The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 143

When eating food, gourmets should not only taste the taste, but also delve into the local culture of the food itself.

Qianbiao Xiaya looked at Liu Xingyao tightly with a pair of beautiful eyes, waiting for his next words.

Liu Xingyao slowly raised his head and glanced around at the audience. Then he slowly said: "In the history of China, there was an era called the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period. They were the seven most powerful vassals during the Warring States Period. They are Qin, Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao, and Wei. These seven countries are called "Seven Heroes of the Warring States" by historians."

"These seven countries once ruled the entire mainland of China... But whether it is in China or elsewhere, the ruler of the mainland will always only need one person, so in the end all countries except Qin were wiped out..." Dang said When he got here, Liu Xingyao glanced at everyone present again, a powerful momentum rose from his body, and he could only hear him continue: "And the man who led Qin to eliminate the other six countries was the first emperor of China- Emperor Qin Shihuang!"

Although most of the people present were Japanese and knew nothing about Chinese history, it was not difficult for them to hear what Liu Xingyao wanted to express.

When I heard this, Qianbiao Xiaya suddenly understood, and looked at Liu Xingyao with appreciation in her beautiful eyes, and said, "That’s the case, so you use ingredients as a metaphor, flounder, crucian, bamboo shoots, cabbage, fungus There are six kinds of materials for fans, which represent the six countries outside [Qin]."

Chapter 199: Unexpected Results

"The six ingredients in curry noodles represent the other six countries except [Qin]. However, the six ingredients are wrapped in beef and flour mixed with spices. Your curry bread contains the meaning of all the sauces and ingredients. , This is why you call him the most walled wall in the mainland, right? Classmate Xing Yao!" Qianbiao Xia Ya looked at Liu Xingyao with a smile on her face.

Before Liu Xingyao could speak, Shigeru Kota propped his chin with both hands and said, "That's it... I happen to have a little research on Chinese cuisine and Chinese history. I also know what you said about Qixiong and Qin Shihuang! If this is the case, you curry noodles. It’s no exaggeration to become the strongest curry noodle in the mainland! It’s great, young people, you have very ideas!"

Liu Xingyao made this luminous dish [Colorful Curry Noodles] not made by the recipe given by the God of Cookery system, but relying on his own strength to make a luminous dish with "Shi Yi" Shilin Temple’s treasure, Qi Se Hua. .It can also be said that this dish is Liu Xingyao's breakthrough dish...

Liu Xingyao slowly raised his head, and said loudly: "This kind of face represents strength, and it is also the strength that everyone in Yuanyue needs. The commander of the school said that Yuanyue does not need incompetent people. In the era of competition, only those who have this kind of power that can swallow others can survive in a place where Yuanyuezheng is weak and strong 780."

Liu Xingyao's words contained absolute self-confidence and strong momentum, and everyone trembled slightly after hearing these words.

And one of the judges, Kosaka Juan, directly slapped the table and said loudly: "It's a good thing, based on what you said, I will give you full marks!"

The Hong Kong scroller directly scored 20 points on the scorer Liu Xingyao!

"Although I don't want to admit it... but you are the first student to get a perfect score from me!" Shigeru Koda also gave Liu Xingyao 20 points!

"It's not just Yuanyue. Today, the curry world and even the cooking world need this kind of [power], and even someone with great goals like you... I will give you full marks too!" Senbiao Xia Ya also gave Liu Xingyao 20 points. .

The fourth judge was also moved by the dish Liu Xingyao made, and directly awarded Liu Xingyao 20 points!

Finally it was the fifth judging, and it was also the passer-by judge. I saw that he hadn't graded Liu Xingyao's work for a long time.

"Although the originality of this noodle is very good and delicious, there is nothing to say... its moral is also inspiring, but... but I don't like eating noodles recently... Forget it, in order not to make him proud, I will give him 19 points..." Passerby The judge said to himself, when he was about to score 19 points, he suddenly felt four pairs of murderous eyes staring at him.

The corners of the passer-by judge's mouth kept twitching, and finally, forced by the other four judges, they gave Liu Xingyao 20 points.

All five judges gave full marks, and finally Liu Xingyao's score was naturally 100 points!

With a "ding", the big screen directly displayed Liu Xingyao's final score, the three-digit score is conspicuous!

"1...100 points?!"

"I...I rely on! Full score!?"

"All five judges gave full marks...Oh my God!!"

The moment the score was announced, the entire A conference hall was directly exploded, and the members of the Gourmet Research Association roared with excitement.

The full-point cuisine was born, this is the first full-point cuisine born since the autumn trials!

