The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 146

Although everyone’s views on Marui have indeed changed, everyone in Pole Star Liao still gathered in Marui’s room for granted... and they didn’t tell him in advance~~~

Soon the atmosphere in the room became active, and two or three people started chatting together.

"This plate of duck meat is super good and very high-end!" Mito Yumei exclaimed, looking at the plate of roast duck in Yoshino's hands.

Yoshino suddenly smiled and said, "Hey, you really deserve the 643 meat dishes specialty, I actually took a look and saw it."

And here, Takumi was chatting with Ryoko Sakura.

After listening to Ryoko Sakaki's words about the role of [Koji], Takumi was slightly surprised: "Oh... So Koji still has such a role... It's really interesting, but then again, you are only one point away from entering the finals. It's a pity."

Hearing that Takumi said this, Sakura Ryoko looked sad and reluctantly smiled: "No way~ There are too many powerful people in Group A. In addition to Xingyao-kun, there are Chuang Zhenjun and Ye Shanliang...and that. The person named Kurokiba Ryo is also very powerful!"

"En...A meeting place is indeed a death meeting place!"

Takmi had just finished speaking, but Isshiki, wearing a loincloth, came to him and brought a plate of cooked dishes to him and said: "You are welcome, please eat more. Your first time Come to Jixingliao, have fun!"

Takumi looked at Isshihui's naked apron lost for a moment before he recovered, and hurriedly said, "Ah...ok, okay, thank you for the hospitality of Isshiki-senpai!"

After Isshiki Hui delivered the cooked food to everyone, she turned and walked out of the room.

It took a long time for the Aldini brothers and Mito Yumi to look at Isshiki Hui who was leaving while wearing a naked apron.

Chapter 203 "Star Spice" 1/2 (4 more)

Both the Aldini brothers and Mito Yumei came to Pole Star Liao for the first time. When they saw Issehui's naked apron, the three of them were sweating on their foreheads, and they were all embarrassed in their hearts.

"A big man wandering around in a naked apron, why didn't half of them raise questions...?" Mito Yumei blushed and thought to himself.

And Takumi's thoughts at the moment are similar to Mito Yumei, but she didn't expect Isshiki to wear so unrestrainedly in the bedroom.

"But then again, at the end of the preliminaries, an unexpected guy was killed." Sakura Ryoko said suddenly.

Liu Xingyao, Chuang Zhen and others in Division A naturally also know who the "ambush" mentioned by Ryoko Sakura refers to!

Chuang Zhen held a glass of rice wine in his hand and said, "That big man named Mei Zuoang is indeed an unexpected guy!"

Yoshino also spoke at this time: "That person has many mysteries... We often hear some bad rumors about him. I heard from my friends that that person seems to be related to a dangerous organization... I also heard about him. Destroyed a gang, and my friend said that he had killed a bear with one punch after seeing him!"

Sakura Ryoko glanced at Yoshino with suspicion, and said, " told me this afternoon that it was a cow that was killed. Why did you turn into a bear again at night?"

Hearing this, Takumi couldn't help but speak, "And our B division also...the first place actually appeared at the end..."

"Classmate Aldini, are you talking about the player named Xi Yangxi?" Tian Suohui said.

Tacomi nodded: "That person is ridiculously strong, but he feels...very weird!"

Yoshino also belongs to Group B with Takumi Wada Sorui, and has a deep impression of Xi Yangxi who played last.

"Can the guy with the strange pattern engraved on his face not be weird? It was really killed at the last minute," Yoshino said unhappy.

"A woman with a pattern on her face..."

Liu Xingyao suddenly remembered the person that all the contestants saw when they assembled in the moon sky.

"Could it be her! She is actually the first place in the b conference hall?" While Liu Xingyao was surprised in his heart, he became more curious about this woman named Xi Yangxi.

"Because the two groups A and B got out of the dark horse at the last minute, the finals that should have been promoted by 8 people became 10 people!" Mito Yumei also said.

