the beginning!"

"It turned out that the A5 beef was chopped and mixed into the flour at the beginning. The beef and 7749 kinds of spices were kneaded into this special dough... The noodle itself should have been adjusted in taste, but he did not press it. The common reasoning is done by pouring the drenching material, which brings the deliciousness and novelty of this dish to the next level!" Qianbiao Xiaya said with a look of intoxication.

After listening to Qianbiao Xia Mei's explanation, the audience members, especially the members of the Gourmet Research Association, once again expressed excitement.

"This...this kind of cuisine, I really haven't seen or heard of it before. It's... really worthy of our master!"

Ye Shanliang, who is not far from the judging platform, also has a few drops of sweat on his face, and he secretly said: In fact, the key to the perfect combination of drenching, various ingredients and flour is the use of [Qiseihua] and Qi A mixed spice made of seven or forty-nine kinds of mixed spices... Using this mixed filling as the axis, the taste of the dishes will be more profound!

There is also the cooking technique that surprised everyone...the ingredients are poured into the curry noodles...this bold technique, and it is on the huge stage of the autumn trial!

"This guy... unexpectedly cooks such dishes like this!" Ye Shanliang exclaimed in his heart, and at the same time he looked at Liu Xingyao's back and felt how powerless.

In a short while, the five judges actually finished all the curry noodles made by Liu Xingyao, there was no waste!For the five judges who have tasted more than 20 dishes, they should not be able to eat so many things...

"You...your name is Liu Xingyao, right? Before you rate me, I have a question to ask you." Shigeru Koda looked at Liu Xingyao and said slowly, "You call this curry noodle you made from the beginning. Heroic side, what does this have to do with mainland heroes?"

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