The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 147

After looking for someone to determine the value of Liu Xingyao's mixed spices, Qianbiao Xiaya named the spices made of 49 kinds of mixed spices as [Xingyao Spices], and then began to produce them in large quantities and market them!

Hub has a big reputation and monopolizes the entire spice market in Japan. Although the first batch of "Xingyao Spices" had a production volume of several million, they were robbed within half a day!At the same time, people who have used this spice are calling for it.Because the scent of this spice is more delicious than any spice they have eaten before... Some people like to compare it to the taste of heaven. Although it is a bit exaggerated, people who have eaten it are not unfavorable!

After the first batch of "Xingyao Spices" was robbed in half a day, the hub company began to produce the second batch. Although 800W was produced this time, the heat of the spices far exceeded their imagination. It was snapped up again in a few days, and the hub company received pre-orders from hundreds of manufacturers for several days.

In just a week, the brand "Xingyao Spices" has been completely launched, and no one in the whole spice market is unaware of the existence of this kind of spice.

After reading this newspaper's introduction, everyone in Jixingliao was surprised for a while.

"I... my 370 days... Is Xing Yaojun's blended spices so popular? Actually sold 10 million copies in a week?" Ryoko Sakura said in a muted voice.

Seeing this, Mrs. Wen Xu looked at Liu Xingyao and asked, "Xingyao, are you cooperating with the hub company?"

"Well, yes! I sold the blended spice formula to the hub company, and after making a profit, we will be layered 55!" Liu Xingyao said honestly.

When Yoshino heard it, after half a ring, he raised his finger and started to calculate, and said: "Let me do the calculation...a [Xingyao Spice] sells for 400 yen, then Xingyao Jun can get 400 yen... According to the newspaper, 10 million copies have been sold in the past few days... Then 1000WX200 yen =???

"...Okay, a lot of money, I can't count it anymore~" Yoshino's eyes changed to a yen sign.

In fact, Liu Xingyao was very surprised in his heart. He really underestimated the role and ability of this hub company in the spice market. He could produce more than 10 million copies of this mixed spice in just over a week. …

The more you sell, the more beneficial it will be for Liu Xingyao, because the more money you will get then!Nowadays, Liu Xingyao's main source of money is the "Xingyao Spice" that the fried chicken nugget shop cooperates with the hub company.

If we continue to develop at this speed, Liu Xingyao believes that it won’t take long to make up enough money to buy the entire Jixingliao!

Three days later

After running in the morning and doing hundreds of push-ups, Liu Xingyao had just returned to the bedroom from the bathhouse, and the phone on the bedside rang again.

Liu Xingyao picked up the phone and found that it was Xia Ya Qianbiao calling.

Liu Xingyao immediately connected the phone and said, "Good morning sister Xia Ya."

On the other end of the phone, Qianbiao Xiaya’s charming voice came immediately: "Brother Xingyao, good morning~ It seems that you are already up. You must have seen news reports about [Xingyao Spices] these days. Is something wrong..."

"Hehe, I saw it! However, Sister Xia Ya named the blended spices after me, which surprised me!" Liu Xingyao smiled.

"Glitter~~" A series of laughter came from the other end of the phone, before she said, "Brother Xingyao, that was originally something you invented, and it is reasonable to use your name. Okay, today Are you free? Sister, I have something to discuss with you today!"

"Oh, I'm free!"

Qianbiao Xia Ya immediately said with joy: "That's great, I will send someone to Jixingliao to pick you up to the company!"


About 20 minutes after Liu Xingyao hung up, a blue limousine stopped at the gate of Jixingliao.After talking to Mrs. Wen Xu, Liu Xingyao rode a blue car towards the headquarters of the hub company.

Hub Corporation Headquarters, Thousand Watches Building

Top 100F, General Manager's Office

"Mr. Xingyao wait a moment, the president is in the conference hall now, I will tell her now." An employee of the hub company said to Liu Xingyao very politely.

Liu Xingyao nodded, and faintly responded.

After the Hub staff left, only Liu Xingyao was left in the general manager's office of the University.Liu Xingyao then took a look at the layout of the general manager's office.

This office is decorated with a strong and simple style, classic furniture, leather sofas, a rosewood tea table on the coffee table, and the tea cups on the side are all first-class blue and white porcelain.

Behind the general manager's desk is a row of bookcases with various management books neatly placed inside. A closer look at the bookshelves reveals that there is ancient Chinese history.