After hearing Mito Yumei's words, Yoshino didn't even think about it, "Isn't this great? Let more people have the opportunity to show in the autumn trials..."

"is it?"

But as everyone knows, with the addition of two people, the competitiveness of the finals has also greatly increased. The finals will undoubtedly be more cruel than the trials!

At this time, Toshi Sasaya looked at the four beasts suddenly and found that Itake Jun's figure was missing, and he couldn't help but ask: "Right! Where is Senior Itake? I haven't seen him tonight!"

"You mean him!" Yoshino couldn't help but sighed, "I saw him shut himself in the room. Although on the surface it doesn't matter, he is actually very sad and regretful that there is no finals."

Yoshino’s words uttered the sadness of other people, and they were only 1 or 2 points away from entering the finals. The NPC has talents... In this room alone, there are Marui, Isami, Mito Yumei, and Ryoko Sakura.

Of course, Yoshino herself was included, but at this moment, she returned to her formerly pinched and heartless look, and did not notice the loss of others.

"I'm going to drag him out now, there's really no way I can do it with him. Really, although Itake Saki looks cool, but it's actually very childish." Yoshino finished speaking and walked outside the door. Walked to Ibusaki's room.

After Yoshino walked out of the room, Isshiki Hui came in with a few dishes and a bottle of drink, and put it on the table before speaking: "The final knockout will be held in two weeks! This time, except for Erina, the current Yuanyue’s strongest decisive battle among all first-year students!"

"Come on, brother!" Isami said to Takmi.

"Sure, I will win!" Takumi said, turning his head to Chuangzhen to declare war: "Listen to Xingping, if you lose to someone else before the duel with me, I am I won't forgive you."

"Ah... it's just what I want, but what you just wanted to say is what I want to say to Xing Yaojun..." Chuang Zhen also looked at Liu Xingyao seriously and said: "Xing Yaojun, let us both Let’s have another try at the autumn trial. I’m looking forward to competing against you on such a big stage. Thinking about it, I’m excited!"

Liu Xingyao nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, let's cheer together! No matter who we meet in the finals, we must do our best!"

"Okay! Let's work hard together!"

After that, the banquet of this autumn trial lasted until late at night.The Aldini brothers and Mito Yumei did not go home either, and Mrs. Wen Xu arranged a room for them to rest in Jixingliao for one night.


Because the finals of the autumn trials will be held two weeks later, nothing special happened in these few days. Everyone in Jixingliao also spent a week peacefully.

Until this morning, a news broke the tranquility of Ji Xingliao again.

"Big news!!"

It was a quiet morning but was broken by Yoshino's loud roar.

With a newspaper in his right hand, Yoshino kicked open the door of the Jixingliao restaurant. In the restaurant, Liu Xingyao, Ryoko Sakura, Tian Suohui, Mrs. Fumio, and Toshi Sasaya were eating breakfast.

"Super... super big news!" Yoshino ran out of breath.

"Yoshino...what's wrong with you?" Sakura Ryoko asked.

Without saying anything, Yoshino put the newspaper in his hand on the table and said, "Read it for yourself!"

Everyone moved their heads together, looked at the newspaper in front of them, and saw that the headline headline of the newspaper was "The hub company is attacking, [Yao

Spices] Occupy the world of spices"!

Everyone, including Liu Xingyao, looked at this title for a long time!

"Star...Xing Yao Spices!!"

The group hurriedly looked at the introduction at the back of the newspaper. It turned out that after Liu Xingyao gave the ingredients of 49 kinds of mixed spices to Qianbiao Xiaya a few days ago, she invited many experts to study the formula of this mixed spices that day.The results of the research by the experts are the same as Qianbiao Xiaya expected. This spice blend is indeed a miracle in the spice world!

Chapter 204 "Stars and Spices" 2/2 (1 more)

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