And when Ye Shanliang looked at the conspicuous three-digit number on the big screen, his fists clenched and made a "creaking" sound... Although he didn't eat Liu Xingyao's [Colorful Curry Noodles] by himself, he only relied on Nayou 49 He has already lost the mixed spice made of three kinds of spice...The self-proclaimed "Smell of God" can only make 28 kinds of mixed spice.

"If this is the case, Xing Yaojun is undoubtedly the first place!" Dago Aoki looked at the score panel and said.

The current rankings of Conference A are as follows: Liu Xingyao ranked first with 100 points without suspense, Ye Shanliang ranked second with 94 points, Chuangzhen ranked third with 93 points, and fourth was Kurokichang Ryo with 91 points. The next order is Sakura Ryoko 90 points, while Ibuzaki and Marui both have 88 points.

"Sorry, I squeezed you down!" Chuang Zhen walked up to Ibu Saki and Marui, and felt sorry for the back of his head.

After hearing this, Liu Xingyao couldn't help but laughed and said: "I'm not embarrassed to say that this is a competition, so don't take it too seriously.

Ryoko Sakura also nodded and said, "Although I regret not being able to enter the finals with Xing Yaojun, I am very satisfied to be able to participate in the autumn trials this time!"

Marui helped the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said without paying attention: "Sure enough, Chuangzhen and Xing Yaojun are both in the finals!"

"Yes! Although I am very unwilling, but this is nothing else!" Itake Saki was rather helpless.

While Liu Xingyao was chatting with Marui, Chuangzhen, Iwuzaki and others, a tall figure passed by several people.The dark horse in Group A finally came out!


Finally, all the entries in Group A have been judged, and everyone was surprised to say nothing when looking at the scores on the big screen!!

"Ah... in the end... it was so..."

"Then...who is that called Mei Zuoang?"

That's right, the last guy in Group A is Mi Sakuang, who tied with the original fourth Ryo Kuroki with 91 points!

"In this case... Kurokiba Ryo is going to vote with Misakuang!"

"No...No, it seems that the same happened in Group B! I remember that if there are two people tied for fourth in Group A and Group B at the same time, there will be no voting..." a student in the audience shouted. .

Inspector’s room, Erina

"Oh, what I expected has really happened, so there is no need to go to the [Vote Showdown]!" Isshiki Hui Fox smiled.

Erina was also surprised secretly in her heart. In this autumn trial, not only did a perfect dish that hadn't appeared before, but also the fourth group of A and B had the same score!Originally, only 60 people entered the 8 trials, but in the end, there were special circumstances and they were directly promoted to 10 people!For this result, no one expected it!

In this way, the finalists who entered the autumn trial finals finally came out. There are 5 people in Group A: Liu Xingyao (100), Ye Shanliang (95), Chuangzhen (94), Kurokiba Ryo (91), and Misaku Subaru (91).The top 5 people in Group B: Xi Yangxi (96), Alice (95), Scarlett (92), Takumi (9 points), Tian Suohui (91)!

Chapter 200 The End of the Budget Game

Yuanyue, in the school commander's office

The autumn trials of A and B were over, and the 10 finalists were quickly sent to Nagiri Senzaemon.

When Nagiri Senzaemon looked at the list of 10 people in front of him, his wrinkled face was filled with joy and expectation.

"The birth of the full-point cuisine... The tied scores of Group A and Group B... All of this shows that this 92 period is the era of jade!" Nakiri Sen~zaemon couldn't help sighing.

"Liu Xingyao... colorful curry noodles... the heir to Shiyi? The shining bright star from mainland China will one day light up the hazy sky of Totsuki and the entire cooking world!" Nageki Senzaemon murmured- .


After the preliminaries, everyone began to exit slowly, some were happy and some were worried!

"Ryoko is a little happier, and there is nothing regrettable about losing after working hard. Right!" Liu Xingyao comforted Ryoko and said.

Others may not be able to see that Ryoko Sakura is depressed, but Liu Xingyao can clearly feel the sadness of her losing the election.

No wonder Ryoko Sakura is like this. She is fifth in Group A, and she is only one point short of it. Even if it is one more point, she may enter the finals...

Sakura Ryoko smiled reluctantly and raised her head to look at Liu Xingyao and said, "If you are to blame, you can only blame your poor cooking skills, but I am very satisfied to be able to play in the autumn trials! Xingyao-kun, you must take the next finals. It’s a championship!"

Liu Xingyao nodded and smiled: "Don't worry, I will bring your share to cheer!"

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