With curiosity, Liu Xingyao took down this "Ancient Chinese History" and read it. The bookmark in the book happened to be in the history of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period.

Seeing this, Liu Xingyao couldn't help but secretly guess that Qianbiao Xiaya specially went to see ancient Chinese history after eating his own cooking?

"Hehe... It seems that the president of this hub is really easy to learn!" Liu Xingyao thought to himself.

Liu Xingyao put the history book back on the shelf. When he was about to go to other parts of the general manager’s office, suddenly there was a clear clatter of high heels at the door. Soon, Qianbiao Xiaya appeared in a white business suit. Liu Xingyao's sight.

Seeing Qianbiao Xia Ya dressed like this, Liu Xingyao's eyes lit up!Because Qianbiao Natsume in front of me is completely different from the one who was judged before!I saw that the white professional women's clothing perfectly highlighted Qianbiao Xiaya's colorful figure, and the erected collar fully highlighted her elegant temperament.With the whole set of clothes set off, she is more of a strong woman.

However, Liu Xingyao only looked at Qianbiao Xia Ya with appreciation and moved away from her.

"Brother Xingyao, I'm so sorry to keep you waiting!" Qianbiao Xiaya said that when he came to the cafe, he personally ran a good cup of tea for Liu Xingyao and brought it to Liu Xingyao.

"Brother Xing Yao, don't be polite, taste the tea that I have kept for a long time." Qianbiao Xiaya said.

After Liu Xingyao nodded and sat down, he slowly drank a sip of tea. The tea had a faint fragrance. After drinking it without astringent mouth, the aroma remained on the tip of the tongue for a long time.Needless to say, this tea is naturally a good tea.

Chapter 205 Buying Jixingliao

"Although I don't know much about tea, the taste and aroma of this tea are indeed good tea!" Liu Xingyao praised.

After taking a sip of tea, Qianbiao Xiaya slowly said: "This tea is called [Hongye Qingcha], and its price is 30 times that of Pu'er tea! Ordinary people generally don't know the existence of this kind of tea..."

Liu Xingyao looked at the teacup. The red tea leaf was very green and there was a little red at the tip of the tea leaf.

"Hongye green tea? I have never heard of this kind of tea before... But I think Sister Xia Ya didn't just ask me to taste this superb tea today, right?" Liu Xingyao smiled. Looking at Qianbiao Xia Ya said.

Qianbiao Xiaya smiled, then took out a small envelope from the drawer and sent it to Liu Xingyao.

"this is?"

"There is a bank card in it. You will get half of the profit after the sale of [Xingyao Spices] as agreed in the previous contract. There are already 50 million yen in this card (after personal income tax). , Is the money you should get after Xingyao Spices made a profit last week." Qianbiao Xiaya said.

In just one week, Liu Xingyao earned 50 million yen, which is a sum of money that ordinary people cannot earn for a lifetime!And Lu Xingyao only took a week, and only gave a spice recipe!

"Brother Xingyao, you have to take good care of this bank card. I will use this bank card for all the money you deserve when Xingyao Spices are sold!" Qianbiao Xia reminded.

Liu Xingyao took the envelope over and said, "Then I would like to thank Sister Xia Ya, let's have a good time together!"

"Brother Xingyao, it's not just a bank card in the envelope... You open it and have a surprise!" Qianbiao Xiaya said to Liu Xingyao with a playful smile on his face.

After hearing this, Liu Xingyao opened the envelope with doubts. In addition to a black bank card, there was actually a piece of paper inside.When Liu Xingyao saw what was on this little piece of paper, he was stunned for a while!

"This...this is!!!"

Rao, Liu Xingyao, who was so calm in the past, couldn't calm down even after seeing this thing, and at the same time there was a look of joy on his face!

"Jixingliao's real estate certificate... Could it be said that Sister Xia Ya, you bought Jixingliao from Yuanyue!?" Liu Xingyao asked Qianbiao Xiaya in surprise.

That's right, in addition to a bank card, there is actually a real estate certificate from Jixingliao!Unexpectedly, Qianbiao Xiaya actually bought Jixingliao...

Qianbiao Xiaya supported her chin with her right hand, enjoying Liu Xingyao's surprised look.

"Why, doesn't Brother Xingyao like the gift I gave you. Isn't one of your goals to buy Jixingliao?" Qianbiao Xiaya stared at Liu Xingyao.

"Gift?" Liu Xingyao was surprised again, and suddenly felt that something was wrong and asked, "Wait...wait, how did Xia Ya know that I want to buy Jixingliao? Could it be..."

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